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Callie Vayga stood outside the multimillion dollar mansion and braced herself. She was going in… Her sister was here. Sally had been missing for almost a year now and this was where she was on her last post on social media. She needed to find out why she would just up and leave the way she did knowing that their mother would be worried sick.

Sally was 29 and was older than Callie by five years. They were so different in character that you would never assume that they were sisters. Sally was always so eager to be rich without working for it. She was pretty and very smart but always used her looks to get by in life.

Social media was a frenzy… Sally was on every platform flaunting her goods… She played with the rich and famous always hoping that she could get a rich man to marry her.

Now here she was… A mansion who belonged to two of the world’s most notorious and arrogant bachelors. Tristan and AJ Fortes. These men were too much for anybody, so sure of themselves and well they had the goods to back it up. Still, Callie did not do the over macho shit. She didn’t enjoy men who thought that they were above women…

It was the women’s faults, they treated these two idiots like they were royalty. Did absolutely anything for them. Not something Callie understood. She did not get it and never would. Men like that were not her thing.

“Can I help you?” The guard asked her waking her up from her daydream, he was on the other side of the gates holding a huge gun… Okay then.

“Um… My sister… Sally Vayga… I’m here to see her.”

“Does she know you are here?”

“No… I… I’m here to surprise her…” She had to say something… Anything at this point to be allowed in. Callie understood perfectly well how dangerous these people were.

“Have you got ID to show you are her sister?” Okay well…

“Yeah…” Callie pulled out her license and showed the guard. He nodded his head before he pressed the button to open the huge iron gates allowing her access.

This place was stunning, like over the top stunning. Callie braced herself before she was walked into the huge doors at the front of the estate. The guard escorted her inside and told her to take a seat.

Wow… This place…

Three gorgeous women walked around the house dressed really sexy and looked very well looked after. They smiled at her and she felt like a complete idiot sitting there. “Are you one of the new ones?” One of the ladies asked her. Yeah, Callie could see her sister fitting right in here.

“New what?” Callie had no idea what she was on about.

“Are you moving in?”

“Oh… No. No… I’m only here to see my sister. Sally Vayga… I’m Callie…”

“Oh… Wow… I’m Britney, this is Lilliana and Marla...”

“Hey, nice to meet you all…” She wasn’t sure how to be so she chose to be polite.

“Sally never said anything about you coming…” Lilliana looked a little confused.

“I… I’m surprising her…”

Before anymore could be said who but Sally herself walked down the elaborate stairs. Callie stood up not really knowing what to do. Her sister looked like one of these girls. Blonde hair, long and all curled. Dress that fit her body like a glove and was just shy of showing her ass.

“Callie?” Sally walked over to her and embraced her. “What you are you doing here?” She whispered in her ear. Callie knew that Sally was not impressed that she just showed up here.

“I… You didn’t call or text… Mum was worried…” Callie said when she pulled away.

“I… You know I’m okay… You shouldn’t have come…”

“Well… I mean, you should have called…” Callie didn’t like the vibe she was getting right now. Sally wanted her out of here.

Sally kept a smile fixed on her stunning dolled up face before she grabbed her hand and led her outside to the over the top back porch. Like wow…

“You need to go.” Sally was no longer smiling now. Dead serious she was. “You can’t be here. You have to go.”

“What the hell? That’s it? Why? Why do I need to go? Ha? I was worried… Mum was worried. You just up and left.”

“Deal with it Callie. I’m fine. Tell mum to get off my case. I’m okay… She can stop fucking hassling me.”

“What? Really? You are really doing this?”

“I’ve sorted my life out. I’m happy…”

“Happy? Are you a fucking escort?”

“No. Shut up. No I’m not a fucking escort. I am happy… Okay. Just go.”

“Gone. Fucking gone.” Callie could not believe her sister. What a dog… She was always only about herself. Always resented Callie. Callie was so going to call her mother and tell her exactly what her stupid daughter was doing. Fuck that… Sally was a dumb bitch.

“Don’t be coming back here again…” Callie felt like somebody had stabbed her in the heart when Sally said that.

“Don’t stress wouldn’t want to see your face again.” Sally lifted her head as though waiting for Callie to leave. Fine… Fine! Callie nodded her head and stormed inside. She was blinded by rage, hurt… She was just so upset…

This bitch really didn’t care, never did. Callie was an absolute idiot to worry about her. She was so upset that she bumped into a side table and fell over it… The table smashed… Glass everywhere… Blood… Fuck… She was cut…

She wanted to sob but wanted to get out of there first. “Oh my god are you okay?” Lilliana was there trying to help her up. “You’re bleeding…”

“I’m fine…” Callie lied. She wasn’t fine. She was sore and sad.

