Callie looked at her phone and was shocked to see Sally’s number come up. Why was Sally calling her? Curiosity won out and Callie answered the phone call. “Callie?”
“Why are you calling me?” She asked knowing it was for something stupid. Sally never called Callie for nothing. Sally was a piece of work, selfish to say the least.
“I… Callie, I’m sorry how I reacted… I was shocked… Didn’t know how to react…” Say what now? “I wanted to apologise…” Callie was not sure how to respond to that. She wanted to apologise? “Callie? You there?”
“Yeah… I…”
“I’m a bitch… I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have carried on that way. Come over and we will catch up… I want to make it up to you…”
“If this is about mum I haven’t said anything. You can relax…”
“What? No… No… It’s about me wanting to make this right. I feel like shit… Please come…”
“No… No… I don’t like it there Sally… Don’t worry about it. All good… You’re forgiven…” As always she would always forgive her idiot sister.
“Please. They are harmless. They mean well…”
“Why now? Been two weeks… Why are you doing this now?” Didn’t sound right at all.
“I can’t stop hating myself. I feel like a fool how I treated you. You’re my kid sister… Please come. It will be nice. We can actually catch up…”
“Sally… Maybe you can come here…”
“Babe, I want you to be a part of my life, that would mean you need to come around. You’ll learn to love them all. Trust me…”
“Okay…” Fine. She would go… If her sister was trying, Callie was going to try back.
They worked out a time and day and ended the call. Callie was not sure what to make of Sally’s change of heart. She never ever cared enough to admit she was wrong before… Wasn’t really making any sense.
By the time the date of the visit was upon her, Callie was apprehensive about showing up to The Forte’s estate. She didn’t like the men at all. She knew the women didn’t like her any either especially after she called them whores…
But like seriously, didn’t they know that’s what they were? Like high class escorts… High class or not, they were still prostitutes right? Whatever…
She decided to dress in a pair of jeans and a simple fitting tee-shirt that showed a little of her belly. She had her light brown hair up in a ponytail and refused to put any makeup on. She did not want to compete with the women… Wasn’t even going to try. They were like drop dead gorgeous…
Sally was there to greet her and embraced her tightly. “Thanks for coming… Come on in…” She walked with her to the living room. “Sit…” Callie did sit. She felt extremely awkward, this was not like Sally… To be so accommodating… Sally never did like it that Callie was in her space. Always had an issue with it, especially if she was in some sort of relationship.
Drinks were served and Sally was doing a hell of a lot of talking. It was like she was feeling awkward also. “Do the women hate me?” Callie asked after a while.
“No… Why would you say that?”
“I called them whores…” Callie cringed when she recalled that day. What on earth was the matter with her? She was such an idiot at times, if her anger took over she was just lethal. Didn’t care what she said or to who she said it to. If it needed to be said she would say it no matter who she offended.
“You did… How about you don’t be doing that…”
“Yeah…” Callie nodded her head. Before anymore could be said, Tristan himself walked into the living room. He didn’t seem overly shocked to see her. He smiled before he took a seat beside Sally. Sally who beamed at the attention.
“Tristan you remember my sister Callie?” Sally was being so nice… Just nice…
“I do. She’s hard to forget…” Yep… Fucking awkward was an understatement right now. This man was like drop dead gorgeous but he was a smug asshole. Had this arrogance about him that did not sit well with Callie. Not her type of guy no matter how hot he was.
“Hi…” Callie felt like an idiot.
“You look beautiful.” He was literally taking the piss. How on earth did she look anything but normal? Like he was being condescending to say the least.
“Okay… I mean thank you…” Fuck.
“You don’t think you look beautiful?”
“What? No…”
“Come on… You’re having me on now.”
“No… You saying that you think I look beautiful is having me on…” And there her mouth went off again forgetting itself. The asshole laughed when she said that. “What?”
“You’re cute… A little outspoken but cute nonetheless…” What the hell did that even mean?
The other arrogant jerk showed up and joined them. AJ… These men had an arrogance about them that was somewhat sickening.
“I see you couldn’t keep away…” AJ winked at her.
