Aarav Kapoor
I was headed towards the gynaecology department to meet my mom.
My dad was the trustee of this college but now that he thinks he has too much responsibilities on his shoulder he is handled this college's responsibility on my shoulders since a month.
When I entered the department, my eyes scanned the whole department for the same girl who bumped into me yesterday.
Arrggh! Why am I looking for her?
She is too full of herself!
I chuckled remembering how she was glaring at me with those furious eyes.
I entered my mom's cabin and greeted her. When suddenly a student came running towards the department and clashed into one of the tables.
"I'll look into it, mom." I said and left her cabin.
"What is going on? Do you think this is some playground? Why are you running around?" I asked glaring at him.
"Sorry Sir, Actually Dr. Shanaya Oberoi from this department is been urgently called by the Dean. So I was rushing to her." He said looking shit scared.
I don't understand why are people scared of me. I mean it is not like I am going to eat them alive.
Yeah! Only if they don't make me angry.
"She is busy with a surgery." Mom said as she came and stood beside me.
"But what is the matter? Why is she called?" Mom asked him.
My mom seems to have a liking towards this girl. I don't know why.
"Actually, Ankit sir has complained that she had hit him yesterday." The guy said.
Is she that violent?
She was like 5'4".
How can she possible hit a guy??
"She is done with the surgery, I guess. I'll take my leave." He said and scurried away towards her.
I looked at her and she was absolutely calm & composed when he informed her about the situation.
Did she really hit him?
If yes, then why?
I just shook my thoughts away.
What's wrong with me?
I just went on a round in the other departments. To check whether everything is fine.
When I left the department, i heard some students talking
"No she did not hit him purposefully. I was there only. He was physically abusing his wife in the campus before everyone. That is the reason she stepped in." A girl said.
"Yeah I know. But then she should have known that Ankit is a politician's son who holds power on our dean and principal. God knows what will happen with her now." Another girl said.
I think I need to get into this matter!
With this thought I left towards the dean's cabin.
When I entered the dean's cabin everyone's head snapped towards my direction and they stood up.
"Sir, We were not informed about your arrival today." The Principal said to me.
I just motioned them to sit down and said "I heard about this matter from the students. So I wanted to look personally into it."
I went towards them and sat on the chair.
She looked shocked ofcourse to see me here. I am guessing she really didn't know who am I.
"Sir, she hit him yesterday. We have CCTV cameras as proof. Also the security chief witnessed it. And he belongs to a political family so we had to take matter in our hands." Principal explained to me.
I just nodded at him.
"Apologise to him. That is the only thing you could do or get suspended for a month." Dean said.
She still stood there with her head held high.
"With all due respect sir, I don't think I have made a mistake. I won't apologise because I slapped him. Just because he belongs to an influential family I am not going to be scared of him. He disrespected his wife and was dragging her all the way in the campus. I just wanted to stop him from doing that." She said with utmost confidence.
"The security says otherwise." The Principal pointed out.
"Honestly speaking, I am ashamed to be a part of this institution. Before being a doctor, a principal, a dean you all are humans. Just tell me that you can't see that bruised cheek of his wife. But, just because his family has power you want me to back down. I am not going to. His parents may not have incultated basic values in him but my parents have. And there is this one quality which everyone of you need, courage." She said in a very polite tone.
"You are aware that you are talking to senior authorities!" Principal said raising his voice.
"Just by raising your voice you can't prove yourself right, sir. I am aware who am I talking to. But because the girl standing over there with a bruised cheek is not your daughter you don't feel like standing up for her. But I do. Or maybe who knows this is the way how everyone of you treats your wives." She said raising her voice a bit.
"You can suspend me, but I won't apologise." She said and turned towards the guy glaring at him.
"You are suspended, for a month!" The principal said glaring at her.
"May I know the reason for your decision." I said piping in.
"She is clearly disrespecting us!" Dean said.
"Yes, and Dr.Ankit was doing the same with his wife. So she just decided to take action against it. Because I personally don't appreciate anyone physically abusing their wives." I said glaring at him.
I can't let him get away with it because he is someone's son.
"Sir but she has to be given some punishment. She can't just get away with insulting us." One of the management members said.
"Sir, I am sorry If i am sounding rude but why are you making this matter about me. Why are you not thinking that Dr. Ankit should be punished because he physically abused his wife? Why is it that just a slap from me and he came complaining? but his wife is been receiving these on a daily basis. Why not make this matter about her?" She said very politely to everyone.
I was mesmerised by the way she was speaking with everyone with confidence and at the same time it was not offensive.
"I agree with her. And I don't find the need to punish her. You can leave." I said to her and her lips curved upwards in a slight smile and left.
"You're suspended for a month. The next time I hear anything like this, you'll be rusticated. Dismissed." I said to him glaring at him.
He had the fucking audacity to glare back at me.
"Sir, his parents are not going to take this positively." The principal said and I turned towards him glaring at him.
"I don't think you are on this position to think about it. It is your job to handle any situation fairly. Which you clearly weren't. If I wouldn't have entered she would have been suspended just because he is some politician's son." I said to him glaring.
"I am sorry." He said apologetically.
"I don't want any such mistakes further. And next time if any matter comes to you I should be included in it." I said and left his cabin.