Ben was right.
I felt like I was going to pass out and was hiding it behind my canvas. I didn't usually paint in class, I usually just walked around helping everyone out but today I was trying to avoid moving around too much. I was just too tired to try to stay awake by walking around.
"Mr B, what do you think?" I leaned to peer past my canvas at one of the girl's in my class and tried not to squint at her painting as it looked slightly blurry in my tired haze.
"More shadowing," I replied and leaned back out of her view.
I gave a sigh putting my brush down and running my hands over my face. There were ten minutes left of school, this class seemed to be taking the entire day instead of 45 minutes.
"Late night?" I frowned as Aaron joined me behind my canvas.
I would be lying if I said I didn't have a favourite student. He was probably everyone's favourite. He was great at sports, academics and incredibly social. He was a good kid with a lot of admirers within the school and surrounding schools.
"Yes. How's your painting coming?" I asked.
"I... started... but then Shayne showed me a meme..." His voice slowly reduced into a mumble as he spoke avoiding my eyes before he looked at me again with a grin. "Wanna see it?"
I shook my head chuckling as I glanced at his group of friends in the corner who were hiding behind Shayne's canvas as they bickered and laughed softly.
"Get to work. Shayne, keep your phone out of your hands." I called making them all split up.
"Can it be in someone else's hands?" he asked.
"Mine? Of course. You probably won't get it back though." He frowned and I smirked as he put his phone away. "Finish your work, Aaron." I added to the boy behind me.
"You're just trying to keep us busy." He sounded annoyed. I chuckled.
"True, but it's also practice for your exam." I said grabbing my brush as I glanced over to the clock again. I had never been so relieved to almost be done with work. Aaron squinted leaning into my painting.
"How did you do that?" He pointed to a spot in front of us.
I explained the method I had used to paint what he had asked about before the bell rang and I gave a sigh of relief. He laughed.
"Clean up properly and see you tomorrow, guys!" I called in response to all the greeting I was getting as everyone began to pack up.
When I had finished signing out of school and buying an energy drink, I decided to stop by the docks on my way home and possibly run into Ben, well hopefully run into Ben. We could have lunch before I headed home because he stayed at the docks later sometimes.
He wasn't there when I arrived though, as I was told by his PA Candice before she called me back as I was going to leave.
"This was dropped off by Harris earlier. He said Ben spoke to him yesterday, said this was incredibly important and urgent. I can't reach his phone no matter how much I try though. Should I keep it?" She asked holding up a white A4 envelope. Odd, he always answered her calls. I took the envelope from her and didn't recognise the name scribbled down beside the from on the bottom of the page.
"No, I'll just give it to him, thank you. Have a lovely evening." I called as I left.
I didn't open it. I wasn't really curious about Ben's work. I stopped to greet some people as they carried something off a ship but raised my brows when they tensed seeing me.
"Oh. Hey, Jordan." Brandon called. "How are you?"
"Good, and yourself?" I didn't give them a chance to answer before I spoke again, "Isn't it late to be transferring stuff right now?" I asked. Usually at this time, because it was getting dark, they would stop moving things off the ships and just be sorting other merchandise out in the containers that were already filled.
"It is, but we're running really late. Can't talk." He chuckled. I nodded before watching as they continued to carry the box towards a container.
They seemed so shocked to see me...
I shook my head confused but deciding to brush it off as I made my way to my car.
When I arrived home I found Ben in our bedroom. He was reading. Stanley and his mother were out again, I doubt they were together.
"Candice says you weren't answering your phone?" I asked after greeting him with a hug. He looked at the envelope I held out to him as I said that.
"I was really busy," He replied taking it from my hands.
"Did the ship come in late?" I asked. He looked at me before he nodded.
"Yes, it did. We have to race towards deadlines." It sounded valid but I felt odd, I guessed that I was just still confused about why Brandon was so stunned to see me. It's not like it was unusual for me to pop in sometimes. I gave Ben a nod as I left to get a glass of water, he followed me.
"It's the DNA results, Harris is a scientist. He used to help us clear up evidence." Back when Ben was in the gang, I guess Harris was needed.
He tore the envelope open and I watched as he pulled the pages out. His icy blue eyes ran across the page urgently before he inhaled sharply.
"Shit." he whispered still staring down at the page before he looked at me swallowing.
"What is it?" I reached for the pages. He let me take them and I looked at it.
Stanley was undoubtedly his son. I looked back at Ben to see him run his hand through his hair stressfully as he let out another curse under his breath.
"Let me see that again."
"You didn't read it wrong." I informed him handing him the papers. He stared at it and clenched his teeth. "Now what?" I asked softly.
"I guess... they can stay... she can leave when she gets an apartment, he can visit? I don't know. If she just wants support, I'll pay that." I watched him as I leaned back against the counter. "Jordan, please try to understand." Ben pleaded. I must not have been hiding how much I disapproved of his reaction very well.
"Fine." I raised my hands. I kind of understood his reaction.
He wasn't the most kid-friendly person; he wanted kids but not right now. We were both shocked, but I knew that if I was him part of me would be happy about this, I was kind of happy about it... I loved kids.
Ben's phone went off and he looked at the screen before turning it to me to ask if he could take it. I saw Sergio's name and gave a nod. It was fine as long as it wasn't work. He answered it while walking out and I chuckled at how he suddenly sounded unfazed by the letter.
I didn't move from my position as I heard the front door open before I watched Stanley walk by the kitchen without a glance inside it.
"Stan, come here." I didn't expect him to, I expected him to ignore me and continue towards his room but he walked back into my sight before he made his way to the fridge. Ah, that's why he listened. He got a bottle of water and then stood staring at me blankly as if waiting for me to finish what I wanted to say so he could leave.
"Didn't you have school today?"
"Don't go to school."
"Don't?" I asked.
"It's not 'cause we're here, I dropped out a couple of months ago. I'm not interested." He said with a shrug.
Was he trying to say it wasn't Nicole's fault that he dropped out because he had done it before she dragged him down here? It's still her fault if she let him drop out.
"Where have you been?"
"I ran into some guys that let me smoke and drink with them." He replied simply.
"You're really honest." I chuckled. "You're going back to school." I added.
He snorted. "Because you said so? I don't have to do anything you tell me to do."
"Well, if you're living in my house..." I tilted my head.
He gave an annoyed sigh. "What is it with you? We're not related. You know you only have to pretend to be nice to your stepson when husband actually cares about them, right? This isn't going to get you any brownie points from him." He said, "Or alleged stepson."
"Are you being rude again?" I looked behind Stanley as Ben walked in frowning at him.
His son didn't turn to him and instead stared at me with a frown identical to Ben's. "Are we done?"
He didn't wait for a reply before he shoved by Ben to get out of the room. I was surprised Ben just let it slip, especially seeing the anger in his eyes before he looked at me and gave a crooked smile.
"Can I miss dinner? We're just really messed up at work tonight." He said.
"Do you have to?" I frowned.
"I'll make it up to you, we can all go out for dinner tomorrow night, Nicole and Stan as well." I narrowed my eyes and he chuckled, "I swear this is the only time I'll use him to bribe you." He said.
I rolled my eyes chuckling as he kissed me.
"I... told him we're putting him in school." I said.
"Isn't he already in school?" Ben asked.
"He dropped out."
"Ha, that's not surprising." he said before he raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, alright. I'll buy whatever he needs for school." He said. "Oh yeah, I should go. I might be home late, don't wait up." I gave a nod before we kissed and he left.
I looked towards the kitchen opening Ben had just left through and bit my lip. I wonder if I can get Stan to help me make dinner...