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Chapter 3


"Ben. Can you get me some pancakes?"

Sergio had woken up, much to everyone's surprise and relief. I was just happy Alexander was eating again. My mother didn't trust his driving yet though, so I was forced to drive him here every day, which meant being around Sergio and his... friends? My friends Shiloh and Clair tagged along because they had become fond of the idiot and his gang – which apparently doesn't exist anymore but I would believe that when there's a heatwave in Antarctica.

"My car's not here." Ben replied.

"It's cool, Jordan will drive you." Sergio replied.

I snorted and Alexander shot me a pleading look. I rolled my eyes. I knew Sergio suggested me because I was the only person with a car right now as Clyde had left to pick his daughter up from school.

"Put that in my car? Are you delusional?" I asked before adding, "Well, you did land on your head."

"You better stop disrespecting –"

"Or what?" I cut Ben off as I turned to him.

"Jesus, I just want fucking pancakes. Is that too much to ask for?" Sergio hissed.

It obviously is, you idiot.

I caught my keys as Clair threw tossed them to me with a disappointed look on her face.

"I'll get it alone." I said to Sergio while glaring at Ben.

"But Ben knows where to go and what to get." Sergio protested.

"Guys, it's just pancakes, you don't even have to talk to each other. Stop acting like children." Kent – Sergio's cook – spoke from across the room.

Ben and I let out simultaneous sighs before I walked out hearing him follow me. Our walk to my car was silent and so was the drive apart from him saying 'listen' as he turned on his phone's navigation and the electronic voice began to direct me to where I was supposed to take him. Eventually I stopped in front of a bakery I had never seen before and let Ben climb out. I better be getting paid back for the fuel I used to get here... I watched him annoyed as he walked into the store. He walked up to the counter and spoke to the woman behind it, both of them laughing and looking like good friends. She said something that made him nod before he stepped back and took a seat. For some reason that I didn't know, I continued to study him. His blond hair was brushed back neatly and he wore a white button-up dress shirt rolled up to below his elbows. He looked like a decent, working-class man. I rolled my eyes at how fake his image was as my phone buzzed.

I looked at it and frowned seeing Alexander ask me to get a book for his boyfriend and saying he would clean my bedroom for a week if I did, apparently there was a bookstore not far from here. Their relationship was really such a hassle for me. Non-the-less, I got out of my car locking it before I walked down the street. I found the book he had requested and paid for it before I walked back towards my car, I was hoping I had made Ben wait for me but I had not and when I reached the bakery I was about to climb into my car but I stopped when I saw Ben holding a child's wrist as she cried and tried to pull away from him.

What the fuck is he doing?!

I walked into the bakery as he knelt down.

"Hey –" I began.

"Shh –" She was speaking to her.

"Get your hands off her." I hissed.

"Shut up." He replied to me with a glare before he brushed one of the kid's braids from her face.

"Shh, it's okay, I won't hurt you. Tell me what's wrong." He gave a gentle smile and my jaw dropped. He's helping her? The thought almost made my head hurt because it just didn't make sense. "Come on." He urged, his voice keeping its soft tone. She stopped trying to run away.

"M-my mommy said to wait here – 'cause – 'cause she left something in the car and she – she's not back." The girl hiccupped through her tears.

"When was this?"

"A few minutes ago. Here are your pancakes, Ben." The woman behind the counter replied. I took the box from her with a thank you, Ben had already paid.

"Hey, I'm sure she'll be back." He said to the little girl, "Tell you what; I'll wait with you until she comes back, okay?"

What is happening?! He's an asshole. Why would he offer to do this? We already got what we came for.

The girl gave a nod while rubbing her eyes and Ben lifted her into a seat before he sat across her. I sat beside her still incredibly suspicious of his actions. What does he get out of this? What is he up to? Is he going to threaten her mother? Is he a paedophile?

Despite my suspicion towards the man across me, it didn't take long for me to pretty much forget he was there as I began playing with the girl. I had a little brother, Ezra, and I was always really drawn to children, maybe that's why Shiloh and I were such good friends. He was basically a child, but then again, I knew I could be too sometimes. We were playing some clapping game when a woman called her name. I looked up as she jumped up yelling 'Mommy!' and I grinned.

"I'm sorry, Nyra. I had to stop by the bank coming back." The woman said.

"Look, I made friends. That's Jordan and..." I smirked looking at Ben; he didn't notice it and smiled at Nyra.

"Ben." he finished for her.

"You stayed with her? Thank you. I'm so sorry –"

"Oh, we don't mind. She's really sweet." I said.

"She is." Ben agreed as he stood up, "We'll be leaving now, you two take care." he added.

"Bye bye, Nyra." I patted her head.