“I… I am here to see Sally…” Like why wasn’t Sally saying anything? AJ patted on his legs and to Callie’s horror, Sally went over to AJ and sat in his lap. He gave her an open mouth kiss and Callie was literally horrified to witness that.
Sally was being so… Why did she become this way? Why? What reason did she have to allow herself to be this kind of woman?
Tristan’s eyes were on her… Callie didn’t like this at all. Her face heated up and she felt disgusted that she was witnessing this.
“What’s the matter?” He had the audacity to ask her.
“Nothing.” Callie gave her sister a what the fuck was that look when they ended the kiss.
“Your face is all flushed.” Tristan putting the attention on her. Oh god…
“Yeah well, wasn’t expecting my sister to be…” She had to watch her mouth. For some reason she felt like this was some kind of trap. She didn’t like the vibe she was getting.
“I’m sorry…” Sally said shocking the hell out of her. She moved off AJ and took a seat beside him. “This is our time. Yours and mine, sister time.”
“She knows we are only having fun…” AJ said smiling at her now.
“Yeah, so much fun…” Callie mumbled to herself.
“Look… Why don’t you spend the week with me.” Sally was being serious. She was actually asking to spend time with her?
“What?” Callie was unsure what to make of that.
“Tristan and AJ don’t mind. We can catch up… I miss you.” Oh… That was kind of sweet.
“Um… Sally… I can’t…”
“You can. Please…”
“Sally… You know I can’t. I have to work…”
Callie was genuinely confused right now. Sally was putting her off her game. This was not her sister.
“I appreciate the offer…”
“I am not taking no for an answer.” Sally was adamant about making this happen.
“I can’t stay here Sally… Stop…” Like this was really putting her on the spot. Why was she discussing this in front of Tristan and AJ? It was embarrassing.
“Is it us?” Tristan asked now. “I mean, we have no issue with it. If Sally wants to have family over it’s fine. We understand that… Family first.”
“I would rather not.”
“Callie… You always go on about me not trying. This is me really trying. Please. Give it a go, if you feel uncomfortable and any time you can go.” Oh my god, she was really insisting.
Callie did not like this at all. “I…” She really did not want to do this. Really didn’t feel right about it.
“Callie… Don’t say no…” Sally was actually pleading with her to stay. Again, not making sense at all. Since when did Sally want Callie around? Never… She never ever wanted Callie around.
Callie drew in a deep breath. This was all she ever wanted… She just wanted her sister to make the effort. Now that they were here she just didn’t feel right about it. It didn’t feel like she thought it would.
“Okay…” Callie gave it up. If Sally really did wake up and realise that family was the most important thing in the world it was a good thing.
“Really?” Sally smiled and clapped her hands. “Oh my god, you have made me so happy…”
Callie didn’t like this at all, still, she would see it through.
Turns out that Sally wanted her to stay that night. “What? Sally let me go home and grab my things. I have to sort out… I have to sort out work and stuff…”
“Where do you work?” Tristan asked her that. Callie had forgotten that they were there. She was feeling completely overwhelmed now.
“Um… I own a bakery…” She felt so out of place. She looked over at her sister before she spoke to her again. “Look… I’ll go home and sort myself out with the shop…” She didn’t really know what else to say. This was just a little much. Could be innocent but she was getting this feeling…
Sally was calling her every day. Twice sometimes three times a day. She was insisting that Callie go and spend the week. Callie felt it in her heart that something was amiss. Why was Sally being this way… One way to find out… And Callie was most certain that there was a hidden agenda. She would go and stay the week if only to figure out what Sally was up to.
Callie was going to get to the bottom of this. There was something really strange going on and Callie wanted to find out what it was.
Needless to say that when Callie showed up with her bag Sally was happy… Or relieved. She seemed relieved. What on earth?
“Thank god…” She said shaking her head. “I’ll show you to your room. You can settle in then we can have a swim and just hang out…” Swim? Okay then…
Callie almost stopped breathing when she saw the size of the room. Wow. These people lived like kings… Royalty had nothing on them. The room was so spacious and inviting.
Callie tried to take it all in.
One hour on and Sally was at the door. “You ready?”
