Although he watched me from the corner of his eye, Geo said little for the remainder of the day. I knew I owed him an apology, but I wasn’t ready to give it. The truth was that I didn’t know what to say or how to say it. My pride wouldn’t let me admit that I was a naïve and sheltered girl who’d never been kissed, let alone anything else. I let the moment get away from me. Just thinking of it brought waves of humiliation. I concluded the world he lived in was far more open than my uptight grandparents could have ever allowed.
The more time I spent with him, the more I realized what a baby I truly was. It was both embarrassing and humbling. Every time I imagined the sophisticated and worldly women he’d probably been with and how I paled in comparison, my cheeks grew hot. I couldn’t hide my virginity, but I could at least hide the extent of my naivety from him.
“It won’t be long before we go underground,” he said matter-of-factly, while unpacking the makings of our makeshift camp.
“It’s amazing how you manage to find these little oases in the middle of such desolation,” I said, uncomfortably.
“I had a map,” he confessed before focusing on his task.
Our camp was near a stream that sported a decent population of trout. After building a fire with some twigs he’d gathered, Geo produced a collapsible fishing pole from his sack, brought it to full length and headed for the water.
I sat dejectedly by the fire hugging my knees while I thought through what I could say to break the uncomfortable vibe between us. I wanted to kick myself for reacting like I had. I was certain a sophisticated woman wouldn’t have behaved in such a way.
“Stupid idiot,” I mumbled to myself.
“What?” Geo said as he approached the campfire with three fish in hand. “What did I do now?”
“I wasn’t talking to you,” I said in a tone far harsher than I had intended.
He looked around with bewilderment, “Okay.”
I couldn’t believe how badly things were going. Because of my stupidity, something that should have been star spangling fantastic was nothing more than a tarnished pile of rubble. I could blame no one but me. Worse, I could think of no way to change it; save sacrificing what little pride I had left.
I wasn’t prepared to do that.
I stood up and started for the stream.
“Where are you going?” he barked, more than asked.
“I need to think,” I said.
“It’s getting dark,” he replied.
“I won’t go far,” I assured him.
“The fish won’t take long,” he insisted.
“I won’t be long,” I replied with emphasis.
As I huffed my way down the small slope to the edge of the stream I could hear his grumbling about the impossible task he’d taken on. I assume that task was collecting me for Sybil.
Could things get any worse?
I pulled my shoes off and rolled up my pant legs to just below my knees before wading into the remarkably clear water. It felt cool and soothing. An occasional fish fluttered past my ankles, but I paid them no mind. It was as if an unsaid truce existed between us. I was an outsider in their water world, but I was no threat to them; just as they were no threat to me. For the first time since I’d lain with Geo, I felt a little more like me. I closed my eyes and allowed the water to wash away my anxiety, embarrassment, and shame.
The humming overhead pulled me from my reverie. I looked up just in time to see several drones hovering overhead. As if on cue they darted out of sight, but not before a flash of bright light practically blinded me. Suddenly, Geo was pulling me from the water.
“What’s happening?” I asked breathlessly as I scrambled up the slope behind him. “I need my shoes,” I added.
“We need to get out of sight,” he said with concerned excitement.
He urged me to keep going, assuring me he’d collect my shoes. The speed in which he turned back to scoop up my shoes before catching up with me was nothing short of remarkable. When we were finally nestled deep in the shrubbery, I questioned him about it.
“How are you able to run so fast?” I asked.
“Shhh. Drones can pick up sound,” he hissed.
We were huddled so close; I could feel his rapid heartbeat against my back. His strong arms wrapped around me, possessively, while he nestled his chin below my ear and whispered reassuring words in a tone that was barely audible. It felt secure and cozy. It was as if I was right where I belonged. I leaned against him and took a deep breath. My life was uneventful while in my grandparent’s care. Clearly, meeting Geo changed all that.
I closed my eyes while I tried to relax my body and steady my breathing. The bright light from the drones was probably a flash as they snapped my picture and relayed it back to headquarters. But why? What was the issue with wading in the stream?
When he finally said the drones were gone, it was the first thing I asked him. His response was both confusing and concerning.
“We’re on the border of one of Bartholomew’s encampments. I’d have preferred to take a different route, but I was looking for you for so long and time is running out. This is the quickest route. We’ll have to break camp and leave right away,” he said in response to my question.
I tried to get a better explanation from him, but he was so focused on breaking camp and getting us as far away as possible that I couldn’t get much out of him other than a grunt or two.
My legs were put to the test as I scrambled to keep up with his tireless pace. I was already tired when we’d stopped to make camp. I had no idea how long I would be able to keep going. I said nothing to Geo, but he must have guessed my state of exhaustion. He surprised me by adjusting his backpack and ordering me to climb onto his back. He was actually demanding I let him give me a piggy back ride.
I looked at him long and hard while I assessed the situation. The night was dark and visibility was poor. From what I could tell, we had some rough and rocky terrain ahead of us. I may be scrawny, but carrying just me for a long time would be taxing. It seemed to me that his carrying me with my pack, combined with his own very large pack, would exhaust him in a matter of minutes. It was hardly worth the hassle of struggling onto his back. Yet, I climbed on his back anyway.
I draped my arms around his neck and nestled my chin on his shoulder. I was exhausted. It would take very little for me to fall asleep, even in the position I was in. My legs gripped his torso as he lunged forward in a slow jog. I could feel the rhythm of his strong, well developed muscles as they carried us steadily toward our destination. I closed my eyes and focused on his breathing. It was slow, steady, and effortless.
It wasn’t long before I allowed my body to relax. His hands supported my buttocks when the grip of my thighs loosened. As crazy as it sounds, it actually made me feel comfortable and secure. As a result, I fell into a remarkably deep sleep.