“Let’s get you cleaned up…”

“What the?” Callie looked up when she heard a man’s voice. Um… It was Tristan… She noticed him from her sisters socials. Along with three other men…

“Oh Tristan… This is Callie. She’s Sally sister…” Lilliana made the introductions.

“My table…” Tristan shook his head as he looked at the mess that Callie had created.

“I’ll pay for the damages… I fell over it…” What a complete idiot… She felt so stupid. Callie wanted to die right now.

“She’s bleeding dude…” One of the men behind him said. That would be AJ, the brother, she recognised him also.

“I’m going…” Callie stood up and covered her arm where she was bleeding. This was humiliating.

“Lilliana take her to get cleaned up.” Tristan now.

“No, I’ll be fine.” Callie just wanted to leave. “Where’s Sally?” Tristan looked around for her. Sally had just walked inside and smiled when she saw Tristan, her smile died however when she noticed the shattered glass.

“What the hell Callie?” She sounded a little nervous.

“Your sister fell. Take her to get cleaned up.” Tristan had this arrogance when he spoke.

“I said it’s fine. I’m gone.” Callie would bleed out before she let her sister help her.

“Honey… Go and get cleaned up…” Lilliana led her to Sally now. Sally who was all but glaring at her. She didn’t seem to care that Callie was hurt at all. Sally was definitely not impressed. She took Callie’s arm and all but forced her away from the crowd. Lilliana was there and gave Sally a what the hell look.

“Go home.” Sally snapped once they were away from the others.

“Sally… Let her get cleaned up…” Lilliana shook her head at Sally.

“Fuck off Lilliana… Get her the fuck out of here…” With that said, the bitch left.

Lilliana led her to an inhouse medical room where a nurse cleaned her up. Callie felt stupid… It was humiliating to suffer what she had. “How much do you think that table is worth?” Callie asked Lilliana when the nurse finished bandaging her arm.

“Um… A hell of a lot…” Great… “Why is Sally angry?”

“Fuck if I know… How much is a lot?” Callie’s only concern at this point was how much this table was going to cost her.

“He won’t take anything for it. You fell…”

“I… I will work something out.” Callie would work shit out… She was so miserable.

“Do you want me to call Sally?”

“Nope… No thank you. If you can lead me out that would be great…”

“Okay…” Callie wanted to get home, it was dark out, she was hungry and miserable. She followed Lilliana out of the room and into the large living area. To her absolute horror the four men were all sitting there smoking cigars. Sally and the other girls were all but sitting in their laps.

The attention was suddenly on her. “Are you okay?” Britney asked her. Callie forced a smile on her face.

“Yep all good…” Callie dared herself not to be intimidated and walked over to the where the men were. She stood in front of Tristen who had a cigar in his mouth. Sally was almost in his lap. “Um… About the table…” The glass was all cleaned up and the table was no longer there. “I… Can we work out a payment plan…”

She heard the men laugh at her question. Callie kept her head up. She felt so small and really unattractive right now.

“It’s gonna cost you… I mean, that table cost me a good forty G…” Tristan nodded his head to let her know he was telling her the truth.

“What the fuck? Forty thousand dollars?” Callie couldn’t help blurting that out. it was ridiculous. Who the hell would spend that much money on a side table?

“Yep…” He pulled the cigar out of his mouth and did it in such an arrogant way.

“I… I can’t afford to pay that…” Callie whispered. Sally was glaring at her.

“Well, I wouldn’t be much of a man if let Sally’s sister pay for it now will I?” Oh…

“I… I don’t need you to be doing me any favours because of her…” And Callie was still too cut by her sister to shut her mouth and say thank you. Tristan raised an eyebrow at her when she said that.

“You want to pay for it?”

“No… I mean… I can’t…”

“Right so take the offer.”

She nodded her head and turned to leave. Seeing her sister just sit there like it didn’t matter was killing her. “Stay… We are having dinner.” One of the men spoke now. She frowned and shook her head.

“No thank you.” It was downright humiliating to be standing there feeling like such a loser. She hated men with money… Hated money hungry women who used their looks to be with men with money… She hated it all!

“Sally tell your sister to stay…” AJ was speaking to Sally.

“She can stay if she wants to.” Was Sally’s response.

“Yeah… Stay.” Tristan now. Callie did not like it here at all.

“Thank you but no…” Like no she did not want to stay.

“I insist.” And Tristan moved Sally away from him gently and leaned forward. “I mean… Unless you want to pay for the table…” He did not. Was that a threat?

