Zuri froze. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. Rome, here, in Costa Rica? She had to be hallucinating. Like a magnet, her eyes tracked until she found the source of that deep, masculine voice. Rome Barrio—older, more mature, and just as devastating to her senses. He watched her with wary, deep, dark eyes. Waiting for a response? A reaction?
If he thought she’d freak out, or fly into a rage, he was wrong. She was no longer the child he’d left. Reaching deep down inside, Zuri called on all the composure she could muster. After taking a deep, stabilizing breath, she said, “Hello, Rome. Long time no see. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”
“Heard you had some trouble,” Rome said.
Her eyes narrowed. “Is that so?” Movement caught her attention. She tore her gaze away from Rome’s long enough to spot Logan standing in the midst of a group of men her nose told her were wolves, a guilty look on his face. Zuri scowled. She’d deal with him later, she decided, and turned her attention back to Rome. “Whatever you heard, we handled it. I didn’t need you to come riding to the rescue.”
“All the same, I’d like to stick around a few days,” he said.
Zuri glanced at Abby, spotted the paperwork she held in one hand, and shrugged. “It’s your dime. Where’d you put them?” she asked Abby.
“In the Fila Tortuga and Cabina Colibri,” Abby said.
Zuri approved Abby’s choice. Neither treehouse was close to hers. In fact, they were on the other side of the property. “Have you given them everything they need?”
“I was just asking if they needed flashlights. Some of the trails are dark,” Abby explained to the men.
“They’ll be fine. Logan, since you brought them here afterhours, you can escort them to their lodges before you leave.” Her gaze swept over the men, but she saw no one but Rome. “Enjoy your stay.”
Zuri turned and left the way she came, totally forgetting her purpose for coming into the office. Today’s events still had her rattled, otherwise she’d have scented Rome long before she heard his voice. “Just a tragic accident, folks. No need for anyone to worry,” she repeated the words she’d spoken to her guests, her tone wry.
As she walked along the path, her body abruptly reminded her of the life and death battle she’d been in. She lost the struggle to hide how hurt she was by holding herself stiffly erect, and hunched over, her hand lightly resting on her stomach. Hidden beneath the loose fitted pants and top she wore were the still healing scars from today’s fight. She’d been forced to shape-shift twice back-to-back to get the wounds to the point where they could be bandaged and hidden.
For hours on end, she’d been the strong leader her pride needed, holding everything together. She’d dealt with the authorities, handled the removal and burial of the bodies, and comforted those who’d lost loved ones. Through it all she’d kept the business operating smoothly, and the majority of the guests from being aware anything was wrong. For those who had noticed and inquired, she’d simply explained someone unauthorized had gone into the restricted area and been killed. Her grim expression had forbidden further questions.
All she wanted to do now was go to her den and lick her wounds. Zuri was at the end of her reserves, and seeing Rome had exhausted what little she had left. The need to escape before her guard completely cracked had been necessary. Tears burned her eyes, and she blinked them away. “I’m stronger than this. I didn’t ask for the cavalry to come riding to the rescue.”
“You didn’t ask, but we’re here,” Rome said from right behind her.
Zuri’s catlike reflexes deserted her, and she stumbled. Rome caught her by the waist, and she hissed in pain as fire streaked through her abdomen.
“Damn it, Zuri, you’re hurt.” He shifted his hold, attempting to pull her closer to him, but she twisted away, ignoring the way the move aggravated her injury.
Facing him, she insisted, “I’m fine. Go away.”
“Is that all you have to say to me after all these years?” he asked quietly.
She laughed, and it sounded bitter. “We said all we needed to say to each other fifteen years ago.”
“I’d like a do-over, Zuri.”
Zuri sucked in a shocked breath as she took an instinctive step in retreat. “What?”
His steady gaze held hers. “I want another chance. All these years and I’ve never been able to get you out of my mind.”
She stared. “You’re saying you made a mistake.”
He hesitated.
“Of course not,” she scoffed. “The almighty Rome Barrio can do no wrong.”
“I’m saying,” he said slowly, carefully emphasizing each word, “we’re both in different phases of our lives now. I no longer want to roam. I’m ready for a home and a family, and I want that family to be with you.”
“You were right about one thing. Fifteen years ago I was too young to be anyone’s woman. Go home to Refuge, Rome. You’re neither wanted nor needed here.” She turned and walked away.