I hid my suitcase under the bed, I planned to run away with him because my dad was forcing me to marry a man I didn't kn...
They were all looking at me so I turned
Chapter One
[Seilah Point of view]
I looked around as I walked I admit I was especially scared and dark.
What if I meet a ghost or a ghost?
I hugged myself because I was even more scared than I was thinking, I even accelerated my walk.
I wish I had listened to manong, this place looks so dangerous.
I've been walking for a long time so I'm losing hope thinking that I'm lost but the road is straight.
I hope I don't get lost, I stopped walking when the highway was full of trees.
"I'm really lost" I was slapped on my forehead before turning around and looking at what I went through before.
"In case I walked too far and if I get to where Manong dropped me off I still won't be able to ride" I swallowed before going straight to walk.
The fast walk I did while looking around, I feel very very nervous because I feel like someone is looking at me.
I sighed when I got out of the forest and a mansion opened up for me ... Not a palace.
It was so big and there was a fountain outside so I didn't hesitate to open the gate and quickly closed it.
Maybe this is what Ate Stella is saying!
I ran to the big door because I felt someone was still following me.
I knocked three times and looked behind me.
I almost froze in fear of seeing someone following me, it was hooded so I couldn't see the face.
But I only knew this woman, I was back because it was close to the gate of the house.
I lost my attention when the door opened so I looked at it before looking at the woman again but it was no longer in its place before.
I turned around to enter and closed the door, even though it was dark but I still saw that it was a hallway and there were stairs on either side while there was a door in the middle.
"Isn't this a hotel?" my voice echoed around.
I walked to the door but it was closed so I climbed a flight of stairs.
"Is there anyone here?" it looks like no one is here, I might be charged because I just entered someone else's house.
I covered my mouth before coming down again but I remembered the woman outside, what if she hurt me? And it's too late at night to walk in the forest.
Maybe I'll ask those left here to spend the night first.
I nodded and smiled but I still stayed on the stairs because I didn't know where I was going.
"Who the hell are you?" I stopped and looked behind the speaker.
The man with red hair and red eyes came up to me, he looked at me badly while he was making a mess.
"Ah, are you one of those who live here?" he ignored my question and just approached me so I went back in case I forgot I was on the stairs so I was out of balance.
"AHHHH!" I froze before closing my eyes and waited for me to fall but someone grabbed my waist.
"hey, who are you?" he whispered to me and licked my ear so I was dilated and moved away from that person.
I looked at the man who whispered to me, his hair was blue and his eyes were gray.
It made me smile so I avoided looking "Answer my question woman" I almost gasped when I saw the man with red hair behind me.
But how did he get right behind me without me being aware of it? the man with blue hair touched me at the waist before slightly away from the man with red hair.
"Don't scare her Xavier" the man with red hair just scolded her.
I tried to remove his arm from my waist but he tightened it even more.
"Can you let me go?" I asked weakly as I bowed.
I'm afraid of them "What's happening here?" we all looked at the newcomer man.
There were two of them, the one had black hair as well as his eyes while the one who spoke also had black hair but his eyes were purple.
He was also in the mirror, they were looking at us seriously, I felt the man loosen his grip on my waist.
I pulled his arm again and I removed it, I walked away from them before bowing.
I can still feel how they all think of me.
"Who are you?" asked the man in the mirror, I looked up and looked at them.
"I'm Seilah Addison"
"Then why are you here?"
"my sister told me that I can live here" they asked looking at me.
"You will live with us?" the red -haired man grinned.
"That's strange, by the way who is you sister?"
"She's Stella Addison" the man in the mirror frowned.
"I don't know her" he turned around to "follow me" he kept walking so I looked at the three men left.
They were all looking at me so I turned around and ran to follow the man in the mirror.
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