“I… What?” Callie felt like an absolute fool. Lilliana smiled and pulled her along to sit down and took a seat beside her.

“It’s food… Eat and go…” She said to her quietly. If Callie wasn’t mistaken it was like Lilliana was trying to ease this situation. Callie did not like to feel this way, like she had no choice in the matter.

It was awkward as hell to sit there. This was not her scene. The men were not her type of people… Nor were the ladies… Lilliana was nice but seeing all the touching and all the worshipping was not for her.

“You never told us you had a sister?” Tristen looked at Sally now. “I mean… Come on…” He said pointing at Callie. What the hell did that mean?

“She’s not like that… I mean… She’s not the type of girl you would be interested in…” Sounded a lot like an insult.

“Yeah?” Tristen turned his dark eyes onto her now. “What type are you then?” This was very confronting. She felt stupid to speak about herself in front of these people who she just met.

“Excuse me?”

“What type of guy do you like?” Tristan seemed amused. That got the rest of the men laughing. “Babe, your gorgeous… You can pretty much get any guy you want… You don’t need to do anything but look pretty.” Wow… Wow was like an understatement.

Sally was giving a dark look. What the fuck? Wait, he thought she was pretty? With no makeup… Dressed in simple jeans and jumper… He thought she was pretty? Really?

“I would rather use my brains…” She said nodding her head. “I mean… Looks fade right?”

“Not if you have the money to maintain them.” Was Tristan’s take on it. What a piece of… He was really so full of himself as were all the men sitting there.

“Well… I don’t have the money and nor do I want to do shit to my face.” Callie was beginning to feel agitated and when she felt that way she often lashed out with her mouth.

“Na, hear me out…” Tristan seemed to be enjoying this little debate. “I mean… You don’t have the money… I get that but say…. I mean, just say you find somebody who is willing to spend on you. Are you telling me that you would refuse?”

Callie gave Tristan the best smile she could muster before she replied. “Damn straight I would refuse. I will never rely on any man to do anything for me. I will only ever need myself…”

She wanted to hurt Sally so much. That bitch put her totally out of whack with the way she was behaving.


Tristan stared at the gorgeous creature before him and his interest was most definitely piqued. Been a hot minute since he was really taken by a woman. This one had spunk… She was different to her sister. Sally was a pleaser in every sense of the word. He didn’t mind that, he actually preferred his woman to be all compliant and obedient. He never ever found the over opinionated woman attractive. Was not his thing.

It didn’t need to be his thing. He was rich enough to have any woman he wanted. He was rich enough to have as many women as he wanted at any time. He often did that too… Had multiple women at once just because he could. That was life…

Tristan and AJ had lived in the slum of the slums. They fought, killed, they did time… They suffered to be where they were in life… They earnt this life. He was not going to apologise for his success.

Tristan and AJ Fortes did not bow down to any mother fucker. They did not play by any body’s rules. No higher power would ever own them. They ruled their own world.

He was enjoying every minute of his life… Truth be told, Tristan enjoyed his life when he was broke just as much as he enjoyed the wealth he and his brother had accumulated. It was an adventure to get where they was at. With his brother by his side they were unstoppable.

Doing time did nothing but make Tristan want to prove to the world that he was a somebody. Nobody was going to bring him down…

“She’s got you there bro…” AJ was taking the piss out of Callie…

“Yeah… I think she’s just playing… She wants to be owned…” Tristan just wanted to rile the blue eyed beauty up a bit. She was such a gorgeous girl. Something about her…

“Owned? I would rather die than ever say a man owns me.” Yep… He thought as much. That got him to laugh.

“Callie… Don’t be rude.” Sally was trying to stop her sister from carrying on. Sally was a smart woman, she knew in order to maintain this lifestyle that she needed to keep Tristan and his brother happy and she did. He had to give her that.

“I’m being rude?” Callie put her finger to her chest now. “Right… Okay… Look… I think I should go…” Tristan didn’t know how to take that. Only woman alive who didn’t want to be right here. Did she not understand how much better her life would be if she was to play nice? She should be begging him to keep her.

“Or you can stay…” He wanted to push her. Had nothing better to do today and this was fun… For now.

“Or not.” And Callie didn’t seem to be having any fun.

“I mean… Okay… I’ll send you a cheque then… For the table… My lawyers will be in touch with yours…” He could see her face drop. The men all started laughing again.

Callie rubbed her lips together and looked away. Was that defeat? Easier than he assumed. And just like that his interest died. He actually thought she might give him a little more… He grew bored…

Tristan decided on a game of poker with the boys and left the women to do their own thing. Not that they ever left them for long, the women were there to serve the drinks, rub their shoulders and whatever else they did… Life was sweet.

