As if everything fell according to a plan, the music changed before the previous ended. Sean's dance continued without being noticed since the waiters placed another set of desserts on each of the tables.
"Red, why not go out and wash your face? You don't want Sean to see you crying."
I chuckled lightly and nodded. For the first time after our breakup, my mood lightened up with him. I had already seen the gentle side of him, and I thought I had understood him better.
"You are right."
"And because I don't want to see you hurting more from watching them dancing their hearts out."
"Ouch!" And a bittersweet grin broke out on my face.
Eric chose rather wisely to go back to his seat while I went to the bathroom. Perhaps, he was just avoiding gossip or avoiding Sean's suspicion. I was glad Eric made a move because it was not yet the right time to expose Sean's lies. I got hurt at the thought that it was Sean who first set the rule of open communication between us. And it felt sickening to the stomach to realize that it was also him who dared to break it.
I washed my face and did a full retouch of my makeup. I made a darker shade of eye shadow and a more prominent eye line. The art of face painting did well in its trick, and I came out of the bathroom with a fresh look.
Sean was already looking for me when I returned to my seat. He was heading in my direction to fetch me. All I could think was, perhaps, he was guilty.
"I was looking for you," Sean said with a worried look as he wrapped an arm around me. "I'm sorry that the dance took longer than it should have been."
"Oh, no worries. Calla can no longer take you away from me, can she?"
"Of course. If only I hadn't given my word, I would have wanted to move the date earlier."
"I saw you were both laughing."
"Yes. I just tried my best to dispel the awkwardness between us. At the same time, I was also trying to extract information as to how that man surfaced out of the blue."
"Then?" I asked nonchalantly, pretending with all my might that I was okay.
"She admitted it. That psychiatric patient is her childhood friend. During her down moments, he was her confidante."
"How can she trust her secrets to someone who is not in his right frame of mind?" I scowled, failing to hold my temper this time.
"She already apologized for it." Sean pulled me closer to ease my rising temperament.
"And why did he say that for the love of money and wealth?"
Sean chuckled. "It comes from someone who is out of his mind."
"And you dismissed it easily?"
Sean stopped and faced me. He then reached out his hands and cupped my face.
"Babe, I don't want any more trouble. I'll just make it sure that the incident would not leak out to the public."
"Whatever, " I conceded.
We made our way back to our seats, and I caught a glimpse of Eric and Calla by the table not far from us. They seemed to be talking casually, and I could fell how much self-control did Eric made to prevent himself from making an outburst.
"Our most honored guests, the time has finally come for us to proceed to the highlight of tonight's celebration. Please sit back and relax as we witness the most important part of the program."
Sean stood up and climbed up the stage. The chairman came up next, followed by the board officers. As they were all standing comfortably in their place, Dr. Fabella made a step forward and held the microphone.
"Tonight, I would put down the weight of the great responsibility that is being entrusted to me for several years. The responsibility did not rest on my shoulder as a burden, but a challenge. It has brought out the best in me, and I stood now before you with pride. This institution has been my life; I poured out my sweat and blood for this."
"As all story must come to an end, I also ended mine and passed the legacy of hard work and pride to Mr. Sean Mark Grey. However, he let me continue the leadership, but since the demands of an old age require me to retire, I am now passing the leadership to the right person, no other than Dr. Red Nelson, the soon-to-be wife of the company's owner, Mr. Sean Mark Grey."
Sean also took the floor and expressed his gratefulness towards Dr. Fabella and all the members of the board. Dr. Fabella became emotional that I even cried as I watched him broke into tears. Flashes of the camera glittered in my face, and I knew that in the morning, all the news portal would feature our emotional moments.
"May I request the presence of my wife on the stage, please?" Sean's wide grin shone against the glaring rays of the flashing cameras aimed at him. The people squealed in thrill and excitement since Sean addressed me as his wife already.
I came up to the stage, wearing a clown's smile. I just felt that this marriage would never happen if Calla's greed would prevail. But the next question would be this, "Will I be happy with him despite knowing that I lived in his lies?"
A beautiful lady bearing a huge, silver key symbolizing the great responsibility came up after me. She passed it to Dr. Fabella and, with teary eyes and another emotional speech, passed it also in my hands. My lips curved downward, threatening me to give in and cry, but Sean came to my rescue and placed my head gently on his chest.
As his masculine scent penetrated my nostrils again, I suddenly found comfort while Sean rubbed my back.
"My darling puppy, you might forget that we are on the stage."