I'm going to puke. Please go away puke, go away. I cringed as it came up then it down. I sighed in relief and moved onto my side, feeling the silky sheets caressing my sore body. Oh god, my sheets smelled like sex.
My eyes snapped open. I squeaked and held the sheets tight against my chest as I saw the familiar brown haired, blue eyed beauty. Who was frozen in his attempt to quietly pull on his jeans. 'Mate' my wolf purred sending flashes of last night. Moans, groans, sucking, biting, and to my horror marking. My eyes widened as I felt around my neck. No!
"You marked me?" I whispered. He snapped out of it and rushed to my side. I held the sheet tighter against my body as I saw a flash of lust in his eyes. "Fuck! Fucken wolf!" He growled kicking the bed side table. His breath becoming ragged as he turned away from me. "Calm down. I'm not mad." I quickly said instinctively rubbing his shoulders.
A couple seconds later his breath became normal. My wolf was ecstatic that she calmed the ferocious Caleb. Nobody was able to ever, not even his parents, were able to do that. "I don't want you." I froze and stared at the back of his shoulders. My arms falling to my sides.
"What?" My wolf and I whimpered. He got off the bed and threw my clothes at the bed. "Change now." He ordered turning away from me. I quickly threw on my panties, and jeans. I looked around the room and spotted my bra rippled to shreads across the room.
I cringed and threw on my top. "I'm done." I said walking to my wedges -cringing at the pain between my legs-and pulling them on. "Good. Now leave." He growled his eyes flashing a neon blue. "Wait, no we need to talk!" I exclaimed walking in front of him.
"No we don't. You were a quick fuck. Now leave." He boomed. His vein popping out from his neck. I could feel my wolf pacing back and forth a mixture of worry and anger coursing our bodies. "You don't get to fucking mark me then demand me to leave, you dick!" I growled pushing his chest.
His eyes flashed again with anger and lust as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest. I almost moaned as I felt his strained bottom press against my front. Flashes of last night flashing before my eyes. "Who the hell do you think you are weakling." He growled lowly.
I couldn't deny that I was hot and ready for him at that moment, but neither could he. "I'm your mate." I replied huskily. I could feel his bottom press more against me, as he shivered. "I reject you." Those three words caused me to snap out of the haze. Made my heart break. And broke my wolf all at the same time.
"What?" I whimpered pulling my wrist away from him. I wanted to see his face when he told me. I wanted to make him see what he was making me and my wolf go through at this moment. "I Caleb Felix, reject you Ariana Belle as my mate." He stated staring straight into my eyes. No remorse, no doubt in his words.
Before I could respond my phone rang from across the room. Taking this as an escape I rushed around him to answer it. "Hello." I sniffed biting my lip in order to keep in my tears. I would not give him the pleasure to see me cry, never. "Aria? Shorty what's wrong? Where are you!" Jacobs worried voice said crashing me back to reality. I had abandoned him and my sister last night.
"I'll be home in a bit." I muttered. "I'll pick you up baby. You don't sound so great." I couldn't help the small smile that spread on my lips. Why couldn't he be my mate? "I'll be home soon. Wait for me there." I replied before hanging up. I could feel Celebs anger through my body. He just had to mark me.
I sucked in a deep breath and turned to face him. "Why?" That's all I wanted to know. Why he slept with me. Why he led me on, knowing I would do anything for him. Because that's what mates were supposed to do.
"For fun." He smirked. I felt like someone punched me in the chest mercilessly. I bit my lip and nodded walking to his door and pulling it open. "Ariana." He called out before I could step out. I paused but didn't turn. "You're not allowed to hang out with Jacob anymore." He demanded. My eyes widened in anger. I turned and stomped to him. My palm slapping his cheek, leaving a red hand print.
"You don't get to boss me around. You not my alpha yet. And you sure as hell aren't my mate anymore." I growled glad my wolf was on my side with this. With that being said I turned my back to him and ran out of the pack house and into the forest. Half way out my stomach turned making me lean against a tree and throw up. Tears streamed down my face. My body trembled and my wolf kept whimpering in pain and anger.
