-Eunji's Apartment-
I finally finished unpacking my things. I moved closer to Big Hit Entertainment so that the commute wouldn't be as far away. It was still morning, and I'm hungry. I stepped outside my door with my keys, phone, and wallet when I saw Jungkook with trash bags in his hands. "Oh, Noona! Good morning."
"Good morning, Cookie," I replied.
"Is Noona out there?" Another voice asked.
Hobi stepped out, "Oh, Noona, we need your help."
I was confused, "What do you need?"
"Well, we have one more practice, and Yoongi-hyung is still asleep," Hobi explained.
"Can't you just wake him up?" I asked.
"Well, whenever we try, he just swears at us," Hobi said, looking down.
I chuckled, "Sounds like Yoongi."
Jungkook came back. I smiled, "Am I allowed inside?"
Hobi smiled, "Let me alert the other first."
Hobi walked back inside. It was just Jungkook and me outside the door. I looked at him. He's a cute kid, but with the concept of "No More Dream," he would have to put that innocent image aside. Then Hobi stepped back out, "It's ok."
I nodded, then walked inside. It's cleaner than I expected to be. Jin-sunbae appeared, "His room is this way."
I walked inside. Why is Yoongi so cute when he's asleep? I proceeded to stroke his hair and massaged his temple. Yoongi opened his eyes and chuckled, "Are we going to meet like this all the time?"
"Well, your fellow members are afraid of waking you up," I replied.
He sighed, "Well, I'd rather wake up to your face than the others."
"What's that supposed to mean? Am I not handsome enough for you?" Jin-sunbae whined jokingly.
I laughed, walking out of the room. Jimin asked, "Where are you going, Noona?"
"Oh, I'm leaving to get some breakfast," I told him.
"You could eat with us. We have more than enough." Jin-sunbae told me.
"Oh, I've imposed enough," I replied.
"Keep imposing, Noona," Taehyung said.
I looked around at everyone. No one seemed to be against the idea, so I nodded, "Sure. I'll eat with you."
The younger ones smiled. I looked at Jin-sunbae, "Can I at least help you bring the food in?"
"No, you're the guest. Have a seat." He said, directing me toward the table.
I sat down cross-legged while Jin-sunbae and everyone else set the table. I was amazed by the spread.
"You cooked all of this, Jin-sunbae?"
"Yes, Chef Jin, at your service." He replied.
After that, we all said, "We'll eat well," the breakfast was rather silent. Yoongi would look at me on occasion, but Taehyung was right next to me. Yoongi looked at my plate and chuckled, "Still don't like tomatoes, Eunji-ah?"
I chuckled, "I don't like how they taste."
"Yet, you drink the juice and eat the sauce." Yoongi mused.
I sighed. Taehyung picked the tomatoes I picked, "I've got you, Noona."
This felt weird because Yoongi would do the same thing back when we were in school. I smiled at that memory.
-Flashback: 8th Grade-
During lunch, my lunch was loaded with tomatoes. I was picking all of them out. When I finished that, Yoongi was eating the tomatoes, "You always provide the perfect component for my meat."
"Good. You need more than just meat to eat." I told him.
He laughed. That smile always warmed my heart.
-Back to Reality-
Everyone helped to clean up. The boys left for their dance practice. I was going through the designs for the MV set. Then I received a call. It was from Yoongi. I answered it, "Hello?"
"Eunji-ah, the maknae line is begging to see you," Yoongi explained.
"They saw me this morning at breakfast," I replied.
"Yeah, but now they seemed to have found someone to impress now," Yoongi said, laughing.
I was confused, "I can understand Jimin and Taehyung, but Jungkook?"
He was quiet for a moment, then he replied, "Don't worry about it. He's just shy around girls."
"Oh, that would explain things. I'll be there...with lunch." I told him.
We hung up, and I went to the first grocery store I can find. Thankfully, Yoongi texted me what everyone likes, so cooking them lunch wasn't a problem. When I finished, I put everything in cases with their names and hopped on a bus toward Big Hit Entertainment. When I made it, I walked toward the dance studio. I knocked on the door, "Hello?"
Jungkook answered the door, "Hello, Noona."
He let me in. I gave everyone their lunches. Yoongi looked at me, "Thank you for not making this generic."
I laughed, "We all know you're anything but generic."
Jin-sunbae said, "You're really good at cooking."
I smiled, "Thank you."
When everyone finished their lunch, they went back to rehearsing "No More Dream" and "We Are Bulletproof Pt 2". I clapped afterwards. Jimin and Taehyung said, "Thank you, Noona."
"No problem," I replied.
Yoongi smiled at me. I've always loved his smile. When I remember the days when he lost it, I feel like crying. Namjoon said, "Noona, is everything ok?"
I looked up, "I'm fine. Tomorrow's a big day. I'm looking forward to it."
Namjoon smiled, "So are we."
I looked at everyone. Working with these wonderful boys is always fun, but tomorrow is the real test of my abilities begin, and I'm ready to tackle it head-on!