"Are you sure it suits you Daniel?" asked Mr. Keyes.
"Of course dad, that's fine with me. Anything for Anne" said Daniel.
"I'm so sorry we're moving you from your school to Anne's school," Mrs. Keyes said solemnly.
"Come on mom, Anne is my sister, I should be able to sacrifice everything for her" said Daniel.
"I know it will be difficult to leave your friends behind, you can choose not to, we can move Anne to your school instead," Mr Keyes said.
"No, Anne couldn't manage in my school, that's fine dad, mum. I'm going to move to Anne's school instead, I will surely miss my friends but anything for Anne, plus my friends can always come and visit me at home,” Daniel said.
"It's going to be okay, isn't it?" asked Mrs. Keyes.
"Of course, stop being like that dad, mum. You make it seem like Anne isn't my sister"
"I'm sorry Dan, so we should start processing your admission to Anne's school, shouldn't we?" Sir asked.
"Pull!" Daniel smiles.
Her parents hugged her, taking turns kissing her forehead.
Annette Keyes has asthma, her condition worsening recently when she couldn't find her inhaler early enough during her asthma attack.
She was admitted to hospital and the doctor's prognosis said that if it happens again, she may not survive it.
It was advised that she always have someone around her, someone to always watch over her.
We always took care of her at home but they were worried about school, she goes to a different school with her brother, then it was decided that her brother should be in the same school as her so that they are reassured.
Anne is fourteen and of course she can take care of her but they cannot risk her life, she is too precious to them to lose.
"She's in her room, isn't she?" Daniel asked.
"Your dad and I are going to attend Summers' party in a few minutes"
"Okay mom, say hello to Felia for me" Daniel said before heading to Anne's room.
"Okay Dan."
" Sister ! Dan said, walking over to his sister who was concentrating on her laptop.
She looked up at him and smiled.
"Brother, what's up?" She adjusted her glasses, turning away from her laptop to face him.
Anne is a very pretty girl with a soft look, her face is as calm as her heart.
She has natural brown hair with curly bangs, her eyes were deep black like her father's and her smooth, fair skin was like her mother's, her nose and lips were perfect and Anne even had the looking more mature than her age, which always made Dan want to protect herself from the bad guys, her friends knew not to try anything stupid with her sister.
She takes care of everything with this sweetness that melts hearts.
Everyone loves and admires him.
Her sweet demeanor is so adorable and cute, her smile is so seductive that you will end up smiling too without knowing it.
She's not only nice, she likes to uplift people's spirits, seeing sad people almost tears her apart, so she always tries her best to make people happy, she goes out of her way to do that.
She puts others before herself and Daniel always prays that her kindness isn't taken advantage of.
"I'm cool, what are you doing?" he asked looking at his laptop.
She was watching the animation.
"Oh…I see," he said, landing on his bed with a thud.
"Hey, I just made this bed," she complained in her cold little voice.
"I know, I'll do it for you before I leave" He scowled happily.
She laughed. "Let's go"
"I'll be taking over your school soon," he told her and she nodded.
"Does this really suit you?" She asked and he moaned.
"Why is everyone asking me if it's ok with me!" Even you Anne, gosh” He rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I just feel bad for taking you away from school and friends you've known for a long time," Anne said.
"I'd leave school anyway, it's not like I'm going to stay here forever, plus I'd like to experience another high school before I finally graduate" Dan smiled.
"And Jennie?" Anne asked.
Jennie was Daniel's girlfriend, they go to the same high school.
"We broke up," sighed Dan.
"Uh why?" Anne looked surprised.
She knows how much Dan loves Jennie.
"It didn't work" Daniel lied.
Jennie broke up with him because he's going to move to Anne's school, but he can't tell Anne or she'll feel responsible for the breakup and she might cry for causing it.
"I'm sorry about that D." She got up from the single sofa to comfort him.
"It's okay, I totally agree with that" He smiled.
He wasn't okay with it and Anne knows it, he hurt inside, he loved Jennie so much but she insisted she couldn't continue the relationship if he was in another school.
She can't stand not seeing him for days.
"Besides, you once told me that there were pretty girls in your school," Daniel smiled, trying to stop himself from thinking about Jen.
"A lot of them, ah...you just reminded me of the African girl I told you about...I wonder who's going to sit with her in the cafeteria now that I'm away from school Anne said sadly, sitting next to Dan.
Anne just got out of the hospital yesterday.
"Is she shunned?" Dan asked ruefully and Anne nodded.
