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Two Can Play That Game (Book 2)

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Book 1: Playboy Rehab Book 2: Two Can Play That Game The feeling of rejection does not sit well for both new CEO, Seb...

EmotionRomanceFemale leadIndependentNew AdultUrbancontemporaryPlayboyheirCEOTrue LoveMarriageOne-night stand

Chapter 1: Rejection (1)

It had felt like a ton of bricks were piled on top of my heart.

I couldn't think, I couldn't speak, I couldn't even breathe properly. I walked as fast as my feet would allow me down the hallway as the tears began to fall steadily down my face. The statement "Anything else is considered irrelevant" echoed throughout my head. This wasn't Sebastian talking, this couldn't be Sebastian. Sebastian was different. He was the carefree, humorous, immature Harrison that I had fallen for unknowingly. Not this...asshole.

My first instinct was to call Sarah. I had no idea where she was or what she was doing, maybe she was still in the conference room? No, they had already dispersed, minus the reporters who had stayed behind to ask the Board questions. Maybe she was with Lucas? I don't know. I went into my office and sat down on my chair. Darcy had left, leaving a note that she was retiring for the night. I took a breather before dialing Sarah's number; I didn't want her to know I was crying.

"Hello?" Sarah said.

"Hey, Sarah. Where are you?" I asked.

"Um, Lucas and I are still in the conference room but we're about to go home in a bit. Why? How did it go?"

I was silent.

"...Come meet me down in the lobby." She told me, before hanging up.

I gathered my stuff in my purse, cleaned up my running mascara, and made my way out of my office. Once I locked the door behind me I made my way through the dimly lit reception area towards the elevator. Mr. Hall, the janitor that always works on this floor, greeted me as I walked passed him. I waved at him, pressed for the lobby and waited for the elevator doors to open. When the doors opened, I walked inside and pressed for the lobby again for safe measure.

I was growing impatient. I wanted to see Sarah already; to hear what she would say about the situation. Sometimes I wished I was like her. Never afraid to speak her mind, not afraid to say what she thought was right and wrong. I was a timid mouse most of the time compared to Sarah, who was a confident, outspoken feline predator; wherever she walked she exuded a demeanor that no one wanted to question. I, I was just known as the pushover.

The halt of the elevator doors closing interrupted my thoughts. As they reopened, my breath hitched in my throat. The tall, suited man who just rejected me moments ago walked into the elevator, but not before widening his eyes and the sight of me. I contemplated making a run for it, but the doors were already closed when the thought crossed my mind.


I kept my eyes on the elevator buttons, though ignoring Sebastian's presence was a challenge. After everything that had happened the past few hours, it was impossible to forget, to pretend that nothing had happened.

Sebastian was doing a damn good job at it though.

It was the 10th floor when the doors opened. A few older businesswomen spotted us and decided to wait for the next one, a blush prominent on their cheeks. The thought of exiting out crossed my mind, yet I decided to stay, surprisingly; frankly dealing with the awkward air was a far better idea than running away from it.

6th floor. I glanced slightly at Sebastian, who was staring directly ahead at the doors. I heard his phone vibrating more than four times but he didn't answer it. He just put his hands in his pockets. His posture was stern, strict. It scared me. Weeks ago I was pushing him through a fucking hospital hallway because he begged me to for fun, and now...this? My chest was plagued with a disgusting feeling. Maybe this was my fault. I mean, of course, it was; I rejected him out of stupidity, out of fear. But he couldn't have become like this from that. Maybe this whole self-cleansing thing was a mistake; he's become what Garret wanted.

I looked at his face. His expression was blank, but as I looked at him I felt butterflies in the pits of my stomach; he was so good looking. Everything about him seemed perfect to me. His hair, his eyes, his smile, everything. Why did I even say no in the first place?

"Because you're an idiot" My conscience teased. I frowned.

Lobby. Once the doors opened, Sebastian and I both darted for the exit at the same time. Sebastian stopped in his tracks, yet I did as well.

"After you." He said, gesturing his hand out in front of him. I nodded, avoiding eye contact, and exited; it was as if he didn't even know me.

Sebastian met with two men I had never seen before, and went to the left hallway, while I made my way to the lobby.

Sarah and Lucas were sitting on one of the couches, Sarah looking impatient while Lucas looks as if he wanted to go home; Sarah must have forced him to stay.

When Sarah spotted me, she immediately stood up. Lucas stayed seated until she kicked him, causing him to stand.

"Well...what-what happened?" She said.

"I-it's...I don't..."

She sighed "Damn. Maybe it isn't best to talk here. How about your place?"

"That would be wise, but my car is there, Beth is with Leo and Paul-"

Suddenly, my phone began ringing.

"Hold on a sec, it's Paul," I told her. She nodded.

I slid to answer and held my phone to my ear "Hey Paul-"

"Bitch! Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?" He whined.

"Sorry, I just got so caught up."

"I had to find out because of the stupid press conference; don't know why they do those on Fridays." He said.

"Me neither."

There was silence.

"...Something is wrong, Ms. King. Does it have to do with bae?"

I cringed. "He isn't...bae," I replied, my tone more venomous than it needed to be.

Paul gasped "Something happened. I'm coming over. You still at the office?"

"What-yes I am but you don't need to come over-"

"I'm coming to pick you up right now."

"Paul, no. What about you and Max? Friday is your date night."

There was a pause.

"Hold on a second Les. Max! I'll be gone tonight. Let's do movies tomorrow."

I heard Max scream "alright" roughly in the back round before Paul resumed talking.

"He doesn't mind. I'll be in the garage in five."


"Bitch, you know that when there's a drama involving my friends I'm there. I'm coming, no excuses. Love you!"

Then he hung up.

I sighed in defeat "My friend is giving us a ride."

"No problem, this works out fine." Sarah said, tying her hair up into a bun "All that matters right now is finding out what happened."

Lucas groaned "Do I have to go? I mean I haven't been home in three months-"

Sarah rolled her eyes "Oh, stop being a little bitch. If you wanna go home, take the metro train."

Lucas grimaced "This late? I'll pass."

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