I quickly wiped my face and ran the rest of the way home. As soon as I burst into my house Jacob rushed to me. "Babe what's wrong? Aria, did someone hurt you!" I shook my head and threw my arms around him, burrowing my head into the crook of his neck.
"Why do you smell like Caleb?" Jacob asked dread filling his voice. "Please." I whimpered hugging him tighter. He sighed but nodded taking me upstairs to my bedroom and took me into my bathroom filling my tub with hot water. He handed me my shower robe and kissed my forehead. "Ill wait outside." He muttered before walking out.
I threw my clothes to the hamper before stepping into the tub. Letting my muscles relax and forget about earlier. He wasn't my mate. My mate would never do that to me. My mate will love me. Will protect me from asswhores like Caleb. I sighed before standing up scrubbing my body raw hoping to wipe off his scent, and his touch from my body. I quickly rinsed off and twisted a towel on my hair. I reached out for my robe but I way hit with a rain in my chest making me let out an ear piercing scream and trip over the tub, hitting my head on the floor. "Aria!" I could feel Jacob coming closer but I cojkdnt focus on anything other than the burning pain in my chest.
Tears were streaming down my face. "Please make it stop." I begged grabbing a fist full of his shirt and pulled him towards my trembling body. I didn't care that he was seeing me naked. I needed comfort. "I'm so sorry babe." He whispered kissing the top of my head. After the pain left I sighed and curled against him.
"Lets get you to bed." Jacob murmured. He managed to pull my robe on me and take off the towel that was wrapped on the top of my head. He lifted me into his arms and sat on my bed pulling my back in between his legs. "What are you doing?" I asked turning to face him. My voice sounded horrible but I didn't mind. Jacob had seen me in my worst before.
"Just relax Aria." I nodded and turned foward. I sighed in content as he brushed my long hair. After he finishes be tucked me into bed. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded and gave him a small smile. Before he could move away I gripped his arm. "Stay?" He nodded and slid in behind me.
"Ariana! Sweety it's time for school!" My moms chipper voice yelled out from downstairs. I groaned and tugged Jacob closer. "How many times did I wake up last night." I asked staring at his bare chest. To anybody who didn't know us, it would look like we just had sex. But everybody knew we had sleepovers. He's been my bestfriend since I was seven. The only friend who stuck with me.
"Five times." He growled. I nodded and kissed his cheek before sitting up. I stretched my arms over my shoulder making mtg bones crack. "Let's get ready." I sighed smiling at my worried bestfriend. "We can skip." He suggested sitting up. I shook my head and threw the sheets off my body. As soon as I stood up my stomach turned uncomfortably. I slammed open my door and threw up in the toilet. Jacob rushed inside holding my hair and rubbing my back.
After I finished I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. "We should stay home Ariana." Jacob frowned leaning against the door. "No. He's not going to ruin my school life. I'm not giving him that satisfaction." I replied washing my face. He sent me a soft smile before nodding. "Then I'm going to get ready. Ill be back soon okay?" I nodded and he walked off.
As soon as he walked out my stomach turned once more making me throw up. I growled and washed my teeth again. I walked to my drawers and pulled out a pair of panties a bra pulling them on before walking to my closet.
I grabbed my thick leggings and Jacobs warm red and brown sweater. Grabbing my make up bag I walked back to my bathroom. I frowned at my reflection. My eyes were rimmed red and I had dark bags under my eyes. My hair was in soft waves thanks to Jacob.
I put on concealer to hide the dark bags and foundation. I swept water proof mascara and chapstick and declared myself done with my makeup. I decides to just clip half of my hair back before going back into my room and pulling on my brown uggs and burgundy messenger bag.
I quietly made my way down stairs. I sighed in relief when I passed by my family without them noticing. I could see Jacobs truck rolling up time my house so I ran to the street and jumped in as soon as he reached me.
