CJ smiled as the strong arms closed around her. She breathed in the scent that had always made her feel so safe. “How are you doing?” she asked, pulling back to place a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Wonderful. Yourself?” His eyes were tender as he looked down at the brown pixie in his arms.
“Good. Busy, but good.”
The callused hand cupped her cheek. “I brought you my Escalade.”
CJ’s eyes grew wide. “What? Why would you do that? I don’t need it.”
The man shook his head, immediately silencing her protests. “There is a huge system moving in. One, your car shouldn’t be out in snow; and two, I want to know you are safe. No arguments from you. I will use my truck.”
“Binh, I don’t want to take your vehicle. At least not that one.”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. It’s been decided.” His finger tapped the end of her nose. “Come on, you need to get out of this wind.”
“When are you going to stop treating me like I’m in diapers?” she grumbled as she followed him over to his black Escalade.
He grinned. “Probably never.” Holding the door for her, he helped her inside and made sure she buck-led her belt.
“I love you. Are you coming for dinner?” CJ asked as she placed her keys in his hand.
“I’ll be there. Six?”
“Perfect. That gives me time to get home and work out before cooking.” She leaned over and kissed him. “Take care of my baby and I will see you later this evening.”
Returning the kiss, he nodded. “I will and I will. I love you too.” He pulled back and shut the door before walking over to the '58 Corvette, unlocking it, and climbing behind the wheel. He left the lot in a flurry of fallen leaves.
In his car, Osten didn’t like the anger he felt pooled in his gut at the sight of CJ in another man’s arms. Admittedly, when he had first met her at Dezarae’s car show he’d only given her a cursory glance until Aidrian began talking to her more. But at Ross and Dezarae’s wedding, he had been smitten by the toffee-skinned temptress who was Dezarae’s maid of honor.
Her dress had hugged her body like a dream. It had been a shade of purple that he still didn’t know; but on her, it was perfect. He hadn’t gotten up the nerve to ask her to dance. Instead, she’d danced with Ernst, who had been the best man, and Aidrian. So he’d just watched her all evening.
Then Osten had seen CJ for a third time at the party his Team had held to celebrate Dezarae and Ross returning home with their son Murdock. As before, he’d spent observing her as well.
And now he had the chance to get to know her better and there was a man in her life. Well, why wouldn’t there be? She was a vibrant, attractive, young woman.
He left the school lot with the scowl still fixed firmly upon his face.
When CJ pulled into the school’s lot the next morning, she watched as the sailor climbed out of his own vehicle. He had a cup of coffee in his hand and he walked toward her as she got out. CJ swallowed to get her emotions under control.
“Morning,” his sexy voice said as he stopped before her.
“Morning, yourself. Aren’t you here a bit early?” she asked with a smile as she locked the SUV.
“I have some students coming in to talk to me and I wanted a chance to see you.” He fell into step be-side her.
CJ fought to stop the trembling. “Really? And what did you need to see me about?”
“I wanted to ask you out.” He raked his gaze over her body. “If you aren’t seeing anyone right now.”
CJ stopped and faced him. One hand settled on her jean-clad hip as she tried to see what his game was. “You wanted to ask me out?”
Nervous, Osten nodded. “I did.”
Walking again, CJ waited for him to open the door to the school and they headed to her classroom. The halls were basically empty at this time; a few students were here but for the most part, their steps echoed in the big building. Stopping at her classroom, she unlocked it and swung the door open, hitting the lights.
Osten followed her in, closing the door almost totally behind him. He watched as she hung up her coat and put her purse in a drawer of her desk. “Well?” he asked, resting a lean hip against her desk.
Sitting up in her chair, CJ put her light eyes on his face. “I don’t normally go out with guys from school, but I guess that wouldn’t really apply to you. So, sure, I’ll go out with you.”
A sexy grin turned up one corner of his mouth, showing her that he definitely had a rakish side. “Wonderful. Tonight work for you?”
Mentally, CJ ran over her schedule. “Later on in the evening, I won’t be leaving the school right away today. Where did you want to meet?”
“I can pick you up,” he insisted.
Hesitating, CJ almost said no when something prompted her to agree. “Okay, let me give you my ad-dress.” Opening a drawer in her desk, she pulled out a pen and paper. She scrawled the information down and handed him the sheet.
“Beautiful,” he said with a wink. “What time?”
Thinking quickly, since her students were beginning to file in the room, CJ answered, “Seven?”
“Great.” He stood up straight and set his coffee on her desk, perfectly aware of the students watching him. Lifting his box in one arm, he spoke, “Thank you for allowing me to keep my stuff here, Ms. Jackson.”
“No problem,” she responded.
Making sure none of the students could see him; Osten boldly raked his gaze over her body again and sent her a candid wink along with a lick of his firm lips. Then he grabbed his coffee and walked out the door.
CJ tried not to squirm in her seat as her students began to ask her questions about the man who’d been in the room. She answered them the best she could, but all she could see was that tongue of Osten Scoleri’s sneaking out to lick her body. Up and down, over and over again.