About two hours on and Tristan was a nursing his sore ego. Jarred his cousin kicked his ass and Tristan had to fold. He was out. He left the game and found Sally and Callie arguing quietly in the corner. He stayed out of view but wanted to hear this.

“You will stay and have dinner and fuck off. Do you get me?” Sally snapped angrily.

“What the hell is with you? You think this is a life? You want to be owned by those sexist pigs?” Nice.

“Shut the hell up… Don’t you dare ruin this for me.” Sally seemed really anxious that her sister was there.

“Like I care… The fact that you want to be here, the fact that you are okay to degrade yourself this way… It’s sickening. You are a disappointment.”

“Oh my god, shut up. Just fucking stop opening your big mouth. Eat your dinner and fuck off. Not that hard.”

“I swear to god I am telling mum everything.” Sally’s face turned murderous at Callie’s threat.

“Yeah? Go on… Tell her. You think I give a fuck? How about you go and figure out how to make rent…”

“What the hell is wrong with you? You think that this is a better life? You think that being here and being a bloody dog to these animals is the way to go?”

Tristan made himself seen before Sally could reply. Sally was quick to move over and sit beside him. He leaned forward and lit himself a cigar wanting to see what the go was now.

“Tell your sister to join us.” He was talking to Sally, Tristan was somewhat intrigued again…

“Callie, honey come and sit with us.” Sally kept a smile on her stunning face. She was good to fill him up a glass of scotch. Tristan leaned back and waited to see how Callie was going to do this. She was such a stunner… The fact that Tristan could not take his eyes off her was saying something, Tristan had been with some of the most beautiful women in the world. He would fuck Callie and get her out of his system.

She reluctantly joined them and it looked like she would rather be in hell as opposed to being here with them.

“You don’t seem happy to be here.” He wanted to understand what her issue was.

“You would be right.” She up and said. He wanted to laugh at her honesty. Seemed a lot like this girl could not hide how she felt.

“And why is that?”

“She’s just not used to this.” Sally intervened before Callie could reply.

“Yeah… That.” Callie nodded and looked away. She was on edge.

“So… Tell me about being Sally’s sister…” Sally tensed when Tristan asked Callie that. She kept a smile fixed on her face but he could tell she didn’t like where this was going. She seemed afraid to hear what Callie had to say.

“Why?” Callie asked almost rolling her eyes at him.

“Well… I want to know. I mean, Sally is one of my girls… It’s good for me to know…”

“One of your girls? How many do you have?” She scoffed when she asked that.

“Well, for now we have these four beauties between us… Some come and go… Depends…”

“Nice… So nice…” Callie nodded her head clearly not impressed.

“I think it’s nice. We have a good thing happening.” Tristan knew he was getting to Callie.

“Right… And it’s okay for you to share your women? I mean… You don’t mind?”

“Why would I mind? If they are all on board… They all seem happy… We are happy… Win win for all.”

Callie gave her sister a you are fucked look before she spoke. “I suppose if it works for you… Not my business right…”

“Could be your business…” He wanted to fuck her. He would fuck her yet.

“Excuse me?” She seemed taken aback by his comment.

“You could always give it a go and see how it goes. Nothing to lose and everything to gain…”

“Yeah I’ll give it a miss thank you.”

Sally spoke in his ear now. “She is too high strung…”

“Really Sally?” Callie bit out now. “You are whispering in his ear? What did you say?”

“Enough Callie… You’re acting like a kid.” Sally was looking at her sister to stop.

“At least I’m not a fucking whore…” Tristan didn’t know how to react when Callie said that. Sally’s face dropped.

Just then the boys all walked in and joined them followed by the women. “Fucking king of the castle I am!” AJ won the game. Fucker always won.

“Fuck off.” Jarred snapped before he took a seat. Max smiled at them and shrugged his shoulders not giving a fuck who won. He took a seat also and looked around.

“What’s with the tension?”

“Well, I think Callie just called her sister a whore… Which would imply she called all our girls whores.” Tristan informed the rest. Again, it was purely fun for now.

“Whore?” Marla was not amused. Marla was a stunning woman, sexy as hell. “Who the hell are you calling whores?”

“I mean… Am I mistaken? You guys are with the men for money? For gifts? To be their sex toys? You get money for that… You get brand name bags and shoes and all that bullshit. I think it goes with the job description…” Callie definitely had a mouth on her.

“Callie! Apologise.” Sally snapped which was completely out of her character to do that in front of the men. Callie licked her full lips before she replied to her sister.


