"I am," I muttered dully, not looking at Dylan but instead, trying to give Justin a look that would tell him to drop it. I knew why he was acting harsh towards Kaden and I couldn't blame him but he didn't know Kaden wasn't a douchebag.
"Is there a problem with me becoming friends with Addison?" Hearing Kaden say my name instead of using the nickname he gave me was odd and not something I was used to so it made me feel a little uneasy for some reason.
Kaden didn't look at me. He kept a strong gaze on Justin who did the same to him.
Justin shrugged calmly, "You tell me. How am I supposed to know what your intentions are. Your best pal here didn't even know your girlfriend had a sister."
"I wou-"
"That's not his fault, Justin," I sighed, placing a hand over Justin's in weak attempts to calm him down. I knew he was only looking out for me but he was out of line and in the wrong right now. "If anything, I'm glad people don't know I'm related to Aves. It's fine, can we drop it now?"
Justin tore his gaze away from Kaden and finally looked at me for a long moment before sighing. He leaned back in his seat and stared at his phone. "Whatever. Swear to God, if he does anything to hurt you, I will end him, Addy." Justin didn't look at Kaden as he said this.
I smiled weakly, "I know you will and I appreciate it but you have nothing to worry about."
"In case you're wondering," Kaden started again, resulting in me giving him a horrified look because I much rather this conversation end now. "My intentions are the same as yours. End whoever hurt her."
Justin looked at Kaden with a blank look on his face for a few seconds before nodding, "Ai, you got my blessing there."
Kaden and Justin shared a look that told me they were cool now. I would never understand the male mind for the life of me.
I sighed in relief as I leaned back in my chair.
Rain started laughing, "Got to say, pretty boy does bring some entertainment to this table."
Kaden smirked, "Glad to be of service."
Everyone shared a quick laugh before more generic conversation resumed.
After lunch, I quickly caught up to Justin before class and stopped him.
He sighed when he turned to look at me. He ran a hand through my hair, "Look, i know what you're going to say, Addy. So, I'll start - I'm sorry for freaking out on him like that but for all I knew, he had it coming."
I gave Justin a flat look, "I know you're looking out for me and I love you for it but you really don't have to go that hard on every guy I meet, Jus."
He grinned, "I know, but do you blame me?"
He grinned, "I know, but do you blame me?"
I chuckled, "No, of course not. Just take it easy on Kade, he's a good guy, trust me."
Justin scoffed, "Yeah, after the last guy you met through your sister, I won't trust anyone you meet who is also close with her."
I gave him a dull look, "What happened with Dante was a whole other situation, you know that."
Justin shrugged, "Maybe but I'm not going to trust any douchebag who associated with your sister because of him. Now, you have a test so you should head to class before you're late."
I smiled before giving him a quick hug, "Love you, Jus."
"Yeah, you too kid," he pulled away from me, sending me a playful wink. "Good luck on that test."
I laughed before scampering off to my next class before the bell rang.