“Swim… Let’s swim… It’s nice out…”
“Sally, I didn’t bring a swimsuit… I… I’ll just put my feet in the water.” She was not going to swim.
“I’ll give you one of my bikinis…”
“No… Really I don’t want to swim…” Sally rubbed her lips together and nodded her head. They hung outside for a while. Sally in a very skimpy bikini. Marla and Britney were there also looking all sexy and shit. Callie wore shorts and a top… Nothing sexy that was for sure.
Sally seemed over eager to keep Callie happy. Again it was so strange. Callie was trying to figure it out and work out what this was about. She pretended to play along and kept a smile on her face.
To Callie’s horror the men decided to join them. Tristan with no top on… A tattoo of a skull on one side of his chest. A body to literally die for. AJ the same… Such good looking men. It wasn’t fair that they had it all. Looks and money… Pity about the attitude.
Tristan sat down and Marla was quick to join him. She literally sat beside him and began to stroke his thighs… Oh god. Callie looked away, she felt extremely uncomfortable. Britney did the same to AJ.
Sally smiled at Callie. “You’ll get used to it.” She whispered to her. Right… Callie didn’t understand how these people thought it was okay to live this way… She didn’t get it at all.
Drinks were had, music was played… Callie did her best to relax into the moment but it was hard. “You’re not drinking?” Tristan asked her.
“Oh… I have a soda.” She replied smiling.
“Have real drink…” Great.
“No… I’m good thank you. Don’t really drink alcohol.”
“You’ll enjoy this one. Britney make Callie here a cocktail.” Britney was happy to do as she was told.
“No. Britney thank you but I will not be having any alcohol.” Callie was not going to drink. She did not want to drink and wasn’t going to drink. End of story. She saw something flicker in Tristan’s eyes at her refusal to do as he wanted.
“Have a drink Callie…” Sally whispered to her.
“I don’t want to.” Callie was known for her stubbornness. She was not one to be bullied into anything.
“It’s a nice day, enjoy the moment. One drink…”
“Sally, I am not drinking… I have my soda and am happy with that.”
Sally drew in a deep breath, she seemed really nervous. What on earth?
“What’s wrong?” Callie asked her after a while.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah… Just… I don’t get why you want to make it so hard. It’s one drink… But okay…”
Wow… This was really starting to worry Callie. Something was most definitely off about his entire situation. She didn’t get it, something that Callie wasn’t getting at all.
The whole drink things was forgotten after a while. Callie sat back and just observed from afar. She pretended to be enjoying herself but it was hard to do when there was a hell of a lot of touching and shit going on. She was feeling extremely uncomfortable sitting there bearing witness to it all.
The woman dancing so provocatively for the men. AJ was on his feet dancing with Marla… Sexy dance… Marla was more than happy to grind her body all over AJ. Nothing got to Callie more than when AJ kissed Marla so passionately before he took her hand and led her inside. Okay then…
Callie found Tristan’s eyes on her and she felt her face heat up. This entire scene was a little too grown up for her.
He stood up and Sally was there with him instantly. He began to move to the music with a beer in his hands and a cigar in his mouth. Sally put her hands on his chest as she began to sway to the music with him.
Lilliana arrived and joined her. She smiled at Callie and made small talk after kissing Tristan on his mouth. Nice… All for one and one for all type thing.
The fact that Sally was a part of that was making Callie really uneasy.
Callie stood up to grab herself a bottle of water and as she did that Tristan stood in her way. “Dance?” Oh… Um…
“I… I don’t dance…” Yep…
“I’ll show you.” Yeah no. The creep placed his hands on her waist after giving his beer to Sally. Callie felt like a complete idiot standing there having Tristan so close to her.
Tristan didn’t like Callie’s obvious disregard for him. He wasn’t used to it, he was not one to be ignored and Callie was doing everything in her power to ignore him. Tristan did not like this in the least. It was really fucking with his head. “I really don’t want to dance…” She said looking him dead set in the eyes. This bitch had balls… She really didn’t want to be messing with him.
“Why not?” He asked moving his head as though he was going to kiss her. The little bitch shoved him away from her. She actually shocked the fuck out of him… This was definitely not something he was used to.