"Especially by her classmates, no one wants to sit with her in the cafeteria and she always looks gloomy so I make sure to sit with her every time but now...she's gonna feel alone" Anne sighed.
"Just because she's African?" Dan asked and Anne nodded.
"What's wrong with being African?" Dan wondered aloud.
“I think they just have this particular hatred for her”
"Poor girl" Dan shook his head sadly.
He hates bullies so much.
"We're going to the Summers party, kids,
Do you two want something? their parents asked through the door.
"Do you?" Dan asked Anne, who shook her head.
"You?" She asked him.
"We don't want anything," Dan said.
"Just come back soon enough," Anne said.
"Okay goodbye"
The sound of their parents' footsteps slowly faded away before they finally heard the front door close.
They left.
"Let's go swimming" Dan said enthusiastically.
"No" Anne said.
" For what ? Not feeling good enough? He asked.
"I don't want to," she said.
"Oh…you're just going to sit by the pool and watch me then," he said.
"All right"
“Take your laptop, so you won't get bored, even if the animation isn't more boring. Dan rolled his eyes and Anne gave him a look.
He's laughing.
"Hey" She heard a voice that sent shivers down her spine, she looked up immediately to see Dylan wave at her with a smile.
"God," she muttered, almost out of breath.
"Hi," she said, her voice in a whisper.
Her palms became sweaty as she maintained eye contact with Dylan, her chest rising and falling.
He was still smiling at her, almost driving her crazy.
She blinked and was glad it wasn't some wild imagination of hers.
Dylan had indeed said hello to him!
He was about to say something when a teacher walked in and Layla felt like jumping on his back to strangle him.
"Hello class" The professor smiled.
"Hello asshole" Layla mumbled under her breath and Dylan suddenly burst out laughing.
Layla and others looked at him in surprise.
"I heard that" he whispered to her, still laughing but not as loud as before.
"Really?" Layla asked and he nodded.
'Oh..my..God, did I make him laugh? Should I start saying more of the word asshole? »
She felt so excited that she prayed if it was a dream she should never wake up.
Dylan finally noticed her! After years.
"Hey! Dylan, stop laughing"
"I'm sorry Mr. Blaine" Dylan smiled.
The class started, the students remained silent while the teacher began to teach.
Layla suddenly caught Chloe staring at her.
Well... that's nothing new.
She glared at Chloe before focusing on the professor, her stomach still churning with excitement.
Layla wondered where the girl was while she ate in the cafeteria.
Although there were three girls sitting with her, she was no longer avoided but she was really worried about the nice girl who always sat with her, she was the only person who did not avoid her when others were doing.
The girl doesn't say much to her, she only sits with her to eat and leaves once the lunch break is over.
Layla didn't even know her name until recently.
She really hopes the girl is fine, she was not in school yesterday and even today.
She sighed as she continued to chew on her burger.
The girls were chatting at the table while eating.
It looks like they want Layla to talk to them but she doesn't want to.
She is unwilling to talk or befriend any of her classmates, but they are all hypocrites except Dylan.
She smiled when she saw him at a distant table, chatting and laughing with his friends.
Shit... he takes her breath away every time.
Let's get it over with quickly so we can get in on the truth or dare," one of the girls said.
" Yes ! I definitely don't want to miss this,” another girl said.
"Dylan will join too, won't he?" asked the third girl.
"Of course, otherwise no one would play"
Layla rushed her burger, she is going to participate in today's game, she always watched but never participated because of the way she was mistreated at the time.
Chloe would never have allowed her to participate but today, she misses nothing.
Besides... Dylan would participate.
" What is that ? What the hell are you doing with us? Chloe barked at Layla.
Layla never stood so close to them when they were about to play the game, she was always in her seat, staring like a beggar.
They were now in the classroom, most of the students gathered to play the game, but Chloe left out the people she claimed were ugly.
"I'll be taking part in today's game for the first time," smiled Layla as she sat down.
"You are not allowed to join!" Stand up ! Chloe cried, horrified.
Everyone was watching intently.
"Chloe, it's a general game, I don't think you have the right to choose who will participate or not" says Layla.
"You're just a dark witch who always wants to ruin everything! I don't want you in this game! You disgust me!"
“So quit the game, go sit down and watch,” Layla said.
"You must be sick! Are you fucking kidding me? Get up, you're not in this game!" Chloe insisted firmly.
"Oh you think it's okay to kick people out of a game just because they don't oppose you. Well I'm telling you right now Chloe you have no right to kick me out of this game! I'm not going anywhere, if you're so uncomfortable having me around then you should leave instead. I'm tired of being the one who leaves every time !" Layla said without flinching in Chloe's face.
