Audrey’s POv
"So we'll be walking home together, two of us. Elena's driver has come to take her home" Kyle said when school dismissed, after I told him which way I would walk through.
Wait, how about him? I mean, since he attends this school..definitely he is from a rich home.
Why is he trekking home when most students were being picked by their drivers?
I didn't bother to ask him these questions anyway, we began to walk down the lane.
"I won't be going home directly, I would be stopping by at a restaurant" I told him.
"Why? Do you have a date with your boyfriend?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said giving a short laugh.
"Oh really? "
Having a boyfriend is the second to the last thing on my Agenda. I need to learn from Mom's experience. I don't wanna make the same mistake she made.
I'm not saying I won't have a boyfriend but maybe not too soon.
"Boyfriend? I and my mom just moved to this Wearous area, do you expect me to have one already?" I said not full giving him an answer whether I do have a boyfriend or not.
"Then why are you going to a restaurant before going home? " He asked me.
"I just hope you won't mock me" I said and stop walking "I want to work there" I told him and I saw his face expression, he looked - perplexed which made him stop walking too.
He stood in front of me, surprised.
"Ok, I can see you are so surprised and you are gonna laugh at me soon. I just so you know, i am not a pretender and I never wanted to act like I'm super wealthy like you guys. I'm just some random girl living a random life, I still don't know what I'm doing here and in your school" I expatiated yet he didn't say anything.
"Would you continue to stay silent just because I told you I'm a poor minor girl? Ok, it's fine if you don't wanna make friends with me" I said feeling dejected then I began to walk ahead of him.
"No, I.. I'm just surprised" He finally spoke and caught up with me.
I scoffed:"Why? "
"You courageously spoke the truth but I think it's okay to be poor but to live a happy life" He said.
"What do you mean? " I asked staring into his eyes.
"Unlike my family, we are not wealthy too, I'm not a wealthy guy" He confessed and I stood in bemusement.
"I had to attend Wearous High School for some reason too" He continued.
"Oh.. Okay" So, I'm not the only poor one.
"So what's the unhappy part of it?" I asked but he didn't say anything.
I looked up to his face only to notice his eyes were teary and a tear began to roll down his cheeks then another dropped.
"What's wrong? " I asked him.
He tried to smile amidst the tears, he wiped it off and sniffed;
"It's just that.. "
I interrupted him: "Ok, I'm so sorry if I made you cry"
"C'mon" He paused, about to say something.
"My parents usually quarrel over the same issue and it's getting out of hand. My house is on fire and it makes me sad. You see Audrey, you live with only your mom yet it's a happy one.. " He said.
I wanted to ask him what happened to his family and why he said his house is on fire? but I kept the questions to myself. I felt it was none of my business but I was so concerned. He will tell me what's wrong when he wants to.
"Here we are" He announced.
I looked up to the tall building in front of us..
Boldly written on it Eat - Rest - Relax, ERR restaurant.
"This is the restaurant" He said.
"How do you know I was referring to ERR restaurant?" I asked him
He smiled: "It's a popular restaurant. let's just say I guessed right" He said.
"Oh, thank you very much" I said and he smiled again.
"We are departing now, are you sure you'll be fine? " I asked him and before he could answer, I spoke further "See Kyle, I'm really sorry to have asked you a question that would hurt you to the marrow of your bone"
"It's okay""You are such a great friend, I'm glad we met" He said.
It's not even hard to make friends here afterall.
My first day in WHS, I made two friends - a favourite one who is standing right in front of me. Who knows? He might be the charming knight in my shining armor.
What did I just say? Ugh?!
"So Bye Kyle, see you in school tomorrow " I waved at him.
"Take good care of yourself” He said.
"Yeah, I will. You too" I bid him bye and watch edhim leave.
He is not bad as well..
I think he is more handsome than Mr Handsome, Simon.
I turned to the building which has sparkling beautiful lights.
I took a brief sigh and said to myself:
"Come on Audrey, I can do it" Then I walked into the restaurant.
Kyle's POV
"Mom, Dad.. I'm around" I said as I walked into the house but I was welcomed with loud yells and insults.
It was Mom and Dad, they were quarreling again, there's no day they won't fight over the same issue; a case one would just cry over and finally let it go.