“I said no… No… Just no. Like I said it how many times now…” She was a feisty thing alright.
“Callie!” Sally was there instantly. She grabbed her sister’s arm and turned her away. “What the hell?”
“Oh my god, I didn’t even do anything. He doesn’t get it, I said no.”
“Stop… Please…” Sally was literally begging her sister to play nice. He told Sally to make sure that Callie gets on board otherwise Sally was out. He wanted to have Callie and have her he would… Sally needed to work a little harder is all. Tristan knew that Sally would move heaven and hell to remain here with him and his brother. She wanted this lifestyle and would do anything to remain right here with them.
“What the hell Sally? Really?” Callie was not buying this entire thing. He could see the scepticism in her eyes. She looked at her sister suspiciously every time Sally would be nice to her.
“Don’t be rude… Just… Stop being this way…” She whispered to her sister. “It’s just a dance…”
“Right and I told him already I didn’t want to dance.”
“It’s okay Sally, the girl doesn’t want to dance…” Tristan smiled and took a seat. Lilliana was there beside him with a drink. He could see how irritated Callie was with how they served him.
Sally forced Callie to sit down and Tristan could see how tense she was.
“It’s okay baby, I’ll dance with you…” Britney said smiling at him as she moved to the music seductively.
Callie was biting her tongue, she was finding it hard to keep her mouth shut. A little problem she had. Tristan did not like that trait at all. He decided to up the ante and ask her about her personal affairs.
“Tell me Callie, say your boyfriend wanted to dance… Would you deny him that?” Callie’s blue eyes turned dark when he asked about her man.
“He would respect my decision…” She said with no emotions. Okay…
“Not what I asked. Would you dance with him?”
“Yes. Yes I would dance with him…” She gave him a there look.
“Okay, so what’s the difference if you danced with me then?” She squinted her eyes at him before she replied to him.
“Difference is he’s my boyfriend… Difference is I want to dance with him.”
“Why don’t you want to dance with me?” He was fucking with her head and she knew this. He could tell she was having a hard time in answering his questions knowing he was merely toying with her.
“I don’t like you.” She said making him laugh aloud. Honesty… Something she needed to work on… This bitch was flawed all over…
“Callie…” Sally gave her a please don’t do this look.
“It’s okay Sally… It’s interesting to know why she has a problem with me… Is it only me or is it my brother also…”
“Oh my god, please stop asking me questions. I’m going to say something to offend you and then my sister will get upset…”
“Nothing you say will offend me. Trust me… I’m built stronger than that.” He said knowing she thought he was arrogant and he was. “Tell me.”
“Both of you. You are both so full of yourselves and it’s sickening.” She blurted out. It was funny to see how hard it was for her to keep from saying what she needed to say. Irritating but funny for now.
“I think we have the goods to be full of ourselves… I mean… We have it all… Do you think we should hide what we have achieved in our lives and pretend to be something we’re not?”
“You think it’s nice to be so full of yourself? Trust me it’s not attractive.” Don’t hold back now…
“I think I’m attractive… The ladies think I’m attractive…”
“Good for you. You are deliberately making it out like you don’t know what I’m on about.”
“Seriously what is your problem?” And Britney spoke out now. “Why are you here? You understand that this is Tristan and AJ’s place right?” Callie nodded her head. “I mean, is this okay with you Sally?” Sally licked her lips before she replied to Britney.
“Tristan wants her to answer his questions…”
“I do…” He said nodding his head. “All good Brit… I’m enjoying this.” He said winking at the blonde bombshell. He returned his attention back to Callie. “Okay, tell me how I can make you like me?” She scoffed and shook her head.
“Why is it important for me to like you?” Smart ass.
“Let’s just say I want you to like me. You have to at least let me try.”
“See that… You are so cocky it’s actually making me sick. You think you can sway me to think how you think or act how you want me to act. You are certain that I will fall for your charms… You have this sure way about you and it’s overkill.” She was not holding back. Looked a lot like she wasn’t able to stop herself.
“What if you figure out I’m a nice guy…” He was going to break this bitch.