“For being rude.”

“Wasn’t being rude. Just saying the truth… I mean, I meant no offence… I thought you knew you were all escorts… That’s all I meant. Actually didn’t know it was a secret…”

Tristan laughed. This bitch was good to piss anybody off.

“You have a smart mouth on you.” He said smiling at the brat.

“Yep… Um… Is dinner going to take much longer. I need to go…”

“Where?” He was actually intrigued to know.

“A date… So…”

“A date? But you would have eaten…” He found it funny how hard she was trying to keep herself in check.

“I’ll eat more… All good.”

“Right…” Tristan nodded his head. “Okay then… Marla, be a dear and tell the cook we are ready.” Marla smiled and did as she was told. Tristan saw how Callie rolled her eyes at Marla’s obedience.

“Problem with my girls doing as they are told?” He found himself asking her.

“Nope… Don’t care…” She said looking away. She drew in a deep breath and he could tell she was not enjoying her time here.

“You are very pretty.” Jarred was talking to her now.

Callie squinted her eyes at him. “Okay…”

“You would know that right?” Jarred wanted to play now. Tristan understood how fucked up they were but it was fun…

“Know what?” Callie wasn’t taking the bait.

“That you’re pretty. Yeah, you know…”

“Why does it matter?” She asked Jarred. “Who cares if I’m pretty or not, why is it of any relevance to anybody?”

“It matters. Of course it matters. You can get a lot of money for being pretty. Look at your sister…” Tristan kept it up too.

“Well… Unfortunately for me I am not about that.”

“No? Okay, so tell us, what is it you like? What can we do to change your mind about us?”

“Do? Nothing… I’m good thank you.”

“You obviously don’t like us…” AJ now.

“I… What?” Callie was being put on the spot.

“I think my brother is saying that you don’t like us.” Tristan recapping just because...

“Yeah, he would be right…” And Tristan laughed again. This kid could not keep her mouth shut if she tried. “I don’t care enough to like you… Can we just eat…” Callie was flustered now. Her face colouring at the attention. Lucky for her dinner was served and it was time to eat.

Funny enough she ate her entire plate. Not something he ever saw here. Only the men ate… The women only ever picked at their food, it was kind of refreshing to see her eat.

“Hungry?” Tristan asked her when she finished her plate.

“Yeah…” She nodded her head before gulping her wine. So classy… “That was nice. Thank you for your hospitality. I have eaten and am good to go… Not sure what having me around for dinner was about but yeah…” She wiped her mouth with the napkin and stood up. “Would say it was a pleasure but that would be a downright lie. Sally… I’m sure mum will be calling you soon…”

Callie didn’t seem to give a fuck. She ate her food purely so he couldn’t say she didn’t stick to the deal and have dinner. She was counterattacking. Smart cookie.

“Hey… Stay the night…” Max now. That got a laugh out of Callie.

“I’ll give it a miss.” With that she left the table and left the house… That was something. Interesting to say the least…

Tristan found himself thinking about Callie for days after she left. He had just finished fucking Sally and she was in his arms stroking his chest when he brought her sister up.

“What’s the story with Callie?” He felt Sally tense in his arms.

“She’s just hot headed. She doesn’t think that a man has a right to dictate a woman’s life. Her mentality is different to mine. We’ve always been different.”

“So what does she want?”

“She’s always been into books and studying. Never really went out, didn’t have huge friend group. She was always into weird shit. Fell in love with this guy who adored her… She was happy with him…”

“Is she still with him?”

“Yeah, well sort of. She sees him every few months. He’s enlisted so they catch up when they can. So in love that it’s actually sickening.”

“Does he have a name?” Tristan wanted to know about his man.


“How long have they been together for?”

“Three years… They are going to get married…”

“You are nothing like that.”

“I just know what I want. I mean… Harrison didn’t have a dime to his name and Callie was okay with that. Didn’t seem to faze her in the least. They are really committed to each other. I don’t get it… He’s her first love and she’s happy to just be with him.”

“You think she’ll ever leave him?”

“No chance.”

“And why is it that you don’t get along with her?”

“She judges me. She judges everything about me. She looks at me like I am a disappointment to the family.” He nodded his head.

“I want you to bring her around.” He found himself saying. Tristan wanted to conquer Callie. It was like a challenge to him.

“What?” Sally sat up and looked down at him.

“I want her to come around… Maybe I can change her mind. Do whatever you need to in order to get her here…”


“Play like you want to make it right with her. I want her here…” And Sally understood to do as she was told. She wanted to live this life then she needed to get on board and do as she was fucking told. He wanted Callie and he would have Callie…

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