Audrey's POV
I walked into the beautiful restaurant, it had sparkling and flashy lights.
There were so many people, some were with their lovers, some were alone drinking and there was this particular table circled with guys, obviously ruffians... Ugh!
“Ugh!” I shook my head. “I hope I am not making a mistake “ I muttered.
I walked straight with no exact direction and a girl noticed I was lost.
"WHS babe" She walked over to me.
Oh! I was still wearing my school uniform.
"Hi" I replied.
"Do you want something? or are you looking for someone? You seem lost" She said, smiling at me. She's friendly, thank goodness.
She wore a pink shirt and I notice she wasn't the only one. Other workers were putting on pink shorts. So, the uniform I guess.
"I.. I'm new here, like I came to work here" I tried to explain myself.
"Are you Audrey Kathleen?" She inquired.
"Yes " I answered; nodding slowly.
"Oh come, we've been expecting you! " She said.
Like We? Who are the 'We' ?
I just smiled nervously anyway and followed her.
"Climb this stairs, the first room you would come across is the manager's room" She directed, pointing at a Zig-zig stairs.
"OK thanks! "
"You are welcome" She said and went to serve someone. She was with a tray of food which smells yummy!
* I got to the room she had directed me to, stood there for some seconds asking myself if I was really ready for to work here then finally, I knocked on the door and I got a response immediately.
"Come on in"
I sighed then opened the door and walked in.
"Evening ma'am" I perfunctorily greeted.
The restaurant manager is a woman and she is very plump.
"Evening, are you Audrey Kathleen? "
Indeed everyone has been expecting me.
"Come over here or will you keep standing there? " She beckoned.
That was when i realized I was still standing at the door.
"Oh" I mouthed and moved closer.
She brought out a new pink shirt from somewhere maybe the drawer or a very small closet, Then she dropped it on the table.
"Here is your uniform, you must have noticed it" She said.
"Yes ma'am" I said.
"Since you are not with a jean trouser or skirt then you would be wearing it on your school uniform " The woman said.
Ah! Awkward!
"The bathroom is behind, go ahead and change into it, then start the work immediately. When you climb down the stairs, meet with Vivian, she will tell you what you have to and need to do" The manager said.
"Ok " I said and turned the knob to take my leave.
"I am Mrs Blakeston by the way" I heard her say.
I just nodded and left her office.
Ok, now I'm starting to work here..
I went to the bathroom, pulled off my school uniform shirt and wore the pink shirt given to me. It had a badge on it. "ERR, Eat, Rest and Relax"
My dressing looks so weird completely. I tied my hair in a bun style. The same hair, I overheard one of my new rich classmates saying to another that it's suffering from vitamin D deficiency. They are stupid.
I kept my uniform into my backpack and kept the backpack somewhere I think is safe.
Then I climbed down the stairs..
By the way, Who is Vivian? and who am I gonna ask?
While I wandered, my eyes caught something, I mean someone.. Mr Handsome but rude.
What is he doing here?
I asked myself.
"Hey Audrey" The friendly girl I met earlier came over to me and said.
"Hi" I said to her.
"I almost did not recognise you with the shirt and bun hair style" She said and I chuckled.
"You are welcome here " She said.
Yeah, I know right, I'm welcome to Wearous Estate, Wearous High School and here too, ERR restaurant.
"I'm looking for...” I paused to rephrase my question; .”I mean who is Vivian? " I asked her.
"Oh, I am Vivian"
Ah Good! Such a nice person.
"Mrs Blakeston said I should meet with you, so you will tell me what to do and how? "
"Ok, it's not a big deal at all" She said.
"Ok... “ I smiled.
She began to explain : "That guy over there, he just walked in a minute ago, go to him and ask him for what he wants. Make sure you don't forget his orders, then you go the Chefs and Cooks, over there” She pointed at a slightly enclosed place. That's where the whole sweet smell is coming from, I inhaled.
Even the cooks were putting on a pink shirt and they look older than us (Vivian and I).
“They'll give it to you in a tray then you'll go on and serve him. That's all " Vivian concluded.
"Oh.. K. Roger that!”
"So that's the cheap work we do here, when someone walks in or already sitted and not eating, we'll walk to them and take their orders. It's as simple as 1,2,3" She said.
"Alright " I sighed.
"Thank you" I said to Vivian then she went her way.
Wait, she was talking about Simon, the guy she asked to me to go take his orders.
I rubbed my hands together like I were feeling cold as I walked to where Simon sat with earphones on his head.
"Hello" I said to him.
"You! " He said, surprised to see me then he pulled off the earphone and dropped it on the table.
He checked me out from head to toe..
"Suit you well" He muttered and he smiled mischievously.
"Hi" I spoke to him again.
Anyways, I wasn't here to exchange pleasantries.
"What should I serve you? " I asked him.
He smirked first, still giving me a mocking smile before answering me.
"A plate of pasta and roasted chicken and same for take homes" He spoke arrogantly.
I bit my lips and turned to go.
The almighty Simon came to buy food here and even take homes.
Doesn't he have a mom to cook for him at home or maids??
I scoffed and walked away, went to the chefs, I had to introduce myself to them and told them what he asked for and I was giving a plate of pasta plus roasted chicken which, I have already began to consume only with my nostrils.
I returned to where he sat majestically and I served him as if I were his wife.
"The take homes? " He asked for.
"Oh Ok" I forgot, I hastily went back to get it for him and he scorned at me.
"Where’s your .. Money" I requested.
"Really? " I asked.
"Yeah.. You haven't paid”
"C'mon Audrey, you won't be the one to receive the money. He knows how to pay and if he doesn't, Mrs Blakeston would make the complaint" Thank God Vivian was nearby to save my ass.
"She's so eager to have a touch of something she have never had" Simon said brusquely.
I felt like punching him but I just turned to leave.. Only to make peace.
Those girls that were clinging with him in school are not here and no girl was flirting around him here too.. Oh Good.
Without knowing what else to do, since there aren't new customers to serve. Everyone is eating cheerfully except for those gang of guys making noise..
I saw Vivian now sitting at an enclosed corner, I walked towards and joined her.
"Hey " I said
"New girl" She said : "Are you tired already? " She asked me.
"Not really. When are we leaving? "
"7? " I exclaimed.
"Yeah" She giggled.
"Uhm Vivian, why did you send me over to that guy? " I asked her referring to Simon..
"The one that demanded for Pasta and Chicken" I added.
"Oh the one you requested for money from " She said and laughed.
"Because I hate to attend to him"
"Why?? "
"He is arrogant. Do you know he is Mr Anderson's son and he attend WHS too" Vivian said.
"Yeah, he happens to be my classmate" I told her.
"So why are we talking about him? Do you like him? " She asked me.
"Uh, no" I replied sharply. “Hell no” I gave a irritating expression.
"Just joking! Not even for his money? "
"Never! " I said and she laughed again.
A guy walked towards us, he was putting on the same shirt.
"Hey Damsel" He said to me.
"Hey Felix " Vivian said to him.
"Shh, I'm talking to the newbie"
"Oh whatever " She gave a eye roll.
"Hi" I said to the Felix guy.
"I'm Felix" He told me.
"And I'm Audrey" I replied.
"Oh very lovely name. I saw you when you walked in but I've been too busy to walk up to you and hear this beautiful name of yours but I'm glad I finally could" He said and I smiled.
Those flatters got me.
To Be Continued