"What's it like having a sibling you're not close to?" He asked after a few minutes of driving, the question making me choke on my coffee.
"What?" I sputtered.
"Sorry," he chuckled, glancing at me for a moment. "I just meant, you have a sibling and you're close enough in age to get along quite well. However, you two couldn't be more apart."
I sighed, looking at him for a moment before looking out the window. Nobody had really asked me anything like this before so it was a first for me. "As much as I want to say you get used to it, you don't. At least I haven't. She's still my sister, my family, my blood and flesh so of course I will be there for her but it's difficult because it's like I'm living with a stranger. I just want to... graduate and leave, really."
"What do you wan to do? After you graduate, I mean." I looked at him with my eyes slightly narrowed.
When Kaden spoke to me and asked me questions, he genuinely seemed interested and curious to know about me which was weird because it made no sense as to why someone like him, someone who surprised me by being real, was dating a human as cold as my sister.
I licked my lips, "I want to go to medical school, far from here and become a family physician or paediatrician."
He nodded, grinning a little as his eyes stayed trained on the road. "Why that category?"
I shrugged, looking out the window. "Sick kids are the most depressing situation you'd have to face and it sucks for them so I'd like to work with kids, make them feel better or at least brighten their day for a few minutes."
Kaden glanced at me and smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth. "That's kind of, really amazing."
I chuckled, my cheeks heating up. I never really talked to anyone about this kind of stuff - goals and future aims or anything super deep. "It's nothing," I mumbled.
"Well," he exhaled, pulling into a parking spot as we arrived at our school
"Well," he exhaled, pulling into a parking spot as we arrived at our school. "for what it's worth, Mar, I think you'd be a great doctor. Kids would love you."
I smiled at him, "Thank you."
He returned the smile and nodded at me before getting out the car.
It took me a minute before I could process that I was in the real world and then I followed him out of the car, not saying much else to him as I departed to my friends.