Osten watched the gamut of emotions that crossed her face. Everything about her was so expressive. He saw the way she sucked on her full lower lip while she listened to the person on the other end. Her eye corners crinkled when she smiled, along with the bridge of her cute nose.
Sitting in the back of a high school lab room, Osten found himself aroused by the natural grace and beauty of the woman with him. Closing his eyes, he looked away from her. He had to get himself back under control before he embarrassed himself.
“Sorry about that,” she told him as she took her stool again.
“No need to apologize. I’m the one intruding into your lunch.” He took a drink of water and watched as heat flared in her gaze when he licked a drop off his lip. His erection pressed against the confines of his uniform.
“No intrusion,” CJ hastened to assure him.
The bell rang, causing them both to jump. “Well, thank you for lunch,” Osten offered as he helped her put things in the trash.
“Thanks for the company.” CJ cleared her throat and took another drink of water.
Together they walked up to the door. Osten snuck another look at her face and had to fight his desire to kiss her pouty lips. “See you around.” He slipped out the door and flowed toward his table. Each motion was flawless.
She didn’t step out of her class for the rest of the day. Osten watched her door, but never saw her. He waited until the halls had cleared a bit before he gathered up his box and walked to her door, knocking on the frame.
“Come on in,” she called.
Stepping in the room, he gazed about and found her in the back of the room putting some items in a locked cabinet. “Thought I’d take you up on that offer,” he said, his smooth timbre moving across the large room.
That brought her head around. “Osten,” she said with a grin. “Place it anywhere you like.” She faced her cabinet again. “Unless you want it double-locked.”
Osten placed the box beside her desk and walked through the sterile tables to where she stood. Hop-ping up onto a stool, he ogled her unobserved. Her body was toned and fit. She was beautiful. “No need for that, it’s just pamphlets and such.”
Facing her shelves, CJ fought for sanity. Her knees just about gave out when she heard his silvery voice in her room. This attraction was crazy. Then with him being so close behind her, she wanted to crumple just to see if he would put his arms around her and help her up.
“Suit yourself.” One more quick prayer and she was ready to face the man who was fast becoming an obsession to her daydreams. Abigail wasn’t crazy about her pick this time. Turning, CJ was amazed by the amount of desire she saw on the face that met hers. Crossing her arms over her chest, CJ stood there and waited for him to regain control of his emotions. At least I’m not the only one affected here.
“Are you leaving?” his question was raspy.
“Yes. I have to get going.”
He stood in one smooth motion. “I’ll see you out.”
“Ever the gentleman,” she kidded him as they walked to the front of the class.
“Especially with a lady.” He nodded his head toward her.
“Oh, that’s funny.” She put on her jacket and gathered her things before gesturing him to leave the room before her. Damn, but he fills out a pair of pants nicely.
She locked the door and at the main entrance a feminine voice halted them. Abigail. The blonde came scurrying up the hall. “Oh, there you are! I was hoping for a word with you before you left for the day.” After a brief pause she added, “Hello, CJ.”
CJ nodded in return. “Good evening.” Then she walked out into the blustery afternoon. Why does Abigail bother me so much? Oh, right, because she thinks she is better than I am. The frown that crossed her face disappeared the second her gaze settled upon the handsome man standing beside her vehicle.
“Hey, you!” she yelled and quickened her step towards him.
Osten and Abigail walked out in time to see her launch herself into the waiting arms of the man. Abigail smiled while Osten scowled. The man was big, taller than Osten and just as muscular. He had jet black hair and Osten saw he was of Asian descent.