His stride was intense, strict, demanding. It matched his posture as well; one that held a sense of seriousness and forgetfulness of the person he used to be just a month ago.
I sat in my chair, my heart beat quickening with every step he took closer to the podium. Normally, with Garret in office there would be the slight sounds of conversation echoing throughout the conference room. However now, it was different.
The silence was almost painful.
Sarah stared intently at Sebastian as he stood at the podium. Her gaze looked as if she was trying to see through him, trying to find where his past persona disappeared to.
"What's wrong?" I whispered.
"He's changed. I don't like it." She replied, keeping her eyes set on the man in front of her.
Sebastian cleared his throat, causing all seventy four of us to look up.
"Good Morning, everyone. I have called you in here for an obvious reason that should be clear to the conscience: to be able to address somethings that I have issues with."
He looked every where except at me.
"First off, I have found that there are too many employees working for this company than I deem necessary. Each department has a ten percent overflow of employees, which, in turn, causes for dense work places. So, not only will my department heads and I be working this week to transfer those recently hired to different departments, we will be issuing lay offs."
The entire room suddenly began to chatter frantically. Sebastian narrowed his eyebrows, causing everyone to stop talking immediately.
He then grinned deviously "If there are any problems with this, speak up now."
It was quiet until Francis Joel, a member of the Board stood up. Our heads turned to his direction.
"With all due respect Seb-Mr. Harrison, our department employees have been working hard to ensure that the company thrives just as it did in the past. The rest of the Board would work with your father and create great strategies for our employees-"
"You're right, Mr. Joel. Which is why I think it's wise to demote you to Executive Officer instead, and promote Alissa Drummer to your position. You would be a great addition to that department with the amount of knowledge you possess."
Francis' jaw dropped open in shock, as well as Alissa's. I knew Francis. I always sat next to him when Garret and the Board would have their weekly meetings. He had great ideas and was a patient man. He was one of the reasons this company was so successful. The thought of him being demoted enraged me.
"You can't do that!" I blurted, standing up in the process.
Sebastian snapped his head in my direction. I saw his jaw clench and his grip on the podium tighten when he looked at me. Everyone's protests was silenced.
"Excuse me?" He questioned in disbelief.
Sit...down, Leslie! My conscience snapped.
I took a deep breath "Francis has-he's been working for Harrison Inc. for a long time. He...he only had a suggestion." I avoided eye contact with him, though I knew his stare was toxic.
Footsteps grew louder, and before I could gather something else to say, Sebastian was beyond the foot of the stairs and staring directly at me.
"Perhaps you too would like to be demoted? You would make a lovely secretary for marketing."
I stared at him in shock, but nothing came out of my mouth. We just glared at each other for a good ten seconds before I sat down in my chair, defeated.
Sebastian backed away from me and stuffed his hands in his pockets. His eyes never left mine "If that's the end of the interruptions, you're all dismissed. Have a great day."
"That fucking asshole!" Sarah yelled, kicking the vending machine with such force the sound echoed through the hallway. A few people from Sales looked at Sarah, startled.
"What do you want?" She snapped, they all resumed walking.
"Sarah, calm down-"
"No, I don't need to 'calm down' he's issuing lay offs! And what better place to start than the CEO who has three fucking assistants; two of us are getting transferred or let go, and I can assure you it isn't Lucinda."
I was still shaking from the encounter Sebastian and I had a few minutes ago, and the fact that Sarah was about to explode wasn't helping either.
"We don't know that. He's known you two for the longest he can't just-"
"Oh but he can." Sarah was power walking towards the elevator; I followed. Lucas stayed to talk with Francis about something I knew nothing about.
Once the elevator doors closed, Sarah began talking again "He's exactly like Garret now, and the difference between the way Garret treated you and the way Garret treated everyone else is by a landslide. But what's worse is that Sebastian has no favorites. I mean, besides you, but he's burying those feelings down. Garret showed that he liked you. Not like that, but you know what I mean."
I gulped "I think we should just see how this turns out. I mean it's only the first week."
"Why the fuck are you so calm about this?" Sarah glared at me until a halfhearted smirk crossed her face.
"Oh right...that. I swear you're such a softie. Despite that outburst in the conference room which was funny as hell by the way."
I rolled my eyes. The elevator doors opened, and Sarah and I walked through the hall, through the reception area to my office. I closed the door and watched Sarah plop down on the small sofa. Darcy looked up from her computer in surprise.
"Darcy, Sarah. Sarah, Darcy." I said. They both waved to each other, and Darcy pretended to get back to work.
"It has nothing to do with that." I said, sitting at my desk "I'm just trying to make sure that I don't get in any ones way, like you said to do. If we can keep it this way from now on then everything else will be history."
"He's only doing this because of you; he's a spoiled little brat who's used to getting his way and when he doesn't get something he wants, which is rare, then he throws a fit. I have to admit, though, he's doing a good job at this one. But this won't last though. He's a man of power now, and soon he won't be able to resist the temptation to bang you on his giant des-"
"Sarah!" I yelled, covering my face in embarrassment. She laughed.
"Okay, okay. I have no filter, I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you really don-"
Suddenly, a gasp came from the corner where Darcy sat. I turned towards Darcy's direction and saw her sit in shock, her hand covering her mouth.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's-I-I just got this link and...take a look." She turned her computer screen around after clicking on the link. My heart felt like a weight in my chest.
"What the hell?" Sarah exclaimed. I was at a loss for words at the sight in front of me.
"SEBASLIE.LOVERS." Sarah read aloud. "Sharing the best and cutest photos of Sebastian Harrison and his publicist, Leslie King. Hash tag forever sebaslie."
"It has almost 2000 followers." Darcy said.
"But it's on private..." Sarah said, fighting a smile. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she pointed to the left of the screen.
"Oh my God 56 photos!? I'm request that shit!" Sarah pulled out her phone, opened the instagram app and sent a request to the page; I was still frozen in shock.
"They just accepted my request!" Sarah said, frantically typing at her phone.
"I-I can't look." I said, turning away. Darcy got up from her desk and looked at Sarah's phone.
"Oh my God!" Sarah brought the phone next to my cheek, forcing me to look at the photo.
It was of Sebastian and I at the ice skating rink. Both of us were laughing about something, our smiles genuine. It was an amazing photo, but it made me uncomfortable.
"This makes me sick." I mumbled.
Sarah clicked on two more photos before the sound of someone knocking on my office door made her lock her phone. I opened it, greeted with a preppy Lucinda, a clipboard in hand.
"Hi, Leslie. Just here to tell you that Sebastian wants to see you in his office."
"Um, thanks. I'll be there right away."
Lucinda smiled before making her way to the receptionist's desk, handing something to Paul. I gave a look of dread to Sarah before I exited.
Halfway down the hall, I heard Sarah calling my name.
I turned around to find her doing pelvic thrusts with a devious smirk on her face, making me hate going into his office even more.