"Did he compliment your hair again today?" Aria asked Layla who was smiling and blushing hard as she worked.
"No" She shook her head shyly.
"He did more than that," she added.
" Really ? What did he do ? Aria asked curiously.
Layla smiled and looked lost for a moment.
Dylan had kissed her…and she had kissed him back.
The feeling was just something she had never felt before.
She had always dreamed that Dylan was her first kiss and it happened. told him it wasn't a dream.
It had been the end of truth or dear because a teacher had entered.
She doubts they would have continued even if a teacher hadn't entered.
Everyone had moved to their seats in silence but their eyes were screaming.
She couldn't even hold Dylan's gaze after that, she felt damn shy and nervous.
Maybe he kissed her because he didn't want to embarrass her or make her pay the fine.
She had wondered what he was thinking and when she glanced at him she caught him looking at her, he smiled and she smiled back, her heart dancing with excitement.
Could it be that he didn't kiss her out of pity but because he really wanted to.
Maybe he likes her. God, the very thought sent butterflies in her stomach.
She couldn't believe that one of her wishes had been granted so easily.
"Layla" called Aria, snapping her out of her thoughts.
"I'm so sorry I was lost for a while," Layla said.
"Obviously you haven't told me what he did yet," Aria smiled.
"I'll be right back, I should take care of the customers who just walked in," Layla said, going quickly to take their orders.
"Okay Layla" Aria said, glancing at the wall clock.
The time to pick up her child is approaching and she will still have to go to the store to do her shopping.
Layla came back and quickly filled two cups of coffee, doused it with cream and sugar, placed it in a tray, then walked over to the table she had been asked for.
Aria smiles looking at her, Layla is a lovely girl, she doesn't deserve the treatment she gets from Phil.
"Okay, I'm done" Layla breathed, taking a seat next to Aria.
"So what did he do?" Aria asked.
"He kissed me," Layla whispered to Aria, who widened her eyes.
“Wow, are you serious?
"Yeah" smiled Layla.
"Oh my..." Aria smiled "you must have been so excited, no wonder you were blushing so hard your cheeks were almost the same color with your apron"
Layla burst out laughing.
"So, has he ever asked you out?" Aria asked.
"Not yet, but soon," Layla said, sounding certain.
"I'm so glad he makes you so happy, seeing you smile frequently is a good thing," Aria said.
"Thank you Aria" smiled Layla.
"I know you'd rather chat with Layla than pick up your child, but will you at least have pity on this poor child?" Phil said, surprising Aria and Layla.
"Witch" Layla mumbled under her breath.
"I'm going to go now," Aria said, removing her apron and hair covering.
She adjusted her dress and her hair then picked up her bag.
Phil walked away, touring the store and making sure the customers were okay.
"Goodbye, see you tomorrow" said Aria.
"Goodbye, say hello to Jane for me" smiled Layla.
"Alright," Aria said before walking away.
Aria works in the store while Layla is at school and she has to leave when Layla gets back but she spends more time with Layla.
"I just hope you're not up to something with the way you keep smiling like a dunce," Phil told Layla as she walked past her on her way to her office.
Layla laughed and shook her head slightly.
Phil can be so funny.
She was all smiles as she continued to work.
A single lamp sat at the heart of the living room, casting a bronze glow that didn't quite reach the corners of the room.
There was a power outage and Layla sat by the lamp while she did her homework.
Philia was sitting on a couch, busy with her phone, legs spread on a table.
They had just finished dinner and Philia would have done her homework in her room if there hadn't been a power outage.
This is one of the rare times this happens.
"I'm going to bed" Philia told Layla.
"Okay Phil, good evening" Layla said.
She stretched and yawned loudly when she heard Philia's bedroom door close.
She can't wait to finish her homework so she can go to bed herself, she's sleepy.
Mr. Blaine doesn't leave class without giving homework, sometimes she hates him for it.
If only she had a phone to check on most of these things, it wouldn't take her so long to do her homework.
She can't even talk to Aunt Esther frequently anymore because she doesn't have a phone.
Aunt Esther is her father's younger sister who remains in Nigeria.
