The zeal which begins with hypocrisy must conclude in treachery; at first it deceives, at last it betrays.
-Francis Bacon
Laying with his eyes open, he analyzed his situation. His options...there pros and cons. And he had barely closed his eyes when the dawn broke, the first rays of sun infiltrating through the curtains of his private chamber, bathing the large room in a golden glory.
'It was another starting! '
But what a foul way of starting the day when the first thing you notice is your mistake of last night?
Forcefully closing his eyes, he laid back on the bed like a dead rat waiting for the woman beside him on the bed to leave.
And she did! But not before she ran those soft long fingers through his messy locks.
He internally cringed. No! He wasn't disgusted at her touch but he was disgusted at himself for doing what he did last night.
Taking the innocence of that girl was not in his plans. It was a crime on his part because while the woman solely wanted to be with him for the affection of sorts, he was there beside her doing nothing but using her body simply for a distraction from his own problems.
The soft clinking of bangles slowly faded away. The foreign princess was gone and heck! He doesn't even know her name!
Gripping the edges of his locks he waited there for a long-long time. Why does it feel like this mistake was going to cost him everything?
Surely, the woman for the sake of her own prestige in the society won't let the scandal come into light?
He sighed in designation. Because if it happened, his life, his best laid plans would be destroyed! Everything will turn astray! Specially now when the woman is not only a foreign princess but the sister of his youngest step mother.
'The sister of his father's favourite wife!'
He would be doomed.
"Good evening! "The sultry smile this evening seemed brighter than the last evening. And that made him frown.
This early morning after she left from his bed, he hadn't heard from her and assumed the worst.
An young innocent girl like her must be delving in guilt for how she had destroyed her own reputation in a single night.
But it seems now that it wasn't the case, because here she was once again, looking straight into his eyes as she took a seat across him.
He tried to read her expression. Does she wants to end up in his bed once again? Or is it a love confession that she wants to extract from him tonight?
But whichever it was that she wanted. He knew one thing, that is...he isn't ready to give either.
"Can we talk?"She spoke like the soft evening breeze.
"I assumed we are doing it already! "He scowled at her because while it seemed to be a heartless thing to do. He had to do it, to save them both from further problems and pain. He needs to crush every dream of marriage and love that the princess might have already started to weave with him.
'He wasn't going to marry her! '
An expression of hurt flashed on her face before she masked it. "It's about last night! "
"I expected as much!"leaning back on the chaise, casually, Chandra rolled his eyes. "So you are here to beg me for an marriage because of what happened last night? " He crossed his arms. "Then let me make this clear to you. "He looked straight into her eyes. "That NO! I am not interested! And I am not going to marry you! "
The lady visibly gasped as her delicate fingers held onto the arms of her chair for the sake of her life. And he had expected as much but what he hadn't expected was the way this meeting ended.
Slowly as the shock weared off, anger took its place. The bright face that was once been compared to the nymphs now took the ugliest contortions ever. "How dare you insult me in that way?" She was standing ram rod straight. The big bright eyes now hidden under the clouds of darkness as she threatened. "By the next sun set, you will be here..."she pointed her finger down at her shining shoes. "Beside my feet....... begging me to marry you! I promise! "
Now this, he hadn't even expected in his wildest of dreams. But he didn't let it show on his face and waited patiently as her cold dark eyes scrutinised him with a look of pure contempt before she left.
He was indeed doomed!