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Rome’s Pride: Chapter Five

Once in his bedroom, he dropped his canvas bag and stripped down. Though he wanted to linger under the hot spray, he showered quickly. The beard itched so he took time to shave it off, and took a pair of scissors to his head to hangartrim the thick, wavy/curly mass. It looked like a whack job but would have to do until he had a chance to get to Ms. Lulu’s for a cut.

Rome dressed quickly and took his go bag out of the closet where he kept it ready. He knelt, opened the floor safe, and surveyed his weapons. Making his decisions quickly, he selected the M16 he favored and extra magazines, his 9mm and rounds, a bullet proof vest, scope, and—why the hell not?—threw in a couple of grenades. He didn’t know what he was up against, but he wasn’t leaving Costa Rica until he had Zuri secured and the threat to her eliminated.

As he glanced around to make sure he had everything he needed, his gaze fell on the bed. Sleep would have to wait. Thinking of other things that would also have to wait, he pulled out his phone and called his Chief Deputy, Adam Goodie.

“Hey, boss. Was just thinking about you. Heard y’all had a slam dunk,” Adam said.

“It went well. Listen, I called to tell you I need to take off for a few days, personal leave. Had a family emergency come up.”

“Well now, sorry to hear that. You go do what needs doing, and don’t worry about us. We’ve got it covered. Since that situation with the stalker this summer was handled, things have been nice and quiet,” Adam said. Rome could hear him chewing the ever present gum. The guy had a pack a day habit.

“That’s good. I’ll be out of the country, but if you need me, call my cell.”

Though he knew Adam must be curious—curiosity was an officer’s besetting sin—he didn’t ask any questions. “Like I said, we’ll be just fine. You go handle your business.”

“Do me a favor, will you? Call the County Commissioner and let him know what’s going on. I’d do it but time is of the essence here. I’m headed to the airport now and don’t have time to play twenty questions.”

“Don’t worry about the Board of Commissioners. You haven’t taken a vacation since you were elected, three years ago. Other than time off for reserve duty, you’re always here. I say take as much time as you need. We’re more than capable of handling anything that crops up.”

Rome reminded himself the ability to show and instill confidence in his men was the mark of a good leader. “Thanks, Adam. I’ll do that. It eases my mind to know you’ll be handling things here while I’m gone.”

“Yes, sir. Take care, and I hope everything turns out okay,” Adam said. Rome could hear the extra level of pride in his voice.

“I’m sure it will. I’ll call when I return.” Rome slid the phone back inside its holder, took one last look around, and headed downstairs. After a brief stop in the kitchen to pack a lunch and grab bottled water for the flight, he made the twenty-minute drive down the mountain to the Bradford County Regional Airport.

He drove past the small passenger lot around to the rear where the airport staff and pilots parked. Exiting his vehicle, he grabbed his gear and walked over to the hangar where the plane was stored. True to his word, Sam had the Cessna sitting outside of the hanger, ready to board. Rome strode toward the office to get the flight plan and the clipboard with the preflight checklists.

It was a beautiful fall day. The October sun shined bright in a clear blue sky, and the temperature hovered around the mid-seventies. Nature was painting its canvas, turning the surrounding mountains into shades of golds, greens, and reds.

In the shadowed interior of the hangar, Rome paused to take off his shades and hook them onto his shirt. Sam’s office was to his immediate left. The blinds were closed, but the office door stood open. Rome walked into the office and came to an abrupt halt. Five wolves dressed ready for combat in camo pants, black t-shirts, and military-styled boots stood waiting, with their gear and go bags at their feet. “What are you doing here?”

“The alpha sent us,” Bull, one of his deputies, answered.

Rome turned an accusing glare at Sam.

Sam shrugged. “The pack owns the plane. I had to tell Alex what was what.” Alex Wolfe was the alpha of the Raven Pack.

“And these guys?” Rome asked, nodding his head in the direction of the grinning men.

“If you got your panties in a twist over their being here, Alex said to tell you, you did us a solid this summer—”

“I did my job as Sheriff,” Rome snarled.

“You helped the pack protect the mate of one of our pack members,” Sam continued, unaffected by Rome’s disgust. “Now we’re returning the favor.”

“Chad’s one of my deputies. He’s a cop first, a wolf second. We protect our own,” Rome grumbled. His inner jaguar rumbled audibly at the thought of wolves protecting him, and the grins of the men got larger.

“Face it, boss. You’re stuck with us,” Bull said.

Rome narrowed his eyes. “You, I can send home. You work for me.”

“Uh-uh, no can do. Alex cleared it with Adam, who, when he was told what was going on, sent me along to watch your six. I got orders.” Bull gave one of his trademark, shit-eating grins.

Knowing he was outnumbered and had been outmaneuvered, Rome said, “I’m not sharing my food.”

“That’s all right, Sheriff. We ate on the way here,” Grey, another one of the young wolves, said.

Sam took up the flight plan and the clipboard containing the preflight check list. “All right, boys, it’s time to lock and load.”

The wolves howled their agreement.

Rome held up his hands in a stop motion. “Whoa! Where do you think you’re going?” he asked Sam.

“You don’t think I’ll let these youngsters have all the fun, do you? I’ll pilot. Bull will copilot. You climb in the back and get some sleep. Adam informed us you’d just come in from a six weeks’ long undercover assignment. I’m sure you’re running on pure adrenaline right now, but eventually you’ll crash. Reserve your energy. You can brief us on the plane, and then catch a nap. Okay?” Sam said, though it was clear from his expression, in his mind, the issue was already settled.

Rome looked at the men surrounding him. Each one of them was willing to leave home, family, and job, just to help a friend in need. It meant something to him. “Sounds like a plan.”

They piled into the twelve-passenger plane and while Sam completed the preflight safety checks, Rome ate the roast beef sandwiches he’d packed, drank a bottle of water, and settled in for the flight. He waited until they were in the air and Sam had finished communications with the tower before briefing his team.

“And you trust this guy?” Kane asked.

“Yeah. Josiah hired Logan to watch over Zuri. After Josiah died, I found Logan’s information and the reports he’d been sending and made contact. I’ve been bankrolling him ever since,” Rome said.

“Does Zuri know she has a watchdog?” Ethan asked.

“If she doesn’t know, she will when we show up,” Bull said.

“No, I don’t think she does. Logan does odd jobs around the place and is considered one of the staff, but he doesn’t live on site,” Rome said.

“You said this encampment is full of women and children?” Trager asked, his disbelief evident.

“Shape-shifter women and children,” Rome stressed, knowing it made a huge difference. “There are a few older lion shape-shifter males like Logan, but no one who would be considered a threat. My understanding is most of the women in the compound are running from something or someone. That’s where the name comes from, La Retirada Bella, or The Beautiful Retreat.”

“This place is entirely off the grid, completely self-contained?” Sam asked.

“That’s my understanding. They’re two miles away from the nearest village. They use solar panels for electricity and grow the majority of their own food. I’ve seen pictures. They have quite the setup,” Rome said.

Sam whistled. “No wonder she was targeted. Sounds sweet. It’s rural, close to the border, not too far from a small airfield, and completely self-contained. The perfect spot to conduct a few illegal transactions.”

“Going after women and children? That’s not cool. We’ll have to change their minds about that. Help them to see the light,” Bull growled.

“From your mouth to God’s ears,” Rome said in agreement. Then pulling his cap low over his eyes, he reclined his seat to a more comfortable position and went to sleep.

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