Louis xx Pov
“Please Harry don’t go” I said as i cradle my boyfriends body on the bathroom floor, he can’t be dead, he can’t be hurt, he didn’t try to kill himself, i refuse to believe that. I felt my chest tighten as i sob at his unmoving shoulders, his breathing was one quick inhale and one quick exhale nothing more nothing less, all i could hear was just silence.
Until i heard police sirens and the medics rushing over him, they carried him to a stretcher and i tried hard to hug him more “Louis ... I ... I’m Sorry ... I” Harry trailed off his words and all i heard was his pleads and one last breath, i felt my heart shatter into pieces ... no.
“HARRY! WAKE UP! GODDAMIT PLEASE WAKE UP HARRY!” i screamed at the top of my lungs making the medics rush over to me, they gave me a shot that calmed me down, i tried to fight the sleepiness, and tried so hard to hold Harry’s hand a little longer.
Until i couldn’t hold on anymore, the calmness engulfed me in a paralyzed state, i couldn’t move, all i could do was watch my boyfriend get carried onto the ambulance, the numbness taking over my whole body “Harry ... Don’t go” I whispered before i black out
I gasped jolting awake panting ... i always dreamt that dreadful day for months now, it kept me from sleeping peacefully, i never minded the memory, but sometimes i just want the dream to go away, if it goes away the empty feeling in my heart will go away too.
I look around seeing the nurse examining another student at the end of the hall, she walked out leaving me and the other patient who seem to be asleep alone. How did i get here? What happened?
I can smell his breath, it smelled like weed and mint, i didn’t like it, I pulled away from Stan’s kiss, he looked at me confused, I shushed him to keep him quiet, i heard soft sobs from one of the stalls, i hope that person who was crying didn’t see what we were doing.
“Sorry Stan, but i think you got the wrong impression” I whispered to him, i was still disgusted by the taste of his mouth, I am never doing that again. “What – What do you mean” He whispered-yelled his eyes getting glossy, he was about to cry.
I looked away from him, i hate this kind of things, i don’t mean people to get hurt, i never do, but sometimes they are asking for it, they kept thinking if i kiss them i like them, i don’t, i just do that so because i need someone to keep me from remembering Har—him.
“I meant, I DON’T like you Stan... i don’t want to date you” I said slowly, still hearing the cries from the stalls, i was about to check up on it, until i felt a fist connecting to my jaw, i hit my head hard on the tiles and i blacked out.
I sighed loudly, i can’t believe he punched me just because i rejected him, well it is HIS fault, he was expecting me to like him, which i clearly don’t. The sound of the metal doors opening loudly snapped me out of my thoughts, sounds of metal crashing from behind one of the open doors came.
A curly haired lad was trying to tip toe through the room, it didn’t work because he stepped on the metal things spread on the floor, his hair was slicked back with wax, his clothes were a little out of style, but i find it cute ... weird.
“Oops” He said suddenly when he saw me staring, he stared at me and i saw it, his eyes were green, as green as Harry—no , it’s plain green, a different green, yes very different. He looks attractive in some way that i felt comfortable with, i just wanted to jump him right then and there, he was tall and lanky but he’s still adorable ... did i just check out the lad.
“Hi!” I said excitedly, i chuckled when he blushed, that’s cut—I mean it’s normal, yeah normal. “Hi, I kind of found you on the bathroom floor, and well you were passed out, so i carried you here” He said, his accent was fast yet posh sounding; It was cute in some way, i meant to say it was normal for him, i guess.
“Wait you carried me here? All alone, You?” I asked pointing at him, he bows his head down and nods slowly, I chuckled at his embarrassed face. “I’m Louis Tomlinson by the way” I said breaking the awkward silence
He looked up quickly “Oh I know who you are – I mean, umm I’m Marcel Styles, I mean people know you here that’s why i know and i don’t stalk you—i just yeah, I’m Marcel, sorry” he said blabbering I laughed “You’re very funny Marcel” I said making him blush—again.
Wait did he say Styles? Is it possible that he’s related to Harry in some way – no that’s not possible, i already know Harry’s relatives; I shrug it off, he shuffles his feet together and smiles, the dimples showing at the side of his cheek, i wanted to poke it.
“Alright my friends are waiting for me now, i just wanted to explain what happened so yeah ...” He said awkwardly, I nod “Alright mate, hope i can talk to you again” I said he nods eagerly making me chuckle and walked outside the door, I breath in and out, this day was interesting indeed.
Marcel does kind of resembles Harry, except the awkward looking facial expression he does when he talks “It’s just a look alike nothing bad about it” I said to myself, now i can’t stop thinking about Harry though, especially the day when we first met.
At the club +
I rushed over to the loo zipping my zipper down and done my business, i zipped up my zipper, i was about to go out when a curly haired green eyed lad wearing a dimpled smirk came crashing to me, making me fall down and accidently hitting my bum on the hard tiles.
“Oops, Sorry” He said reaching for my hand, I grabbed onto his hand, and i felt shivers running down my spine, goose bumps trailing at my arms, what the hell? Is that they call sparks? Must’ve just been friction i guess.
“Hi!” I said finally looking at him in the eyes, he smiled at me, he opened his mouth to say something when Zayn came knocking on the door “Louis! What’s taking you so long we got to go!” Zayn screamed from the door “I’ll be right there” I shout back
“So your name is Louis, I’m Harry, Harry Styles” Harry said with a low raspy tone sending shivers down my spine, god he’s voice is seductive. “Yeah I’m Louis, Louis Tomlinson nice to meet you Styles” I said teasing him by his last name, i can’t believe I’m flirting with him, is this even flirting, I giggled – I fucking giggled nice going Louis.
“Well, Louis i think your friend are calling you, mind as well get going then, but don’t forget this” He said giving me a piece of torn up paper and a kiss on the cheek then he walked away, i was shocked by the kiss, i want it again. I walk out of the bathroom, but unfortunately he’s gone.
I looked at the piece of paper, he wrote in a beautiful cursive form his number, his name and two x’s ... cheeky. I walked out of the club seeing Zayn eyeing me suspiciously, I just can’t stop thinking about him.
After that encounter, we texted each other none stop, until i finally had the guts to ask him out, that was the start of our beautiful relationship, but it ended quickly, which i am still devastated about, why did he had to do it, i still don’t understand.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when i heard a cough near me, I turn around and saw Zayn, Liam and Niall looking at me worried. “I’m alright guys, just a misunderstanding with Stan, but he’ll pay for it i promise” I explained, which they were grateful about as they smiled at me.
I got up Zayn automatically puts an arm around my shoulders, Zayn is Bi and he admitted he likes me, but he doesn’t want a relationship, and i didn’t either after what happened with Harry, i don’t think i can go into a relationship that quickly.
But i feel like I’m going to regret thinking about it, because i really have an urging feeling inside me, i feel like asking someone out, someone named Marcel. Marcel’s voice, and face and body filled my mind I sighed and whispered to myself
“Louis, here we go again”