“What if I figure out you’re an overbearing arrogant jerk, something I already know, would be a complete waste of my time then…” He laughed aloud again. She was definitely a hard one to crack, still he was so up to the challenge.
“Well give me a week to try… What are you afraid of?”
“I’m afraid of wasting my time. Anyway, I’m here to be with my sister.”
“Sally do you mind?” Tristan was going to make this happen.
“Not at all…” Callie looked cut by Sally’s acceptance. It was like she was really hurt.
“Really?” She looked at her sister accusingly.
“What? I… I’ll still be here…”
“This is how you want me to spend the week?”
“I don’t see what the issue is.”
“You know what Sally, fine. Yes Tristan, that’s fine. I’ll spend the week with you.” Callie actually surprised him when she said that. She was not happy with her sister at all.
“Good… We will start by having dinner… You might want to change… I’ll be taking you out.” Callie drew in a deep breath before she stood up and glared at her sister.
“Yep… Will do.” With that she left them and headed inside to what he assumed to be changing her clothing. He smiled to himself.
“Good girl.” He called Sally over. Sally who smiled and made her way over to him. He pressed her head down so she could suck his dick… Which she did happily.
Tristan gave it an hour before he told Marla to call Callie down. He was interested to see what she opted to wear. He was dressed and ready and it he had to admit that she took his breath away when he saw her walking down the stairs.
Fucking stunning… Something so different about her.
She had her stunning light brown hair down in long waves… Not curly but not straight. She dressed her eyes darkly making the blue look electric. Her body… She was a fucking stunner alright. She wore a stunning champagne colour shirt dress and high thigh boots. The dress sat loosely on her body with a thin belt showing off her waist.
Big hooped earrings… She looked magnificent.
Tristan rubbed a hand over his mouth when he looked at her. Callie had a hard look about her. Sally didn’t seem happy to see how good her sister looked either. Marla and Britney seemed a little taken aback also… Only Lilliana seemed to like her.
“Oh my god, you look gorgeous…” Lilliana said aloud.
“Thank you.” Callie didn’t seem to care what anybody thought about her. Tristan walked over to her and smiled.
“I must say you are fucking beautiful.” She drew in a deep breath before she replied.
“I’m hungry. Can we go?” Nice… Once again totally disregarding anything he said. He nodded his head and led her outside to his Porsche.
Callie did not seem fazed at all by his car… That was a first. Women usually went all crazy for it. Not this bitch…
She smelt divine and he wanted to fuck her so badly. “You’re pissed.” He said stating the obvious.
“Am I?” She kept her voice flat.
“You didn’t have to agree. Why did you agree?”
“My sister is a bitch. She literally fucked me up…”
“How so?”
“Come on… At least drop the act. I’m here… Stop playing like you can’t see it for what it is?” Okay… He had to change the way he played the game. This bitch was switched on.
“She won’t go against me Callie. It’s my way or my way.”
“She doesn’t care. She doesn’t give a fuck about me. It’s always been about her…”
“She is looking out for herself, nothing wrong with that.” He said not understanding why she was so upset.
“Would you do that your brother? Would you go against him for a woman?” She got him there.
“No.” No he would never go against his brother for anybody.
“Right, I rest my case.”
Tristan decided not to say any more about it for now. He waited until they were at the restaurant before he brought it up. “Are you going to relax? You agreed… At least you could give me the curtesy of your attention.”
“I’m here… Right here… What else is there?”
“See, you are not even trying.”
“Look Tristan… I only agreed because I was pissed at Sally. Let me tell you that nothing is going to come out of this. Nothing. Not sex… Not anything. I am in love with Harrison and that’s it. I will never be with somebody like you. Ever…”
“Somebody like me?”
“Yes like you. You know what I’m on about. That playing like you don’t know what I mean is really starting to irritate me.” Right…
“I don’t know how to take you…” He said leaning back in his chair.
“You need to stop. I am not interested. I know it must be the thrill of the chase or whatever, the thing is right, I’m not playing. I am not going to fall for your charms or your money or your anything. There is nothing in the world that you have that I want. So… Let’s call it a night. I will go back to yours, collect my things and leave My sister obviously was in on this entire set up. I should have known…” He needed to think… This was hard work.