Some students cleared their throats, whispering in each other's ears.
Dylan was on the phone, biting his lower lip.
Chloe looked at Layla in silence, she felt so angry that she wanted to hit her.
"I insist, you're not going to participate in this game" fumes Chloe.
"Looks like you really took my threat to pull your hair out as a joke? Dare me Chloe" Layla said and Chloe's breath hitched in fear.
"Are you really going to allow him to participate!" Chloe screamed and no one said a word.
"Wow" She smiled, a smile filled with fury.
"Let's get started, before a teacher comes in," said one of the students.
Chloe reluctantly sat down.
She was fuming but felt better when a plan crossed her mind.
Whether Layla chooses truth or dare, Chloe is going to make sure she makes Layla choose a guy to kiss her or she's going to be fined!
She's pretty sure no guy would want to kiss a black witch!
She couldn't wait to see how embarrassed Layla is going to be and she's going to make her pay the fine if the guy refuses.
Layla has to pay to participate in the game and even embarrass her.
Chloe whispered her plan to her friends in case the bottle faces Layla and one of them.
They started the game, the bottle was rolled.
Questions were asked and people dared.
It was really fun and Layla was happy to participate.
Chloe waited patiently and hopefully Layla has to pay!
Luckily for Chloe, the bottle pointed towards Layla and her on the sixth roll.
She couldn't be more excited.
"So, Layla…truth or dare?" asked Chloe mockingly.
"Dare" blurted out of Layla's mouth, she hadn't even expected the bottle to point at her, she felt nervous, it was her first time.
If only she had known the rules of the game, she would have chosen the "truth".
"Cool" Chloe smiled and everyone knew she was up to something.
"I hope you know you'll be fined if you refuse to do what you dared to do?" Chloe said and that's when Layla suspected she might be in trouble.
"Go ahead," Layla said, trying to hide her nervousness.
"I dare you..." Chloe paused with a smirk.
"Would you please stop joking," Dylan said.
Chloe rolled her eyes before turning back to Layla.
"I dare you to pick a guy and kiss him on the lips," Chloe said and Layla blinked.
"What.." She said.
"There's not much time left, please hurry," Chloe interrupted.
"What if I don't want to do it?" asked Layla.
"You'd be fined fifty dollars…right now," Chloe said.
"Huh.." Layla said, she only has six dollars left and she can't even raise the fifty dollars by tomorrow, except she breaks the bank.
"Get up, get up" Chloe chuckled.
"You only have two minutes to complete your challenge or you'd pay your fine, I'm sure you saw how fast everyone was with theirs," said Miranda, one of Chloe's friends.
Layla stood up and there was a tense silence.
The only guy she's thinking about right now is Dylan, well… he's always been the only guy she's thinking about.
He's been nice to her lately but would he like to kiss her?
Maybe he was nice to her because he just wants to be friends.
And if he refuses, she kisses him.
She didn't regret having participated in this game, she only regretted having fallen into Chloe's trap.
“Your two minutes…” said Chloe.
"Dylan" Layla let go with her eyes tightly closed.
There was a sigh from everyone.
'Even guys who aren't as cute as Dylan would never kiss her, she must have really high expectations' Chloe laughs inwardly...
Everyone watched with keen interest.
Layla slowly opened her eyes and that wave of sadness hit her when she saw that Dylan hadn't got up yet.
He just looked at her.
Why is she hurt?
She shouldn't be surprised, no one would want to kiss her.
She was about to offer to pay the fine the next day when Dylan slowly stood up.
His heart started beating madly as he approached her.
Everyone watched eagerly, waiting for the drama that is about to unfold.
“No, he can't want to go kiss her. Not Dylan, maybe he'll sit down because he can't stand her." Chloe chuckled but got the shock of her life when Dylan pulled Layla against him and planted a kiss on her lips.
Everyone gasped.
Layla felt like she was in a fantasy.
She felt like it was her imagination, but it clearly wasn't.
Dylan was kissing her..
Dylan, her long time crush that she had always dreamed of was kissing her and she was too shaken to kiss him back.
She wanted to cry...it was so hard to believe.
She couldn't move in his arms, she felt like butter...
She was enchanted by his charm and the feel of his lips on hers made her almost melt.
Knowing that this might be the only chance she would have to kiss him, she kissed him eagerly and Chloe watched in horror.
Layla knew that Chloe had wanted to embarrass her, but sometimes people's injustice to us leads to our own good.
Thanks Chloe.