I storm off, heading to my office still fuming. I barge inside, my anger slowly calming down as I see Reece standing in front of my office.
“Hey Mia, nice to see you.” he greets with a light smile on his face.
My body relaxes at his niceness. Why can't he be my boss instead huh?
I step further into the office as I return his greeting. My voice is rather stiff, “Nice to see you too.”
“What has your pants twisted?” he asks playfully, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Mr Giovanni fucking Antonio” I grit out, glaring at the wall dividing our offices witching it was him.
“Yeah, Vanni is always pissing people off. You just have to learn to tolerate him after all he is the boss.” he advised, perching his ass on my table.
“That idiot is so lucky he is my boss or else I would have shoved a stick up his tight ass.”
Reece chuckles, he runs his fingers through his hair then speaks, “You are a feisty one. I like it.”
Curiosity gets the better of me so I just had to ask the question bugging me, “What do you do here?”
“I am Vanni's personal assistant.”
My eyes widened. Of fucking course. The guy literally calls him by a nickname.
Am I getting dumber by the day?
“No, you are not.” he chuckles, making me roll my eyes.
I need to stop thinking out loud like seriously.
“Vanni, and I have more than a boss to employee relationship. We are friends.”
Friends, I didn't know he was capable of that.
I move around him to take a seat before I collapse from standing so long. His eyes darted to the files on my table, making his eyebrows fuse together.
“Did he ask you to do those files?” he asks.
I simply nod. He chuckles.
“He might actually hate you. Those files are from five years ago. They have no use now.” he explains.
That fucking bastard. My eye twitches, the only thing holding me from going to claw at the bastard face is that he is my boss.
I take in deep breaths.
I can't get fired, I can't get fired.
I repeat the mantra in my head over, and over again. He is my boss so I need to find a way to be able to work with him.
And I know the right person for the job.
“I beg of you, give me advice on how to deal with that prick, and still not get fired.” I pleaded, looking at him with my puppy eye.
He sighs, rolling his eyes before he starts to list the things I sure as hell can't do.
“First off you need to stop him names aloud, do it on the inside. Secondly, carry out his every instruction without complaint then lastly just stay out of his way.”
I burst out laughing like a maniac, I laugh so hard I am rolling on the floor then the tears start coming slowly until I am sobbing.
“Hey, what's wrong?” he scoots closer to my crying form, trying to ease me without touching me.
“I am going to get fired.” I cry out, water rolling down my eyes uncontrollably.
“What!! No, I already told you how to not get fired.”
I fling my arms in the air, my annoyance level going up, “That's the problem, I can't do any of that shit you said.” I complain.
“That's not true, just practice.” he assures.
I raise my head to glare at him, tears still streaming down as I bark at Reece, “Have you met me? I can't think on the inside. I live, and breathe just to complain.”
I mean all I know how to do is complain, and think out loud. I won't survive this job.
I am going to get fired. My mouth is forming an ugly shape. The phone rings again, I answer knowing it's the devil calling.
“Come here.” and again he hangs up before I can speak.
Thanking Reece profusely for his advice I won't heed to, I rush down to the devil's office.
“Come in.” his chill voice resonates through the wall as soon as I knock.
I push open the door, and step in. Once again he is facing the window.
Does he just enjoy staring at himself? What a big ego. I bet it's because he knows he is handsome.
He turns around, his eyes still the same. “I employed you to work here, not question why I did what I do.” he snaps.
Damn it he heard me urgh.
“And I can still hear you.”
My cheeks goes crimson at his stare, I clamp my teeth down on my lips hard enough to draw blood.
But it doesn't.
“Take those files, and sort them again.” he barks at me, his eyes daring me to challenge him again.
With my tails in between my legs, I ran out of his office. I will listen to Reece just for now until I can't take it anymore.
After sorting the already sorted files from five fucking years ago. I am once again the only staff left behind cashless, and hungry.
Thankfully I got home safe today, no man waiting to attack any lady that didn't pay heed to them.
I drag my feet to my room door, fishing out my keys from my bag.
But there is only one issue, my door is unlocked when I know I locked it this morning.
My hands are shaky, but I will them to stop, ever slowly I push open my door. The hinges make creaking sounds.
My room is as I left it in the morning. So that means no one broke into my room.
But, why was my door unlocked? Who did it? Did the person want to see me? Even if they did, it gave them no right to break in.
All the questions in my head vanish as I feel a hard force push me to the wall, smashing my head on it.
The last thing I hear before my body slips into consciousness is a curse that says, “ You bitch.”