His gait was composed as always, his expression devoid of anything as he took the last turn in the corridor and there it was....the grand marble staircase to the terrace.
And this afternoon it will take him to his destruction.
He knew what was coming next...a visibly ugly confrontation followed by the nastiest of verbal war and then when either of the tactics won't work on him. Word would be sent to his father. The king!
And that's where his worst fears comes to play. He is most despicable man ever known and his decisions the most unbelievable.
But what is the point in thinking all this now when it's already very late.
'Very late indeed! 'He could not help the scowl that came to him when he saw who his interrogation room consisted of.
The youngest and most favourite wife of his father. Su-naina! Ofcourse she was supposed to be there when she was the one summoning him here at the empty terrace but the unexpected guest there was none other than her dear little sister.
'The brat of a princess! ' who knew there's such a vile personality under the cover of that beauty. She was nothing but a loathsome woman who seduced and lied with him solely to hold it as a leverage and black mail him to marry her!
But he was decided! He wasn't going to fall for the trap.
"Good morning your majesty! "He bowed slightly as the custom called for but hopefully his eyes told it all as he glared at the duo of the sisters.
"I am afraid this evening is not as good as you think it is! "The queen taunted. "As you might have already guessed we are here to discuss the terms of your marriage with my little sister Sukanya. "
"Take a seat-take a seat."she offered him her most evil smile. But he choose to stand anyway. "I am not going to marry her! "
"I said we are here to discuss the TERMS of marriage. I did not ask you if you are willing to marry or not! "She rolled her eyes leaning back on her low chair. As though he lacked the simplest of common sense.
"Now that doesn't make sense just like most of your words MOTHER."He deliberately reminded her of she was related to him. Two years younger yet she is there as his mother. 'The side effects of being a queen.'
His lopsided grin seemed to show its magic because the queen was visibly fuming. "You are not going to do it the simple way, are you? "She gritted her teeth.
And another smile broke on his face simultaneously. 'Oh! It is fun! '
"Simple way? Nah! I am not going to do it ANYWAY!" He hoped against hope that his vile step mother and her vicious sister might get this message straight in their heads. And that they might stop playing these dirty games of blackmail.
"Alright then be present at the court in half an hour....let's see what the king would have to say in this matter. "The queen was far over her snapping patience as she stood up, her hands gripping her sister's before she started to walk away.
Her cold eyes giving him the look of same contempt that he had been subjected to...by the yonger sister a while ago.
Just as he feared, the king!
His head reeled in frustration as he wondered how he was going to save his head this time around. And while there was a very bleak chance of that happening, he was sure of one thing.
He wouldn't marry this woman!
A woman who was ready to sleep with a man to blackmail him later....to sell her prestige in front of whole court only to force that man into marrying her....was no better than a prostitute.
And no way was he going to marry a prostitute.
Come what may!
"You are forgetting something your highness. "He called after the duo, the last trick he scummed to save the word to reach the king.
The clinking jwelleries and anklets suddenly stopped at the farther end of the empty terrace.
The cold wind ruffled his hair as he took two steps forward with a smirk on his face. "That I...am a MAN! And there would no scandal attached to my name after you announce it in the royal court that your sister slept with me! It will be your sister whose character would be maligned forever in the society....and I could not even imagine what will happen to her when I will refuse to accept her as my wife. "
It seemed his words simply had no effect on the ice queen but then her sister for the first time looked positively alarmed. "Sister...stop!"her panicked cry barely reached the elder one's ear as she started to drag her again.

"He won't be in the condition to refuse the marriage, I will make sure of it! "She hissed before they were gone for good from his sight.
The weather took a turn for worse. Gone were the cool ruffling breezes and instead dark clouds took its place.
'A large storm was coming. 'He hurried downstairs.
It was better performance...infact he must say it was the best performance he had ever seen in his life. What's with the royal orchestras and plays and skits?
Because what queen sunayna and her sister had just pulled off in the royal court filled with thousands of people would be enough to put all those in shame.
His expression remained empty, his eyes stoic on the sisters as they together cried and begged for justice! The vulnerable bowed head princess wrapped under the layers of thick shawl truly looked as though she was molested.
The stuttering words and hiccups did the rest to put every other person with ears to give their compassion to her.
And then there was the stone king, sitting like a statue on his throne while it was a surprise indeed that he hadn't yet ordered to have him beheaded already.
"Silence! "Time after what felt like eons later, the king finally spoke and every arising murmur to provide empathy died down instantly.
'It was time for the verdict! '
Chandra waited impassively, he knew whatever was coming, was going to a threat to him. His right palm was secured under his vest.... on the handle of his blade.
Just as planned, his horse was waiting a few yards behind the palace grounds. As soon as the verdict against him would be announced he would be gone with the next wind.
Suddenly a loud thundering sound came from outside followed by the sound of a falling tree before the rain started to pour heavily. The pitter patter filling in the emptiness of the court.
'The storm had come! '
"Prepare for the wedding celebrations....tomorrow evening princess sukanya and Chandra would be tying the holy knot of matrimony. " The king had announced but the pin drop silence prevailed in the court as now every single eyes were fixed at him, gauging his reaction.
"Bullshit! I am not marrying anyone! Specially this tramp of a prostitute who seduced me to bed and is now charging me to compel to her wishes and marry her! "His voice was loud and clear, he wanted every single person to hear the truth before he's gone!
"How dare you Chandra! "The king roared rising from his throne followed by everyone else. The foreign princess was now sobbing like a manic. "I disown YOU! "
"Oh! I am so glad....you did the honors your majesty! "He dared to gave a lopsided grin to his father and that was all it took before the whole army was behind him.
"Catch him!"His father roared. "I want him beheaded right in front of ME!"
And there it was! What he had been expecting from the very start.
In a flash his blade tore through the air, drawing blood from every flesh that came into his sight.
It was just a matter of moments before he was gone, riding through the wilderness on his horse while his few trusted generals followed behind.
The royal army left far behind.