The heat of the day, exertion of searching for Geo, and an empty stomach that was finally satiated took their toll on me. I’d no sooner lied down to take the nap that I was sure I wouldn’t be able to take when Geo was shaking me awake. I looked around, a little disoriented.
The sun was set and there was very little illumination in the sky from the stars or moon. I questioned how he thought we’d make our way across dicey terrain to wherever it was we were going, but decided to keep my doubts to myself. After all, I may not have traveled very far away from home, but Geo had. In fact, I was fairly certain we were simply retracing his steps back to Sybil’s underground world.
As we made our way across the desolate land that took me further and further from the safe cocoon of my home, I was thankful for the poor visibility. It kept me from looking back. We walked for several hours before I realized my eyes were adjusted to the lighting and I was able to see shapes in the distance ahead of us. They looked like trees and mountains, but I couldn’t be sure. The ground we walked on was still baron dirt with no visible signs of vegetation. It could have been one of the vegetation oases that we were always grateful to come across that I was seeing in the night, or it could have been a figment of my imagination.
It wasn’t long before it was clear to me that what I was seeing was indeed a grove of trees with a mountainous background. I looked at Geo and was surprised to see him scoping the sky as if he was looking for something.
It was my intention to ask if we could rest a bit and enjoy the lush vegetation when we reached it. Instead I inquired about what he was searching the sky for.
“Drones,” he said, bluntly.
“At night?” I asked with surprise.
“Always,” he replied with exasperation.
I’d heard of the drones used by the New World Order to keep an eye on the populous from my grandparents, but knew little about them; including what they looked like. The area that I lived in wasn’t considered habitable, so the drones didn’t bother with it. I asked Geo to describe them to me so I could help hold vigil.
“There are the large drones that monitor the skies during the day and the little ones that buzz around at night. We’re looking for the little ones. They have eight legs jutting from their body. They remind me of oversized spiders. Where there’s one, there will be more. They travel in packs so if one gets shot down the others can broadcast headquarters with the information about how it happened,” he said with disgust.
“A pack of drones,” I muttered. “It sounds ominous.”
“It is,” he said, flatly.
“Does that mean we can’t rest up ahead?” I asked, hesitantly.
My legs and feet were screaming from the hours of walking we’d done.
He looked at me and shrugged while saying, “For a bit... if you need to.”
I scowled and said nothing. I did need to and I wasn’t going to be made to feel bad or foolish because of it. I knew my body. Give it thirty minutes of down time and I’d be good as new.
We reached the oasis within a matter of minutes and let our ears lead us to the flowing stream. I removed my shoes and immersed my aching feet into the cool water. Geo went upstream a bit and checked to see if the water was potable with a little kit he had in his travel pack. It was. He filled our water canteens and then returned to me.
Seeing him reach into his travel pack reminded me about the fact that he didn’t have the pack with him when we met up on the road. It was my intention to ask him about it when he sat down, but, to my surprise, I stretched out and lay down on the soft grass instead. Within a matter of seconds, I was sound asleep.
The sun was just kissing the peaks of the mountain tops when I opened my eyes. Sometime during what remained of the night I’d pulled my feet from the stream and curled up in the fetal position for warmth. My travel blanket was removed from my travel pack and placed over me, but with nothing beneath me, the damp chill from the earth was countering the warmth of the blanket.
When I realized I’d slept, when I’d only intended on resting my feet and legs for thirty minutes or so, I jumped to my feet. Not only had I slept, but I’d slept until dawn. Why had Geo allowed this? He said he didn’t want to travel during the day because of the heat. A wave of emotion swept over me. I was annoyed with him for allowing me to sleep and annoyed for needing the sleep as much as I apparently had. Then guilt crept in as I questioned if my oversleeping messed up his travel plans. After which I reasoned with myself that our trip wasn’t actually on a planned schedule, so I couldn’t have messed it up.
The sound of Geo’s footsteps approaching ceased my brooding. I sat up with a start.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said with an irresistibly charismatic smile.