I awoke lying next to Geo in a large soft bed. I had no idea where I was, how I got there, and why I was completely naked. Interestingly, I didn’t care.
The bed was made of a material unlike anything I’d experienced before. It molded around my body like a protective glove. Its coverings were of a smooth, light satin that erotically tantalized my flesh.
I stretch my arms out to my side until my palm rested on Geo’s bare chest. I let it settle against his cool, smooth skin while I watched his slow, rhythmic breathing.
“Good morning,” he muttered, sleepily.
“Good morning,” I replied in a voice just above a whisper. I watched him for a bit longer before asking, “Where are we?”
I waited for a response that I questioned would actually come. Had he gone back to sleep? His breathing certainly indicated it. I decided to get up and check out my surroundings a little. I’d no sooner shifted my weight to lift myself from my cozy cocoon when his strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him.
How do I describe what happened next? It was like a dream, or perhaps a scene from one of the romance stories I downloaded from the internet book stores. It was definitely closer to those wonderfully erotic and girlish dreams I’d had for all those years. The disappointing memories of our first time together were diminished by the deliciousness of the moment. This should have been my first time making love with him.
His normally cool skin was heated by passion. It was in stark contrast to the coolness of the bedclothes, yet just as silky. The sensation was only surpassed by his knowing caress. I was so lost in the bliss of the moment that I barely realized what happened until it was over.
As I lay wrapped in his embrace, while enjoying the sensation of the light kisses his lips left as they traveled my face, neck, and bosom, I was brought back to reality by a knock on the door. Although Geo was undisturbed by the intrusion, my heart picked up speed at the thought of being discovered naked in his bed. This was the moment when my lack of worldliness was painfully clear.
Feeling the tension surge through my body, he looked at me assuringly.
“No one will hurt you here,” he said, softly.
“Where are we?” I practically whispered.
“Wait here,” he said as he leapt out of bed in all his naked glory.
I watch in surprised awe as he nonchalantly meandered across the large room that housed us until he reached the door.
“Who is it?” he asked, while placing his hand on the door knob.
Although the door muffled her voice and I was on the opposite side of a very large room, I was sure I heard a young woman state her name as Julia. Geo unlocked the door and casually walked into a small room that I later learned was his walk-in closet and returned wearing a plush black robe. He looked totally huggable.
I pulled the lightweight satin sheets up to my neck. I was mindful of how they molded to the shape of my nakedness, but was unable to do anything about it. I could feel color rising in my cheeks as Julia’s disdainful eyes slowly traveled the length of my body, as if to emphasize what I already knew. Her look spoke louder than any words could have.
“This is her?” Julia practically hissed.
“Be nice,” Geo said with gentle firmness.
“I take it she came willingly?” she asked.
“She did,” Geo replied.
“With a little persuasion from you, I’m sure,” she added, “You couldn’t control yourself, I see. That’s not going to go over well.”
Geo chuckled, but said nothing as he lowered himself into a chair that was strategically placed near a large window that consisted of glass made with the latest technology our hard-working scientists came up with to combat the remnants of pollution left from the great war. It filtered the harmful rays of the sun as the morning light flooded the room. My grandmother’s enormous greenhouse was made of the same glass since certain plants were still not hardy enough to tolerate the sun’s direct rays.
“Majesty’s eager to see her,” Julia said, bluntly.
“In due time,” Geo casually replied.
Julia raised her brows in surprise. “You’re playing with fire, Geo.”
“Perhaps,” he said as he stood and stretched to his full height. “I can understand Majesty’s eagerness to be reunited with her daughter, but she’ll have to wait just a bit longer.” He walked over and sat at the edge of the bed. Pushing some hair from my face with his finger he added, “Princess is in need of a hot bath and a hardy breakfast. Her journey wasn’t an easy one.” He turned to Julia, “Surely Majesty will understand.”
“Surely,” Julia repeated in an unconvincing tone.
“Tell her we’ll be there in an hour or so,” Geo said in a commanding tone, “and have Gigi bring breakfast.”
“To your room?” Julia asked, incredulously.
Geo nodded.
“Yes master’,” she snapped as she pulled the door shut.
I watched Geo in silence as he slipped his robe off and walked into the large, marble tiled bathroom.
“Coming?” he beckoned with an alluring smile as he popped his head around the doorway.
I inched my way out of bed, never taking my eyes off the entrance door to the room. He didn’t lock it behind Julia and Gigi was bringing breakfast. He may not have a modest bone in his body, but I sure did. Steam billowed from the bath he was drawing. He held up a bottle of bubble bath with raised brows, as if to ask if I wanted it in the water. I nodded and smiled as I watched him pour the liquid into the running water with care. I could smell the lavender releasing with each bubble that formed.
“How did you manage to get your hands on lavender bubble bath?” I asked.
Lavender was one of the plants that was close to extinction. Only a few botanists were able to grow it. My grandmother being one of them.
“Majesty grows it in her greenhouse,” he said. “She provides it to a select few.”
“Of which you are one?” I asked.
“Correct,” he replied.
Before I could say more, he held his hand out to assist me into the bath. I felt giddy as I accepted his offer and stepped into the oversized stainless-steel tub. The bubbles tickled in places that had only recently come alive and I giggled with delight. He carefully guided me into a reclining position before producing a sponge to wash me with. His ministrations were gentle and mildly sensual, but he made no move to take it further. I guessed it was because he knew he couldn’t keep Sybil waiting for too long.
I could hear dishes clanking in the bedroom and guessed our breakfast awaited us. As if on cue, Geo hopped into the tub and positioned himself on the opposite end with his back to me. He tossed me the sponge and asked me to wash his back. I eagerly obliged him.
It was an intimate scene that felt so perfect. I wanted it to last forever.