Park Eunji is a makeup and hairstylist from Daegu and now she's been hired by Big Hit Entertainment to take care of the ...
Summer 2013
Hello! My name is Park Eunji. I'm a freelance makeup and hair stylist from Daegu. I am 21 (Korean age) and I've been hired by Big Hit Entertainment to create looks for a new group ready to debut, Bulletproof Boy Scouts or BTS. I came to the building to meet with the leader, Kim Namjoon. I was directed to the office area. Why would he meet me here? I sat at a table and waited. Then I heard footsteps headed my direction. What came around the corner was a tall guy with shaggy hair and glasses without lenses.
His face looks squishy, but I could tell that he has a wild side to him because his shoes added a pop of color to his all black clothing.
His face looks squishy, but I could tell that he has a wild side to him because his shoes added a pop of color to his all-black clothing. I stood up and bowed, "Hello. I'm Park Eunji. Nice to meet you."
He bowed in return and smiled at me, "I'm Kim Namjoon."
The first thing I notice is he has dimples, which makes him more adorable, but I have to remain professional, "You're the leader of BTS?"
He finally sat down and took his glasses off, "Yes and the song we're debuting with is one I wrote called 'No More Dream'."
I was curious about this, "What is it about?"
"When I was in school, I had no dreams, none whatsoever. Would you like to listen to it?" Namjoon asked.
"Sure," I nodded. He pulled out his phone and played the song. As soon as the first note played, I had a feeling I was in for a ride. I couldn't shake the feeling that one of them sounded familiar.
When the song ended, I was smiling. Namjoon asked, "You enjoy it?"
"It was great. It's definitely different from what I'm hearing these days. Now, about the image for the music video. What is happening?" I asked.
Namjoon explained the whole vision of the video. I was already getting ideas on how to do everyone's hair and makeup, but I needed to see faces, so I asked, "Do you have pictures of everyone?"
He nodded and showed me pictures on his phone, "This is Kim Taehyung a.k.a V. He's...a unique character, but he's a good guy."
I chuckled, "A unique person deserves a unique haircut. Wait, maybe change his hair color. His hair is short enough."
Namjoon scrolled to another picture, "This is Jeon Jungkook, our maknae. He's still pretty young, but he's really good at...well everything."
I smiled, "How to toughen up this adorable face will be a challenge, but I can come up with something."
Namjoon laughed, then scrolled to the next picture. I came unglued, "Yoongi?!"
Namjoon jumped from my exclamation, "You know him?"
I regained my composure, then answered, "He and I were friends back in school and I supported him during his underground rapping days. He never told me why he left. Now I know why."
Namjoon looked away, probably thinking about how I and Yoongi's reunion will pan out. Then he showed me a different member, "This is Park Jimin. He is no fun sometimes, but he's a great dancer and vocalist."
I was gushing, "He's so cute! He has such adorable cheeks!"
I stopped to catch my breath, "Sorry. I lost it for a moment."
Namjoon was cracking up, "Don't worry. I'm sure future fans will react the same way."
He scrolled to another picture, "Jung Hoseok. He's our main dancer and mood maker."
I looked at him, "High cheekbones and fluffy hair. He'll be interesting."
He scrolled to the last member, "This is Seokjin a.k.a. Jin. He's the eldest member and he's a vocalist. Great cook, too."
I smiled, "He looks nice. All the unnis will love him."
Namjoon put his phone away, then I said, "Now, I've been around you the whole time. I believe I have an idea on what to do with you. Are any of the other members here or Bang PD-nim?"
"Bang PD-nim is at a meeting. Jin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung, and Hoseok-hyung should be here though. The others are at school. Want to meet them?" Namjoon asked.
"Sure," I answered. He led me to a dance studio where Hoseok was dancing, Jin-sunbae was eating a snack and Yoongi was asleep on the floor. I remember this side of Yoongi. He'd fall asleep anywhere if no one was watching him.
"Everyone, here's our makeup and stylist, Park Eunji-noona. Well, not to you, Jin-hyung. She's the same age as Yoongi-hyung." Namjoon explained.
Hoseok stopped dancing and smiled at me, "Hello, Noona! Call me Hobi!"
I laughed, "I believe we'll get along just fine."
Jin-sunbae walked to me and bowed, "Nice to meet you."
"There's no need to be so formal. We may become friends." I told him.
Jin-sunbae smiled. Then I looked down at Yoongi, "He still doesn't sleep at night, does he?"
Hobi looked confused, "You know Yoongi-hyung?"
"Yes, I do. In fact, I know how to wake him up without him being cranky." I explained.
I got on my knees and starting stroking his hair and massaging his temple. Sure enough, his eyes opened and he looked confused, "Did Jin-hyung get prettier?"
I chuckled, "As usual, your sense of humor is astounding."
He shot straight up, "Eunji-ah?! What are you doing here?!"
I smiled, "I'm glad you remember me, Sleepy Eyes. Now, do you mind explaining why I haven't heard from you in a year?"
"Oh, she might be scarier than Yoongi-hyung. She asked that with a smile." Hobi whispered.
Yoongi sighed, "This debut was what kept me busy. I wanted to surprise you when I officially debuted."
"Well, BangPDnim beat you to it. I'm now your makeup and hair noona." I said, twirling around him.
He stood up and said, "How are you my noona? You're 4 months younger than me."
"That's nice to know, Yoongi-ah." An older male voice chimed in. It's BangPDnim!