5 Years Later ~
"Jacob we'll be okay." I sighed for the hundredth time.
"Ariana, you guys need to be careful. Please babe." He pleaded. I groaned and slammed my suitcase close.
"Jacob I'll see you soon." I laughed before hanging up. I threw my cell onto my bed before jumping into the shower. I quickly washed my hair and body before stepping out. I wrapped my blue robe around my body before stepping out. I pulled on my black bra and matching panties before stepping out into the long hall.
I walked into the yellow painted door and smiled. My little angels were running around the room pulling on their clothes. "Need help?" I smiled walking further into the room. "Mommy! I can't tie this!" Joey frowned pointing at his black vans.
"Aria, you're so loud." Quin groaned stepping into the room. Quin was my bestfriend and roommate. After my parents got remarried for their 25th anniversary I decided my Angels and I had to move. Of course my parents refused and left Jackson's loft to me. It got so lonely I decided to rent out the guest room to my bestfriend.
"Nini can you help me?" Zoey begged motioning to her closet. Quin grinned and rushed inside. Sleep long forgotten. One thing about Quin was that she was a fashion fanatic. That explained why all four of our closets were filled.
"Come here baby." I smiled. Joey wobbled over to me rubbing his bright green eyes. One thing he got from me. The rest was from his dad. He was the exact replica of him. I admit it hurt sometimes to see him, but I know my baby would never be as heartless as 'him'.
"Done." I yelled kissing his forehead before standing up. "Come on we need to get some breakfast before we leave." I said quickly doing a side braid for Zoey. "Come on Zoey baby." I grabbed her hand as Quin grabbed Joey. I quickly made all three of them Pancakes, eggs, sausage and strawberry smoothies for Joey and Quin and a Chocolate smoothie for Zoey.
One thing about Zoey was that she was obsessed with chocolate, which wasn't always a good thing. "Mind keeping an eye on them while I change?" I asked Quin. She shook her head before stuffing eggs into her mouth. I laughed and walked off to my room.
I rushed over to my ringing phone slamming my knee on the bed post. "Oh! Pooo!" I yelled. I could hear someone laugh on the phone. "Hi Jackson." I laughed rolling my eyes. "What'd you hit this time Aria?" He chuckled. I frowned and rubbed my knee. "Nothing." I mumbled. His laugh boomed through the speaker making me chuckle.
"Are you calling to make sure we're okay too?" I frowned raising my eyebrow, even if he couldn't see. I could hear him clear his throat before giving me a very unconvincing no.
"We're fine. Quin is coming with us. Alpha Heath is three states away. We have a clear get away." I said confidently. "I'm just worried hon." He sighed. Immediately I felt bad. Jackson lost his daughter when she was only ten. When he saw me his father instincts kicked in. That's why he went against 'him'. "I promise we will be fine. I'll call you if we run into any trouble okay."
"Okay." He sighed. We quickly said our goodbyes and I rushed to my closest to pull out an outfit. I pulled on my black shorts, a cream sleeveless blouse and my black studded heels. I threw my hair up in a messy bun before grabbing my purse and luggage. I pulled the suitcases to the front door before going to Zoeys and Joeys room. I grabbed Zoey's pink suitcase and Joey's black suitcase putting them next to mine.
"Quin! Zoey! Joey!" I yelled opening the door. Right away they all ran to the front door. "Ready?" I breathed. I was nervous, more than nervous. What if we didn't make it? We had to right?
"Yes!" Zoey squealed jumping on the balls of her feet. "Are we going to see Uncle Jake!" Joey yelled pulling on my hand. "Yes we are." I laughed kissing the top of his head. He grinned before running out the door to the awaiting cab. "Here's your bar mommy." Zoey's soft voice said. I grinned down at my daughter before pulling her into my arms. "Thank you baby." I said taking the Clif bar from her hand. I smiled at the cab driver that put our suitcases in the trunk before getting in the back with a jumping Joey, while Quin got in the front.
Two hours later we we're finally seated in the plane going back to my home town. I could finally breathe knowing Alpha Heath wouldn't find us there. I sighed remembering how I got into this mess.
It was a year ago. I was picking up my babies from daycare when I ran into him. He was picking up his sister Marie. Marie was such a lovely little girl. She was Zoey's bestfriend at the time. So of course I thought he was a good guy. But I was so wrong.
He claimed me as his, even if I wasn't his mate. He wanted me and he said he was going to have me if it was the last thing he did. He became obsessed and stalked me everywhere I went. I was scared for myself and for my kids!
That's when I met Quin. She was Marie's older sister and Heaths little sister. She immediately told her parents what he was doing and they demanded that he let me go and he did. Until they made him Alpha three months ago. He became psychotic. He would go into my work and threaten any man who came within three feet of me.
When Quin told me he left for Alpha business I called Jacob and Jackson. They demanded me to come back home. But I didn't want to go back. I was scared to see Caleb. What would he do if he saw our children. Would he take them away from me?
Mariah finally convinced me to leave. She made me realise Heath was more of a danger than Caleb. So here I am, on a four hour plane ride back home.
"Mommy I'm scared." Zoey whimpered snapping me out of my daze. Her eyes were wide as she looked out the window. We were slowly going up, New York was becoming smaller and smaller. I turned to Joey and saw him clenching his fist. He never did like showing his fear. "Don't look baby." I said pulling her head into my chest, doing the same to Joey.
Quin smiled at me before slipping on her earphones.Before I knew it we all fell asleep.