"Isn't that mine?" He asked pulling back onto the street heading to school. "Yup." I smirked. He laughed and turned on the radio. We stayed in a comfortable silence until we reached the school. I could already smell his scent, coffee vanilla and the forest.
"You'll be fine." Jacob reassured me. I nodded and breathed in before stepping out. Right away I could feel people turning to stare at me. I take it back I want to go home! Before I could run with my tail in between my legs, Jacob came up from behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me to our first class.
"Jacob." I froze and my wolf stirred. She didn't know whether to be happy worried or angry. "What the hell do you want." Jacob growled tightening his hold on me. "Get your fucking hands off of my mate." He growled lowly. I could feel his anger making me resent the mark that was hidden with my hair. "I'm not your mate." I whispered knowing he could hear me. I flashed my eyes up to his and caught a flash of hurt in them and as quickly as it came it went. "You're mine." He growled grabbing my arm. My stomach started turning again making me freak out. I was not going to throw up here, in front of everybody.
Before I could say anything or Jacob, Sarah's voice came into the hall. "Babe!" She squealed rushing over to us. She frowned when she saw his hand gripping onto mine. "WHAT THE HELL!" She yelled pushing me away from him before attacking his lips. My stomach turned again and this time I ran. I ran straight into the girls bathroom and heaved. I didn't have food to throw up.
"Ariana." Jacob sighed rubbing my back. After I finished I flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink. I washed out my mouth before sticking two gum sticks in my mouth. "I'm fine. My stomach is just being weird." I reassured him. He nodded but he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. I shook it off and pulled him to class.
A week later ~
"Jacob take me home!" I growled glaring at a fidgeting Jacob. "Please just go find out. You've been throwing up way too much. And don't get mad but you're getting round." My eyes widened and I hit him over and over again anywhere I could. "You stupid ass! You're calling me fat!" I yelled hitting the back of his head.
"I'm not calling you fat!" He yelled throwing his hands up. "I'm not pregnant either! I can't be!" I yelled crossing my arms and glaring at the pack house. I hated that house. "Ariana an Alpha is supposed to have an heir. So when they find their mate it doesn't take them more that one time to get the girl pregnant." Jacob explained also glaring at the pack house.
My face paled as I took in the new information. "Okay." I whispered before stepping out of the truck.
After the pack doc checked me we sat in the pack living room waiting for him to call us back. "What if you are." Jacob whispered d from behind me. We were sitting on the couch and he was being my pillow. My hands went to my stomach unconsciously. I was round and not even a normal round. I've seen preganant she-wolf's and they weren't so big as I was. It had been a week and I already had a pretty big pulge.
"He's not going to know." I whispered rubbing my stomach. "Ariana." Our eyes snapped up to the doc and we got up walking back to his office. "Congratulations Miss Belle! You're pregnant!" He grinned. Congratulations!? I'm sixteen years old with no mate and he thinks this is a good thing!
"Do you want to know what you're having?" He grinned looking between me and Jacob. That's when it clicked. He thought we were mates, just like everyone else. Why couldn't Jacob be my mate.
"Yes." I smiled. "Okay lay down and pull your shirt up. I'm going to put this on. Its cold and it might tickle." He warned before spreading the goo on my stomach. I giggled making Jacob and the doctor laugh.
"Oh wow. Well that explains it." The doctor laughed staring at the screen. "What?" I asked my heart thumping nervously against my chest. Even if I wasn't ready to be a mom I loved the idea of having a baby. "See this." He asked pointing at the legs. My eyes widened as I stared. "My baby has four legs!" I yelled. "Twins." The doctor laughed making me blush.
"Twins." Jacob whispered next to me. I smiled and looked over to him with tears in my eyes. "Twins." I repeated my heart swelling with the idea. "Want to know the sex?" I quickly nodded. "You're having the perfect pair. A boy and a girl." A laugh burst through my lips. "Oh my god." I smiled gripping Jacobs hand tighter.