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we saw them Thaddeus

Chapter 3

[Seilah point of view]

He just kept sucking my blood when someone spoke behind us.

"Trevor, Go to the library Thaddeus wants to talk to you" even if I don't look I know it's Craider.

"Arrrggg cant you see? I'm drinking istorbo ka"

"Ok, I'll just tell him he's bothering you" she said with a streak of sarcasm.

I even heard Trevor sneer before he disappeared behind me so he grabbed me by the neck.

It looks like I need to escape here immediately because otherwise I will lose blood completely.

I finished what I was washing and went straight to the bedroom, I looked for my suitcase and I found it.

I opened it and looked for my cellphone, when I found it I opened it and dialed Ate Stella's number.

"Hey Seilah" I let go of my cellphone and turned to the door.

I saw Craige smiling at me "can you go with me?" I smiled and nodded "o-oo I'll just fix it" he nodded before closing the door so I rested deeply.

That's almost ah. I took my cellphone and turned it off maybe the next time I just call Ate Stella.

"Craige be careful" I worried to Craige who was currently climbing the tree to get a mango.

"Don't worry about me" he shouted and continued to climb.

I was almost out of breath when one of his legs slipped causing him to fall.

"CRAIGE!" I quickly approached him and attended to him, worried I touched his face "o-ok are you okay?" he opened his eyes.

I was surprised because he sat down before I looked at "who are you?" I frowned.

"hah?" I was surprised when I laughed "a human?" it approached me and pulled my hair so I was swallowed.

I grabbed him by the shoulder as he bit me "don't please" I tried to walk away but he quickly pulled me and bit my neck "a-aahhh ... the pain .." I moaned when I was bitten 'ya na ako.

I was stunned to wonder, why does Craige seem to act differently?

"acckkk ... Craige hurts" it stopped sucking "I like your blood, I want more" it sucked my blood again which I weakened.

I closed my eyes forcefully and let the darkness swallow me.

"It's good and you're awake" Thaddeus said to me when I opened my eyes "get dressed and let's go" he turned his back on me so I looked at the clothes he was taking off on my bed.

Huh? A uniform? I looked out the window and at night "are we going to school at this time of night?" I shrugged before straightening up.

When I went downstairs I saw them all downstairs saying "Hey Seilah" so I looked at Craige waving at me.

I was grabbed by my neck when I remembered that he had bitten me earlier.

"Tsk, can you walk faster? We've been waiting for you here for a while" Craider said rudely so I walked faster.

Xavier approached me "You're coming with me" he held my hand and pulled.

We went to the back of the mansion, he hit something on the wall and I almost dropped my jaw as it slowly opened and we were exposed to the beautiful cars.

He approached the black Lamborghini and entered while I was standing and just looking at him.

I just realized he blew my horn so I went to the second door of the car and entered there.

"I'm not your driver stupid" I stopped sitting and looked at him, I swallowed before exiting and entering next to the driver seat.

While traveling, he was driving quietly while I looked at him.

"Where are we going?"

"Of course in school stupid" I frowned and just looked out the window.

He's been able to call me stupid twice already hah!

"But why do we go to school at night" he looked at me for a moment.

"night school"

"Ah, of course, you're not allowed to shine in the sun" I nodded.

Maya maya lang tumawa s'ya "are you really belive that we vampires are afraid to sun?" he could not believe his harvest.

"o-oo naman" ngumisi s'ya.

"sorry for dissapointing you but that's not true" I was stunned, yes I was with Craige before but he wasn't scared of the sun.

I was slapped on my forehead.

We stopped so I looked around.

He was right in the school we went to.

He came down so I followed, even as I walked I followed him.

When we entered the school, the girls immediately told us what we heard. They all looked at the siblings with stunning looks.

we saw them Thaddeus walking towards us traces of annoyance on their faces as well as Xavier while Trevor on the other hand looks very feel because there is still a wink wink at him to the women.

"Seilah you're going with Xavier and Xerious since the three of you are same class" I nodded to Thaddeus.

Before I knew Xavier, I was distracted when Craige called me.

"bye Seilah!" I waved at it and smiled before they finally left.


I'm sorry if my update is too lame now, I'll get it back later.

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