"You were too careless, I swear I have never seen a woman as dumb as you are. As long as you are staying under this roof with me, without that child then I will continue to make your life miserable " My Dad yelled at her and she yelled back.
"Read my lips Austin, I don't care. Make me feel so miserable all you want, It won't change anything and I'm not gonna leave this house. What else do you want me to do Austin huh?
It's not like I'm so happy that we lost a child, I'm not. I am the saddest woman on earth yet I got pregnant again and we have another child "
"Will you just shut up? " Dad cut in sharply.
I have heard the whole story and I think I know what happened.
*Nineteen years ago, It all happened nineteen years ago. Isn't it suppose to be over?
Mom worked at a mall and as usual, she placed the six month old baby Ralph in the baby cycle while she was engrossed with attending to client's.
When there were less people to attend to, like she always does, she went to check on the sleeping baby she kept in a baby tricycle but he wasn't there.She had checked around, ask people whether they carried him to pet him or something but none. he wasn't found. It was the worst day of her life.
When she got home, being the strict man her husband (my Dad) was and he's still is.
She cried underneath her breathe and had to lied to him that she took the baby to the hospital because he suddenly fell sick. That same night, she lured Dad to bed because she lost the hope that Ralph cannot be found. As if it was too easy to have another child, she slept with Dad that night.
Next day, each and every day, Dad became suspicious since his wife (My mom) kept on saying baby Ralph is in the hospital. She even lied that she went to the hospital everytime to check on the baby. Meanwhile, she reported the missing baby to the police and they searched for him secretly. Ralph was no where to be found.
Dad went to the family hospital (the same hospital Mom was referring to) and there were no record of the baby except his birth record.
With the meanest look on his face, he confronted my mom with a hand on her neck threatening to kill her if she doesn't confess what happened to the child. She did confess how the baby was kidnapped while she was engrossed with attending to the customers as the mall.
She should have just told him the whole truth when it happened. Now Dad didn’t take it easy with her, he went ahead, close down the mall and as if it is enough, he normally recall the issue day by day which will always result to chaos.
Meanwhile, mom was pregnant - That was Me.
The result of what she did; a product if apology.
I'm sick and tired of the whole issue. I don't know who to blame or who take sides with. Is it my mom who lied to Dad and had sex with him so that she could bear him another child quickly or my strict, mean and harsh dad who cherish the first born more than anything else.
Even on a random quarrel or on a peaceful day, Dad will suddenly bring up the matter and begin to call my mom names.
"Look for that child or you will never know peace" Dad barked.
My heart is broken. It's a day by day anthem and I am fed up if them.
I walked passed them to the kitchen to get my dinner which I know mom would have cooked already -maybe before the quarrel - today.
Not even a welcome from them, I shook my head, walked passed them again avoiding to get hit.
I went straight into my room with my meal and a cup of juice. Then I locked the door.
I know mom would be the first person to come meet and welcome me when the conflict is over - for that day.
I am downcast, when will all this be over - forever?
I drank a bit from the fruit juice then I suddenly remembered the newbie, Audrey.
I have never been so intimate with someone like that. Ever since I got to WearousHS, I made no friends except Elena.
No one wants to be friends with someone from the slums since they all came from a rich family and lack nothing. I've come to realize that when one is wealthy, they tdevelop pride and tsay away from people different from them... Well, except for Elena. Yes, she is from a wealthy home but she is very different from Others in terms of attitude. She is very nice and she’s friend with everyone notwithstanding their background.
But Audrey,
She is just like me..
If I'm not mistaken, Audrey and I are the only poor students in not just our classroom but the whole school or there might be many more but they are pretenders. Unlike Audrey, she is sincere and doesn't care what people things. We are the smile.
I smiled.
I finished eating, dropped the plate aside, sat upright and began to do what I love the most -
SINGING, I pray it will surely take me places someday.
I began to sing one of my favourite songs but my parents voices won't even let me hear my own voice.
“Arrghhhh” I dropped the guitar aside and laid down on the bed sadly. I placed my head on the pillow, covering both ears. Yet, I could still hear them, loud and clear.
“Arrrrghhhh!!!” I screamed.
To Be Continued