Well, at least he wasn’t angry with me.
“Why did you let me sleep so long?” I pensively asked.
“You needed it,” he said with a shrug.
“Where are we?” I asked as I looked around.
I’d been in an oasis or two during my years of isolation but I’d never been in something as lush with life as this one. I could smell the richness of the dark, damp soil as I ran my hand through thick, lush blades of emerald green grass. Tall pine trees cast shadows in the early morning light that stood strong and defiant against the unforgiving sun.
“We still have a way to go,” Geo mumbled as he packed up the remnants of our makeshift camp. “The fire’s out, but the pine needle tea should still be warm. I set out a few cold biscuits for you.”
I questioned whether I was wrong about his lack of anger when, without stopping his packing ritual to look at me, he pointed to a small cluster of bushes and directed me to ‘do my business’ there.
I hurried to the bushes to relieve myself and then scurried back to the water to wash up, before helping myself to the lukewarm pine needle tea and cold biscuits. It was the first time I tasted pine needle tea, so I hesitated to put it to my lips. I was surprised to find it quite palatable. I couldn’t say the same for the biscuits. They had a mineral taste; like they were made from ground stone. I remembered his comment about the water and assumed the taste was a result of watering their plants with it.
As if reading my mind, Geo said, “The biscuits were made for the trip with subterranean grains. The water gives them a taste that you’ll notice, but I assure you they’re fine to eat.”
“Do you read minds?” I asked, hesitantly.
It wasn’t that I was uncomfortable about the fact that my traveling companion might have the ability to read minds. It was the fact that I wasn’t aware of this and I was nervous he might pick up the thoughts about his sexy body that flooded my head on more occasions that I cared to admit. I could feel the color rising in my cheeks while I waited for his reply.
“It doesn’t take a mind reader to know your reaction to the taste of those biscuits,” he said with a chuckle. “It wasn’t that long ago that my own palate was assaulted with the taste. I’ve gotten used to them, but I still remember.”
I smiled with relief, while assuring him they weren’t too horrific. Thanking him for the morning fare, I proceeded to assist him what little packing was left to do.
I have to say I admired his proficiency and speed in setting up and taking down our little camp. I guess that came with practice. From the stories he told me, it was clear he had plenty.
Sometime during our stops, he managed to scrub his fedora free of debris. It sat perched on top of his shiny raven hair that was pulled back in a queue at the base of his neck. Secure with the protection of my grandmother’s sunscreen, he’d shed most of the layers he’d worn when we met. It was difficult to keep my admiration of his well-developed body in check. I reasoned with myself that it was because I’d lived out the last ten years with only the company of two elderly people that I found his body so beautifully irresistible. Had things been different, I would have surely been less affected.
With the heat of the day rapidly approaching, Geo insisted on applying the sunscreen to my back. Even though I wore clothing, my grandmother was adamant I was coated from head to toe against rays that might invade the weave of the fabric. Without my applicator, I had no choice but to accept his assistance. I trembled with erotic delight as his strong hands stealthily spread the sunscreen along the length of my back. When he reached the waist of my jeans I gasped as a burst of pleasure consumed my abdomen. My head tipped back as I abandoned myself to the feeling. I’d been clutching my tee shirt over my front, but, I was so lost in the sensation, I forgot all modesty and allowed my hands to drop to my sides; leaving my large, youthful breasts exposed.
A mindless buzzing filled my head as I leaned back against Geo’s solid chest. I could feel his heart beating as he gently slid his hand from my back to my stomach. The sensation was foreign and impossibly arousing. I wanted him to continue and stop at the same time.
His breath caressed my ear as I moved my head to the side to allow his lips to find mine.I mentally scolded myself for such wanton behavior with a man I’d only met, but did nothing to stop what was happening. I knew it was me and not him initiating it, but I couldn’t control myself. It was like some unseen force was driving me forward. What was it about this man that just drew me to him like a magnet? Somewhere in the back of my mind, I regretted him washing away the dirt and stench that camouflaged his irresistible good looks and magnetism.
