Sean told me a while ago that he had cut all his communication with Calla while we were in Hawaii, but how did she found out about our wedding? Sean made it sure that the ceremony had its full privacy that no reporters were allowed. He also warned our guests that we wanted to keep our moment private.
"She has her ways, Red. She is linked to the president, so she could always use his power and influence to do what she likes."
"Why did that man say that you only marry me because of your love for power and wealth?"
"That's foolishness."
I shut my mouth after that. It was Sean who had the wealth, so what that man said was indeed nonsense. I just placed my head in his chest, finding comfort in sniffing his scent. He moved and swayed me around until the music stopped.
We were about to go back to our seats, but the lady of the ceremony stopped us.
"Mr. Sean Grey and Dr. Red, may I ask you to please remain on the dance floor?"
Sean shifted his attention from me then to the lady of the ceremony, his brows pulling up together. The earlier stress still left a mark on his expression, but he always looked attractive. Sean just had it all, and I was so fortunate.
"Before the two of you are going to tie the knot, and before anyone else loses the hope of having you in their hearts, let us give them the chance to have their last dance with you."
What the hell! I cursed her under my breath as I looked down, avoiding the possibility of having a reporter snap a picture of me frowning. I could not afford to ruin this night completely. Before I could look up, Eric's voice jolted me from my train of thought.
"May I?" Eric said, holding out his hand to me. I looked at Sean then at Eric then back to Sean.
"It's alright, babe. This is just for tonight." Sean pursed a smile at me, indicating his approval. Of all the men in the hall, why should it be Eric?
I accepted Eric's hand reluctantly, and he led me away towards the middle of the dance floor. As a customary move, I placed my hands at the edge of his shoulder while his hand coiled immediately around the small of my back. I turned to look at Sean, and he just nodded, assuring me for the second time.
"I missed those days where you locked your hands at the back of my nape," Eric smiled, giving me his gentle look I seldom had when we were still together.
I looked away, ignoring those words that had my skin crawl up.
"I missed you, Red. I want you back into my life."
"Shut up, Eric. I'm already married, and you are already with the one you truly love."
Eric let out a peal of mirthless laughter before he shook his head. "People are so unpredictable, Red. All those years that we were together, I was dreaming to have her back in my arms, to the point of losing my mind. I felt I did not find true happiness with you by my side because I just couldn't take her off from my system.
I just listened to him, throwing empty stares at the people sitting down across us.
"But when you broke up with me, I realized what a fool I am. I thought I would easily forget you now that I have her again, but I was wrong. This yearning for you just keeps getting stronger."
I smirked but still avoided his eyes. I just gave him the freedom to talk about what he liked.
"I love you, Red. I just realize that I really love you."
Scenes of our happy moments together flashed in my mind, including those times we made love, but I was no longer affected. I even surprised myself. If there were 365 days in a year, and if I wouldn't count those days where we did it three times or more, anyone could do the math. He wouldn't even care if I was on my period. Yet, sad to say, I was only his sex toy, the quencher of his needs.
"By the way, I'm sorry about that crazy man. He ruined your night."
"It's taken care of already," I cut it short to end that awkward topic.
"Yes, but can't you see that there is a bit of truth in it? Don't you think it's too early for you to get serious with Sean? How can you trust him so easily?"
"Eric, it's none of your business," I raised my tone higher, throwing him a serious look.
"Red, you were a part of me, a great part of me. Why won't I care? Have you forgotten already? I have familiarized every inch of that damn, beautiful body of yours. I even can still picture the shape of your love nest in my mind. We made love many times a week for five years, and I cuddled you when we sleep. Am I that easy to forget?"
Eric could never understand the fact that for a woman, sex always comes with emotion. How could a woman fall completely to a man who made love with her in a moment, but insult her the next minute? How could she open her heart as wide as to how she spread her legs for him?
"Can we stop talking about Sean and me?" I glared at him and gritted my teeth.
"Alright, then, but I'm warning you. I will never stop looking after you because I will never stop loving you. Just a few words to ponder-- open your eyes wider, and incline your ears closer, and see what kind of a man you are marrying with."
Eric led me back to my table before I would get hysteric. I got so lost with my moments with him that I no longer noticed where Sean had gone. Just as I settled in my seat with Eric by my side, my eyes caught Sean and Calla right away on the dance floor. Sean was holding the small of her back while Calla placed her palms on his chest. I may not be able to hear what they were talking about, but I could tell through their gestures that they were happy together.