“Should have known what?” Try talking about Sally, seemed like a touchy topic… Maybe he could get an insight to how she felt and what triggered her.
“That it was all a ploy… She never wanted me around. That was your idea right?” Smart girl. He was going to come clean.
“Yep… I knew it… I mean I was hoping that she proved me wrong… Dumb… I fall for her shit time and again.”
“She’s a nice girl…” Try that now.
“Nice? Of course she’s nice to you. She wants what you offer…”
“Again, there is nothing wrong with that. She’s happy, I’m happy, AJ’s happy…”
“Doesn’t it bother you to share? Share your women? I mean… Who does that?”
“Why should it bother me? We all are on board with it. What’s wrong with sharing? AJ and I don’t let it affect us… If he wants one of the ladies he can have them… Same with me… Trust me, the girls are all very well looked after.”
“Yep…” She nodded her stunning head.
“You are very judgemental…”
“I am. I really am.” He laughed at her honesty. Always shocking him with the things that came out of her mouth. “Look, kudos to you, if the ladies don’t think anything of it good for them.”
“You’ve never been with anybody but Harrison?” He was quite shocked by this question. She drew in a deep breath before she replied.
“No. And I would never be with anybody but him.”
“Nice… And are you telling me that he’s never been with anybody either?” She frowned.
“He stopped. After we dated…”
“I see… Interesting…” It was interesting. Tristan was taking this all in.
“Look, please, don’t keep this up just because you are amused. I see the way you talk and mock me. I know you think it’s nothing but this is my world. The way I want to live my life. You chose how you want to live yours and so be it. I don’t agree but who am I to you? Nobody… Same goes with you. You are nobody to me. So, let’s just move on and be on our way…”
“It’s dinner…” He was challenging her again. “If you are so sure you’ll never be with me why are you afraid…”
“Not afraid, told you that already. Just don’t like to be wasting my time is all. I feel like I am being unfaithful to Harrison. It’s not right… This date… This entire set up. It’s not right that I returned to your place in the first place. My stupidity…”
“Dinner. Then we go.” He said waiting for her response. She actually surprised him by nodding her head. Okay then… She ceded… Or somewhat ceded. How fun it would be to cripple this one on the inside… Get her to fall madly in love with him only to ruin her… That would get her off her high horse…
Tristan decided to ease up a little during dinner. He asked her what she wanted to eat when she was struggling with the menu. “I don’t understand any of it.” She admitted. He laughed at her honesty.
“Yeah, neither do I…” He called the waiter over who explained every dish. She opted on a steak…
She wasn’t afraid to eat and he had to admit that it was refreshing to see that. “What?” She asked after taking a chunk of steak in her mouth. So classy…
“Are you trying to eat it all so you can say we had our date then leave again?”
“Na, I’m starving…” Funny girl. “Been at your place all day and the girls literally eat nothing… Like I was starving before I arrived…” He laughed again. She had this way about her that just shocked him.
“If you’re hungry all you have to do is tell the chef…”
“Wow… Imagine having a chef at your beck and call…”
“Well… I didn’t always have it.” No idea what made him tell her that. “Wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, trust me…” He hated recalling how fucked up his childhood was.
“Yeah, I read something about you and your brother… From rags to riches type thing… You were like on the streets…”
“Yep… Dad was a fucker of a man. Literally took no shit, he forced us out of the house when we were fourteen and fifteen and told us to man up. Told us to make it on our own. Said if we made something of ourselves he would call us his sons…”
True story… His father was old school. His father vowed that if his sons turned out to be pussies he would kill them.
You didn’t have to like the man but you sure as hell had to respect him.
“So your father thought it was better to be living on the streets, going to jail as opposed to what?” She didn’t get it.
“Well it made us able to look after ourselves.”
“And what if you turned to drugs?”
“Then we would have failed. We wanted to please him… We wanted to earn his respect… He made us what we are…”
“Right… Do not agree with you… Your father abused you…”
“Well, his so called abuse led us to this life. A life of luxury and not giving a flying fuck about a soul. We do our own thing. We answer to nobody…”
She rubbed her lips together, a sure sign something sharp was going to come out of her mouth…