'It is good that you have a taste of your own medicine', Cathy said, looking him squarely in the eye.
'You do not care t...
A Great Need
Catherine Wells covered her sister Carina Wells with the bed covers. She was trying not to show how desperate she was becoming and how scared too. She had to be strong for her sister, Carrie was now a ghost of her former self, Cathy thought as tears stung her eyes. She could not let Carrie see her tears. She quickly wiped the tears before turning to look at her sister.
'I want to get some drugs that will make you well soon', she said smiling determinedly. 'You will be up on your feetin no time, troubling me the way you usually do'.
Carrie moved her cheek in a shadow of a smile, and nodded. 'Were you crying just now?' she asked.
'Crying', Cathy feighed shock. 'Why would I do that?'
'There really is no need to cry, Cathy', she said. 'I am a big girl and I know that you will take this sickness away', she paused to gain a little strength.
The struggle to speak was visible and it tore at Cathy's heart and caused an unreasonable fear to envelop her. Carrie was going to survive this! she thought fiercely.
'Do not stress yourself talking, sweetheart. Let me go get the drugs and then we can stay together, Okay?'
Again Carrie nodded and beckoned on her big sister. Cathy drew closer to her.
'You're the best, sister. Thank you for taking such good care of me'.
The tears ce then, rolling down her cheek and she brushed them off fiercely. I want to do more for you, plum, she thought, but my hands are tied but I shall definitely make sure I live up to your love and confidence in me.
She hated to leave her like that but she had to act on the idea nagging at her. It was for Carrie's own good afterall.
With one last look, she walked purposefully out the door. On second thoughts though, she went briskly into the flat of her closest neighbour, a young female student called Ema to ask her help with her sister.
'I am sorry to disturb you this way, Ema', she said but please look in on my sister from time to time. I want to go down the street to get something for her and I am afraid she might need something while I am gone'.
'I have a class this afternoon, hope you will not be gone for long?' Ema asked.
'Of course not', she said looking incredulous. 'I will be back before you know it, just as soon as I get what I am going for'.
'It's all right then. I shall stay with her while you are gone but please be back soon'.
Cathy thanked her for being so considerate and hurried away. She hadn't wanted to tell her that she was not going down the street but to visit someone.
Cathy had recalled her father advising them to go to his friend Jake Hunt if they should be in need of assistant. Since she had exausted all her options, she decided to go to the man, praying that the man would be as her father had believed him to be and that he would help. His help, she hoped would go a long way to helping Carrie recover from the strange ailment ravaging her body and killing her slowly.
She looked once more at the address she had got from the directory to ensure she was at the right place and having confirmed that she was, she walked determinedly towards the gate of the hunts and the name 'The Hunts' Mansion', boldly written there like an epitaph.
'Yes, may I help you?' asked the guard at the gate.
'Yes, please', she said politely. 'l would like to see Mr. Hunt'.
'You wish to see Mr. Hunt? Do you have an appointment?' the guard asked.
'No, I don't', Cathy said 'But I have to see him'.
'Is he expecting you?'
'No, but it is quite urgent'.
'Ma'am you can't see him. He isn't even around', the guard said, frowning.
'Please, it is pertinent that I see him', she said desperate now and determined not to leave without seeing Jake Hunt, even if it meant running into the house without the guards allowing.'It is a matter of life and death'.
The guard looked at her sympathetically. He would have really liked to help but the girl seemed not to be listening.
'I really would love to help you, lady but I can't because Mr. Jake Hunt isn't here', the guard said. 'But his....'
'Sanctus!' a man called from inside the building.
'What is the commotion down there all about?' he asked haughtily.
'Excuse me sir, this girl said she needs to see Mr. Jake Hunt and I tried to tell her that she...'
'Let her in immediately', he ordered in a thunderous voice.
Catherine was very happy at being let in. She hurried into the main building, following the directions the guard had giving her. She soon found herself face to face with the man who had come to her rescue by asking her to be allowed in.
'Yes, young lady', he said.' Sounded like you needed to see me. How may I help you?'
'Are you Mr. Jake Hunt?'
'The one and only', he smiled wickedly, raising an eye brow.
' A good day to you, Mr. Hunt', she said glad that she had been able to see and speak to him. 'My father told me I could come to you. I need your help urgently'.
'Wait a minute. Who is your father and what help are requesting?' he asked quietly, eyeing her up and down in a sensual manner.
'Mr. Wells, he was a friend of your. At least that's what she told us before his death. I am here because my sister is critically ill and I need financial help from you, kind sir'.
'How much do you need?' he asked.
Catherine told him, hope visible in her eyes.
'And what makes you think that I have such an amount?' he asked.
Catherine was lost for words. She had been so sure that he was going to have the money to give her and willing to do that as well. She looked at the mansion and could not believe that such a man would not have the money to give her.
'I know because you are about the richest man around. I shall pay back the money, I promise. Just please give it to me, so that my sister can get the treatment she deserves and have a chance to live a healthy life'.
'What makes you think I am willing to give you the money? And how can you pay me back if you cannot even raise it to begin with?' he asked and Cathy coloured. 'Please leave this instant because I could not give my money to such as you. I work for my money and cannot throw it away by giving it to you!'
'Please sir, I will do anything ', she pleaded desperately.
'That's more like it', he leered. 'Are you serious about doing anything?'
'Yes, I could clear the whole garden, sweep the whole expanse of land, anything'.
He started laughing and looking at her lecherously as he said, 'You do not have to do all that. A girl who looks like you do only has to do one thing and that is to follow me upstairs and I shall tell you what I'd like you to do for me....'