"Bye-bye, J!" She giggled.

I grinned as we made our way back to my car and climbed in. I started my car and Ben and I returned to our silence, the box of pancakes on the back seat, but even now, I couldn't understand what he had just done, so I spoke up.

"Be honest, what did you want from them?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"She's a child."

"And you just wanted to help her?" I asked amused.

"She was alone and scared." He said sounding annoyed, somewhat frustrated.

"Oh, and so you helped her out of the goodness of your heart like the great person you are?" I asked, my voice obviously taunting him.

"Fuck you, you think I have to explain myself to some college frat boy who thinks he's better than everyone because he's rich?" He said. I slowed my driving, "You oblivious little child. You know nothing and I'm pretty sure you're not Jesus so stop acting so righteous." I stopped driving.

"I know enough about you to know that you're a piece of shit that shouldn't go anywhere near children." I said looking directly into his eyes, half of that statement was fuelled by what happened to Ezra because of them.

He looked like he was itching to fight me but eventually he just gave a humourless laugh. "I'll take a taxi so I don't have to explain to Sergio why I bashed Alex's friend's face in."

"Yeah, go before you upset your master." At this point, I don't know why I kept pushing him. I just hated him so much.

He suddenly launched at me but I caught his hand before he could punch me and he ended up just grabbing my collar with the other hand while I grabbed his wrist. I clenched my teeth swallowing. I knew where his gun was tucked under his shirt jacket; right now I could grab it really easily if I needed to. His cold, angry blue eyes glared into mine and I suddenly felt shaken. I knew I fought really well, but suddenly I didn't want to fight him.

He gave a dry chuckle aggressively letting me go with a shove so my back hit the door and I dropped my hands from him to let him drawback. He grabbed the box on the backseat and got out of my car.

I sat for a few seconds trying to brush off what had just happened.

I felt like an asshole. Was I being too prejudiced? I mean this was the third time I had witnessed him help someone expecting nothing back and I still refused to believe he was helping for no reason. I bit my lip considering apologising but I quickly pushed the thought from my mind. I owed him nothing, it was his fault I taught of him the way I did. For every person he helped he probably hurt a lot more, and that was probably him just trying to make himself feel better about what he did anyway. I would be stupid not to see him for what he is, which is a lying, manipulative, selfish crook. I started my car and stepped on the gas leaving him standing on the pavement.


"Where's Ben?" Sergio asked as I walked back into his hospital room, he seemed slightly concerned. I noticed Clyde had returned and was speaking to Kent in the corner.

"I don't know. Home? A taxi? Dead." I said the last one hopefully.

"You're going to die before me, Jordan." Ben's voice came as he walked in and handed Sergio the pancakes. It sounded like a threat.

I was going to reply but I forgot about that as Sergio mumbled something that made him laugh and I got distracted by noticing that Ben had a dimple on his left cheek, it made him took friendlier... His eyes seemed a lot less angry right now. Once again, I heard his gentle voice speaking to the girl in my mind.

I frowned. Why was I even paying so much attention to him? I just hated him so so much. But why did I even care enough to hate him? He was nobody to me.

"I have practice in a few minutes. Ride with Shiloh." I told Alexander.

While I really wanted to get away from the sickening people Alexander now associated with, I wasn't lying. I had rugby practise and I was also part of the fencing and ski clubs at our school. I turned to leave but Ben spoke.

"Be careful, child." I turned back ready to fight but Clyde placed his hand on my chest and pushed me out of the room as he walked out too. I clenched my teeth as just before I lost sight of him, Ben smirked at me.

"Relax, would you? You show him that it bothers you, he'll keep at it." He said as we made our way down the hall.

I frowned at him.

"I know what you think of us, but you have to be civil for those two. Besides, we might actually get along well."

I gave a humourless laugh. "Right."

"Jordan." He caught my wrist. I looked down as I remembered my hand clutched around Ben's wide, warm wrist. I should wash my hands in boiling water before I become like him. I frowned at myself. Don't be stupid, Jordan. "We're done, alright? He's safe and Ezra's safe. The gang is a thing of the past, you may not believe me but I would never lie to you about this after the impact everything we've done has had on you and your family, and especially your brother." He said seriously. I stared at him, he looked sincere. "See you later." He added with a smile.

He let my wrist go and I watched him walk back down the hall surprised.

He really seemed... nice. Why did he seem so fucking easy to trust? No wonder Alexander liked him.

And Ben... why couldn't I get those eyes out of my mind?

I sighed. He was right. Despite how much I hated all of them, Alexander was with Sergio and the most I could try to do was not get into a fight every time we were all in a room together. As for Ben, I think it would be safe to assume that I need to keep my distance before one of us kill each other.


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