They regularly talk on her mother's phone before Philia grabs it and that's what she's currently using.
Aunt Esther no longer calls regularly after discovering that Philia is now using the phone.
Layla steals the phone to call Aunt Esther once in a while, not before Philia changes the lock.
She really misses talking to her seven-year-old nephew, David, Aunt Esther's son.
He's so smart and brilliant, a happy soul at heart, she's sure he must have missed her too.
They talk almost every day when the phone was in his possession.
She smiled, remembering how he talked over and over, telling her so many things at once.
They went to Las Vegas once to visit when her parents and brother were still alive and it had been so much fun.
Layla wished that Philia wouldn't be so unfair to her, she would have invited them back, to at least see David...
Maybe she should buy herself a smartphone with the money in her piggy bank.
Well... it won't do any good anyway, she won't be using it for long.
Sadness clouded his mind at this terrible thought.
She had promised herself she wouldn't think about it, but her mind keeps going to it every time.
Who wouldn't?
The news is enough for anyone to have a nervous breakdown, but she's only trying to stay strong.
She noticed that she didn't even feel sleepy anymore, she glanced at her notebook to see drops of tears on it...
"God" she sighed, touching her cheeks. It was wet.
She wiped her notebook with her palm then went on with her homework, sadly.
"So you'll be back the day after tomorrow, we're done with the treatment," Mr Keyes told Daniel.
They dined late...
"Wow, so fast. I was thinking of resuming next week," Daniel said with his mouth full.
"So we're going to leave the house together now" Anne smiled and Daniel nodded.
"I'm going to spank you if you make me late for school," he teased and they all laughed.
Mr. and Mrs. Keyes looked adoringly at the children, they were so happy to be blessed with such children.
Their family has been happy for years and they all cherish each other.
None of them could have dreamed of a better family.
"Felia said to tell you she's coming after school tomorrow," Mrs. Keyes said to Dan.
"Oh okay" Dan said.
Felia Summers is a very close friend of his, his special friend. They attend a prestigious high school and they are practically neighbors because his house is only a few blocks away.
"How was the house party?" Anne asked her parents.
"Amusingly, you know how much the Summers spend on parties," Mr Keyes said.
"Also, Mrs. Summers is a very capable hostess, she will help me plan our Thanksgiving party," Mrs. Keyes said.
“When is it? Daniel asked.
"Sunday in the next two weeks," Ms Keyes said.
"I'll invite my friends then," he said.
"They are always welcome," Mr Keyes said.
"Of course," said Mrs. Keyes.
“I hope there will also be friends from Ocean High School” Anne pursed her lips.
"I hope" Daniel shrugged. "You know how well and quickly I get along with people"
"Yeah I know…hmm" Anne sighed, watching Daniel closely.
“Shit…what? Dan raised his eyebrows.
"I'm still trying to figure out who's better looking between you and Dylan" Anne said looking confused, she looked closer at Daniel.
“Who is Dylan? Dan asked.
"The nicest guy in our school is a senior to me, two grades above me...same grade as you," Anne said.
"Oh, so who's the prettiest?" Dan said licking his lips and striking a pose.
They laugh.
Daniel is so carefree and jovial, he gets along with almost everyone and he doesn't even let his looks get into his head, he treats every one of his friends the same, one of the people who had received special treatment from his part in school was Jennie, his ex girlfriend and his special friends too.
"I think once I see the two of you together, I can figure out who is more beautiful," Anne said.
“You better judge fairly,” Daniel joked.
He doesn't even care if someone is more handsome than him or not, he just always wants to have a good time.
They had all finished their dinner.
Anne and Dan sorted the dishes while their parents went to bed.
After finishing the dishes, they wished each other good night and then entered their respective rooms.
Daniel jumped on his bed after he finished freshening up for the night.
He picked up his phone and answered her messages before turning off the light.
Layla walked into the classroom the next morning after putting her backpack in the locker.
She noticed that the students were starting to murmur and some were even laughing.
She thought it had stopped.
Has Chloe said anything to them again?
Well... she doesn't care, as long as none of them dare approach her to laugh at her to her face.