His kiss was long and deep. I was far too consumed with the amazing sensations the floated throughout and teased my body to worry about how amateur my kisses might appear to this very adept kisser. I would worry about that later. The low groan of pleasure that came from deep within my throat changed the mood from slow and sensual pleasure to hard and lustful need within Geo. It was like a switch was turned on in him. He no longer held back on his desire to have me. His hands explored my flesh in a way that caused my body to jolt with delight.
The change in the atmosphere prompted my mind to sit up and take notice about what was really happening. I wrestled within myself on what to do. Should I stop him from taking it to the point of no return? It felt fabulous, but it was also dangerous to let him continue. I was a virgin, after all. At what point should I ask him to stop? This wasn’t the first time I regretted not having female friends my own age to talk to, but it was the time I regretted it the most. If I’d had a girlfriend with a little experience to share stories with I might have a better idea of what to do.
When his soft moist lips consumed my breast I threw caution to the wind. Never in my life had I experienced the delights his touch created and I had no intention of stopping it now. I felt the cool earth against my bare back as he gently positioned me beneath him and unzipped my loose fitting, extremely faded jeans. It didn’t matter what I should and shouldn’t do at this point. I was lost in mindless abandonment.
I lay in stunned silence while I watched Geo merrily splash the cool, clear water the oasis provided on his naked body while he washed away the remnants of our love making. He beckoned me to join him with surprising enthusiasm, but I couldn’t move. I knew I needed to follow suit, but my body refused to cooperate. I was trembling from head to toe and was certain my legs wouldn’t hold me if I tried to stand on them.
I was in shock. Somewhere in the middle of all of that deliciousness, a reality dagger cut through. My mindless pleasure fell by the wayside as the piercing pain of my actions shot through my tender body. I’d heard that the first time for a virgin was uncomfortable, but no one prepared me for the breathtaking pain that consumed me as he drove his manhood deep into the folds of my most private area. Suddenly I felt everything with acute accuracy and it didn’t feel good. I wanted him to stop, but his long deep kisses prevented me from screaming the request. Tears moistened my cheeks while he rhythmically drove himself to his peak of pleasure. His weight felt crushing as my tender flesh collided with the abrasive grassy soil to the rhythm of his strong, slender hips.
Then it was over.
The heat of the day dried the sweat of our coupled bodies almost immediately after he rolled away from me and made his way toward the stream. He was either unaware of my state or didn’t care. From the jovial way he was splashing in the water I wondered if it could have been both.
Geo‘s sexy nakedness emerged from the water with me still lying in the same position he’d left me in. He sat down next to me and shook pellets of cold water from his hair. He’d loosened it from its binding in order to freshen his sweaty scalp and it now hung limp and glistening against his shoulders.
“I never would have guessed you to be a virgin,” he said while he squeezed excess water from his raven locks.
I said nothing.
“Did it hurt much?” he asked timidly. “If I’d have known you were a virgin I...”
“Let it go,” I said, as I forced myself to hop to my feet.
I wanted to get as far away from him as I could. I was upset and I didn’t know why. Maybe it was because of his nonchalant attitude about something that was life altering for me, or maybe it was because I was really upset with myself. I was the one who’d encouraged him. It was no wonder he was surprised to find me a virgin.
I made my way to the water with little care about the fact that I was still naked. When I caught his admiring eyes on my physique while I washed myself, I lifted my chin, haughtily, to send him a message. I was briefly able to catch the look of confusion on his face before I turned my back to him.
I know I was being unreasonable, but I couldn’t help myself. This wasn’t how I planned things to go for my first time. Sure, Geo was gorgeous beyond gorgeous, but to rut like animals in the grass wasn’t the romantic scene I dreamed of night after lonely night once my womanhood set in.
I had no idea he’d followed me to the water until I felt his hands washing the dirt off my back. He was gentle with his ministrations, but he remained in confused silence.