Another glance through the tinted rear window, the church yard was now empty and the bride and her family had gone inside and the event had started.
It was time to go. She automatically checked her appearance in the mirror and saw that her beautiful face deserved the name she was called 'Ice Queen' which was bestowed on her and she was happy about it because that was exactly the way she felt. Hers was a cool and haughty beauty that stated clearly 'Look but do not touch'.
She felt in control of the situation and this gave her a great deal of satisfaction.
As she got out of the car, she pressed the intercom. On the other side of the partition, a uniformed driver raised his head.
'Turn the car, Lynn,and wait for me here. I shall not be long', she declared in her cool, slightly husky voice and climbed out.
She was glad that all eyes were on the minister and the wedding couple and not in her. She herself looked at the couple, the groom in particular but scarcely appreciated how the suit sat on his shoulders and slim hips.
Her nerves jolted at the sight of him for an instant and in another instant, she was as cool as a cucumber, opening the hymn book as she slipped into a pew.
When she had made her plans, she had been sure that she would do as she had planned. She had no doubts now. Though the flames that fanned her hatred burned inside her, she could not let it overwhelm her.
It had been a long wait but it was almost over.
'If anyone knows why the couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, let them speak or forever hold their peace', the minister said and the familiar tension hung in the air.
The seconds ticked by. The silence lengthened. Relief replaced the tension and it was at that precise moment that Cathy's voice rang out. 'I do'.
There was a moment when the silence deepened with shock and everyone turned toward the rear of the church building where Cathy was standing. She almost laughed at the varying degrees of stunned stupefaction the faces revealed. Then her gaze fixed on one man.
'He can't marry her. He already had a wife - me', she declared and all hell broke loose.
There were people everywhere. Everyone speaking at the same time. Jake Hunt's face was contorted with fury. Cathy walked away in the diversion. She turned back and met those grey eyes that bore into her. A shiver of pure, unadulterated fear ran down her spine. She stiffened, glad that he could not see who she was because of the veil she wore covering her face, because she knew she had just made herself a very bad enemy.
It took a surprising amount of effort to turn back from those mesmerizing eyes but she did and walked away in legs that felt strangely weak. Nobody attempted to stop her and and she walked quickly back to her car and climbed in. She felt hounded but told herself that it was ridiculous to feel that way after only one look.
'You can take me home now, Lynn', she ordered, glad that her voice at least sounded calm and sank against the seat as the car moved smoothly forward.
Closing her eyes, Cathy heaved a deep sign. Finally, it was over. She had fulfilled the promise she had made to herself. She had ruined Jake's life as he had once destroyed hers. Not as devastatingly perhaps but it was enough that he had been given a taste of his own medicine. 'Two can play the game', she smiled to herself.
She wished him joy of what was left. Let the desolation that had once been hers, be his portion now.
Deftly, Cathy rolled the veil from her face. Removed it totally and threw it on the seat beside her. It had served its purpose. She was well known in some circles but she doubted that anyone in the congregation had recognised her - especially him.
She didn't want him to know. She wanted him to wonder and hate her like she had hated him. Nothing less would do. 'You're the best', she recalled her sister telling her. And the silent vow she had taken to do all she could to help Carrie regain her health but she had failed because of one heartless billionaire.
She saw his eye again in her mind, those cold grey promising retribution but she knew he was helpless. She was satisfied with the outcome of her venture. Revenge, she found out had a sweet taste afterall.
Reaching forward, Cathy opened the little bar set in her car and poured herself a small measure of brandy.
To you, Jake Hunt ', She raised her glass in salute. 'May you continue to burn in hell!' She cursed him and with a laugh, swallowed the contents of the glass at a go.
She had known that she was going to succeed in her venture and now that the deed was done, the more reason to celebrate. She was going to be celebrating her Victory, her triumph. And why not do it with a party? she thought. She started mentally arranging for the impromptu party. It was not supposed to be easy but her joy at her success made it worth it all.
'Carrie', she said to herself, 'I have avenged your death and all the injustice we were made to suffer by that son of a gun'.
The car drove into her drive way and she climbed out. Determined to look her best at the party later that evening. Her friend and partner Allys would be helping her out as well as her housekeeper, Linda.
She was going to ensure that the affair was a lavish one. Everyone we ho attended would have more than enough to eat and drink. Money was not an issue. Gone were the days when money had embarrassed and indeed humiliated her, turned her into a beggar but not now. The story has changed and the table turned in her favour.
The party promised to be an unforgetable one, she thought and smiled. Little did she know how true that thought of hers was going to turn out to be.