"Zoey! Joey! Aria! Quin!" Mariah yelled running out of the familiar brown house. She rushed to the kids first smothering them in kisses before giving Quin a huge hug. "Aria I missed you!" She sighed pulling me into her chest.
"I missed you too." I whispered. The back of my eyes stinging with tears. "Mariah, why don't you let them come in babe." We all turned to her mate Jorge. He was tall at 6'3, brown hair, matching eyes and the sweetest personality. One thing I was jealous of, was Riri's mate. But I was so glad when the found him.
"Of course!" Riri yelled blushing. "Hi Jorge." I smiled once we reached the front door. "Hey little sis." He winked pulling me into a hug. I sighed and relaxed into his hug. "Where's Jake and Jackson?" He asked leading me inside. "They went to go put my clothes in my princess room!" Zoey yelled from across the room. Making us all laugh. "No they went to go put my toys away in my cars room!" Joey yelled frowning at Zoey.
I laughed before picking them up. "They went to do both. Now go say hi to uncle Jorgie." I grinned putting them down. As soon as their feet touched the floor they ran off into his arms. "Whoa! You guys got so tall! You guys lolol like you're at least seven!" Jorgie yelled taking at them wide-eyed. "It's cause we're strong!" Joey yelled showing him his muscles.
"They're bigger than mine!" Jorgie yelled pouting making Zoey laugh. I giggled and stared at them. They needed a father figure.
"Stop thinking." Mariah whispered into my ear making me jump up. "You just got here. Have fun then worry.... like later later." She f grinned making me giggle. "You're right." I shook my head and grabbed her drink. "Alcohol at one in the afternoon." I tsked laughing at Riri's bright face.
"Shut up." She mumbled walking away. I laughed and downed the bane before joining everyone in the back. "You grew up here?" Quin asked in awe. "Yeah?" I laughed looking around my two story childhood home. "It's so cosy." She whispered. "What she means is, its tiny compared to hers." Riri laughed joining our group.
"No! Its homey and cozy. My house always felt like the pack home, never my home. Heath would bring his pervert friends and I would be locked in the room." She frowned swirling her bane. "Oh sweetie. I'm sorry." Riri frowned pulling her into a hug.
"No more down talk! How was it growing up here?" Quin smiled looking at us. "It was peaceful until you know." I laughed sipping my beer.
"Aria?" A familiar deep voice asked. I turned and grinned. Running into the arms of the man who was like a second father. "Jackson!" I sighed in content. "Oh hon I missed you." He whispered hugging me closer.
"Papa Jackson!" Zoey and Joey yelled. We pulled away just in time. They both clung onto each leg of Jackson. "How are my little peanuts?" He laughed hugging them. Immediately Zoey started telling him about her ballet classes and how nervous she was to join a new ballet class here. While Joey told him about his baseball team and how much he was going to miss them.
"Well I'm sure I can pull some strings and get you into the Wolves Baseball Team here." He winked making Joey jump up and down. "Thank you papa Jackson." He grinned before running off to tell Quin. I laughed and turned back to Jackson, who was carrying a sleepy Zoey.
"Thank you." I smiled. "No problem sweetie." He smiled kissing my cheek. "I'll get her from you." I gently grabbed Zoey and walked into the house. "Momma." Zoey yawned tightening her hold around my neck.
"Yeah?" I asked walking into my old room and setting her down on my bed.
"Is ... does our dad live here?" She said softly playing with her long brown hair, the exact replica of my own.
I froze and quickly turned my face away from hers. I didn't want to lie to her. But I didn't want to hurt her. "Please mommy. I want to meet daddy." She pleaded her chin quivering.
"Oh baby. He's here. But .... I don't know if he has time to meet you." I sighed undoing her long braid. "It's okay mommy." She whispered wiping a tear away from my cheek. I frowned and realized I was crying. "Sleep tight baby." I smiled kissing her cheek and tucking her in before walking out.
I leaned against the door and bit my fist to keep in the sobs. I always dreaded this. The day I had to tell my kids, my little angels, that they couldn't meet their daddy.
"Ariana!" I quickly wiped the tears away and rushed downstairs. Jake was pacing back and forth with a worried look on his face.
"Jacob what's wrong?" I frowned rushing in front of him.
"I'm so sorry!" He mumbled running his had through his messy blonde hair. "I.... he just knew!" He whispered covering his face. To say I was confused was an understatement. "What are you talking about?"
"Caleb! He knows you're here! He's on his way." My heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing him. I could even feel my wolf stir at the thought.
I remember the moment I stepped on that plane to leave, my wolf was clawing. She was furious we were being weak. She wanted him, no matter how angry he made her. Imagine going through chest pains ten times worse than the chest pains when he slept with Sarah. I was scared for my pups but Jackson assured me they'd be fine, as long as I didn't give in to my wolf.
"Ariana!" My head snapped back at a worried Jackson. "Zoey isn't upstairs and I can't find her." And just like that my heart dropped. "Zoey!" I yelled running upstairs to an empty room. No, this can't be happening. I ran throughout the whole house and I couldn't find her. By now tears were streaming down my cheeks and it was getting harder to breathe.
And for once my wolf decided to surface knowing her pups were in danger. As soon as I stepped in the back I felt a pull to the woods. I could smell another wolf and it was making my wolf antsy. "Mommy."
"Joey stay with Quin." My eyes flashed. There was a grown male wolf in the woods with my baby. "Come out." I growled. A couple seconds later Zoey popped out. On top of a midnight black wolf that made my heart stop. "Caleb."