Chloe's laughter was so loud that Layla walked past her seat but Layla ignored her.
She noticed that Dylan wasn't in his seat but his notebooks were there, he could get something.
She felt so nervous having to face him today.
The kiss kept replaying in her head and she kept smiling.
She sat anxiously waiting for Dylan to come into the classroom, maybe he'll finally talk to her properly today since they shared a special moment yesterday.
God...she can't believe she'll finally be close to Dylan.
She will be the happiest on Earth when she finally becomes his girlfriend, which she knows will happen soon.
She was smiling when she heard someone knock softly at her desk.
She looked up to see Chloe who was sporting a mocking look.
Her friends stood behind her, having the same look.
"What do you want?" asked Layla.
"Well…I'm not here to say anything about your dad," Chloe said.
"Of course you wouldn't, you like your hair more than that" Layla said and Chloe rolled her eyes.
"I'm sure you must have been so happy you got to kiss Dylan yesterday," Chloe said.
"Yeah, all thanks to you" smiled Layla.
"You look so happy, I just hope you don't cry to death after hearing what I'm about to tell you" Chloe laughs.
"Well...you failed to agitate me, say what you want and leave," Layla said.
"Dylan told everyone that your lips look like a dead log of wood that wouldn't even light up if lit by a big, burning fire," Chloe teased.
Layla stared at her, trying to take in what she had just heard.
"That's not all, he added that he has never felt so sick after kissing someone Wow." Chloe burst out laughing.
"You must be so hurt," she added, feigning a sorry look that was so obvious it was fake.
Layla stared at Chloe without moving.
She finally processed what she had just heard but it seemed unbelievable to her.
"I think we should head to our seats, looks like she's going to pounce on you and start pulling your hair out" Miranda whispered to Chloe and they quickly headed back to their seats.
Chloe was pleased with the look on Layla's face.
If only Layla had obeyed him and stayed out of the game, Dylan wouldn't have discredited her this way.
Good for her! haha.
Layla licked her lips which had gone dry. Chloe must have been so stupid to think she would believe her.
Dylan wouldn't say that...
Chloe is probably still pained by the kiss she and Dylan shared and then decided to make her feel stupid.
Could this be why the students were laughing and making fun of her the moment she walked into the classroom?
Did Dylan really say that?
No. Maybe Chloe planned this with the students.
Knowing that Chloe would go all the way to see her sad, she shrugged and continued to wait impatiently for Dylan.
She smiled as he walked into the classroom.
He walked to his seat without giving her a look.
Oh... he probably doesn't know she's already in class.
She waited until he was seated before saying hello.
He didn't answer and she thought he hadn't heard her but his voice was quite loud.
Well... his mind might be preoccupied with other things.
She gently touched his shoulder and he turned around without his usual smile.
"Hi" Layla said again.
"Yeah..Hi" Dylan said, turning away almost immediately.
Layla's smile faded and she blinked quickly.
Could he be in a bad mood.
She noticed that the students were still looking at her mockingly even though they were trying to hide it, she noticed it anyway.
Could Chloe be right?
No, she wouldn't believe Chloe, Dylan wouldn't say that.
Chloe had made this up, but again she needs clarity, she needs to confront Chloe for lying to her and the only way she can boldly do that is for Dylan to confirm that he said no such thing.
She knows he didn't say that but she just needs his confirmation.
"Dylan" she called before she could stop.
He turned to look at her like he was in a hurry, he still wasn't smiling or acting like he wanted to talk to her but Layla told him he was in a bad mood.
"I'm sorry to bother you but Chloe said something, although I didn't believe her, I just need confirmation from you before I approach her for lying. She said you said to everyone that my lips tasted like a log of dead wood that wouldn't even light if lit by a big, burning fire and you've never felt so sick afterwards..."
"I said that" Dylan cut her short and she stared at him dazedly.
"And it was true, that's how I felt. I'm sorry if it made you feel bad, but I didn't tell everyone, I only told my friends , we share stuff like that with each other. I don't know how the whole school heard about it, I was also pissed when I realized that my friends had told everyone. This are assholes.