I am waiting for the guys by the front of the cafeteria. We usually go in together. I sat on the floor by the wall, waiting patiently for them. The guys walked towards me casually as if I wasn't waiting for them. I am gonna kill them, I thought to myself.
"I am going to kill you guys" I said to them as they walked up to me, Mike pulling me up. "I have been waiting for you here for like 5 min and you guys were just walking in like as if I wasn't waiting".
"We have to walk in dramatically, it's our thing" Jake said. "I hate you guys" I told them rolling my eyes. They just laughed.
"It's a beautiful day, today, we should eat outside " Lou said. He's right, it's actually a beautiful day. After getting our food, we went to the park by the side of the school, sat under a tree and ate our food in peace, laughing and joking along. After finishing the salad I bought in the cafeteria, I rested my head on the tree and looked up, I saw a very big canvas. OK, it was a wall but to me I saw a canvas. There is no way I am gonna pass on something like that. It might be vandalism but I didn't care.
I am definitely going there later today to paint. The guys don't have to know. I thought to myself, smiling.
The rest of the day went by smoothly and I was dropped home by the guys. They asked me if I wanted to hang but I lied. Told them I had homework to do which isn't technically a lie because I did have assignments to do but I could finish early. I think they bought it but Mike looked at me skeptically as if he knew I was lying but if he did, I wouldn't know, he never said anything.
After doing my homework, I had dinner, watched TV and told mum I was going to bed. Which I did for about 3 hours. My alarm rang and I quickly changed from my panda PJs to a black tank top, black jeans and a black hoodie with my black converse. I took my mask along and dropped it in my spray paint bag. I dropped the bag out the window and jumped too. I trekked back to where I had seen the wall, by the time I got there, it was 2am. I jumped the fence after checking that it wasn't going to electrocute me and went straight to work.
I was done and stepped back to check my work.
"Aww, that's beautiful" someone said behind me. I had already hit the person before realizing it was Jake.
"The fudge you did that for" he said holding his nose which was now bleeding.
"Why did you walk up to me like that" I said before it dawned on me that they knew it was me even with the mask I wore.
"I told you not to do that" Mike said coming from the corner of the building Peter and Lou were with him.
"How the heck did you guys know it was me?" I said removing my mask.
"We would recognize you anytime from the back sweetheart" Mike said winking at me. I just smiled.
"Your work is actually pretty good, it's beautiful" Peter said walking up to the wall to take a closer look.
"Thank you" I said.
"Is that us" Lou asked pointing at the people I had painted. I nodded.
"No way!!! " Pete shouted looking at me his eyes wide. He was looking at me and pointing at the lower corner. I groaned knowing what he was on about. I face palmed myself. I was hoping they weren't going to notice.
" What??" Jake, Lou and Mike asked simultaneously looking between Peter and I.
"You are The Ghost?" Peter said pointing at me.
"No... Way!!!" they said at once. I was really hoping they wouldn't find out.
Peter just kept pointing and the guys walked up to where Peter pointing. After a while, they looked at me in shock too.
"I was really hoping you guys wouldn't find out" I said after a while breaking the ice when neither of them said a word.
"What... Why??!!" Lou said first.
"You are The Ghost" Mike said again. Am guessing he is still in shock.
Just then, we could hear the sirens blaring from far, I guess someone called the police. Oh shit. The guys realized it too and we ran together. Not having time to jump the fence normally, I did parkour and was on the other side in seconds. The guys looked at me with disbelief.
"You guys should jump, we can always talk later at the clubhouse not in jail." I couldn't get arrested again, mum wasn't home to bail me out. The guys came to their senses and jumped too and we ran.
The police were behind us, but not so close, so we ducked into an alley and decided to wait the cops out. When they drove by, we went the other way and ran to our clubhouse before the police realize they have lost us and come back this way.
When we got in, I went to sit down on the couch. The guys sat down beside me.
"That was a close one" I said sighing. They agreed.
"You are The Ghost" Mike said again, for the fourth time tonight. I just nodded.
"Wow" he said.
"I definitely didn't see that coming at all". He said after a while.
"You definitely have to paint that wall" Pete said pointing to the blank wall at the one side.
"Yes, you have to" Jake said with pleading eyes.
"Okay, fine" I said. They nodded and smiled.
"Cool" Mike said.
* * *
It's been 3 days since the guys found out and I decided to do the painting they asked me to when they weren't around and today is that day. The guys were busy at their homes doing homework.
I changed my cloth so as not to stain it and I got to work. I was done in 4 hours and I liked what I did. I hope the guys like it too. I am not gonna tell the guys, I want to surprise them.
"We should go to the house, I just wanna relax and play some foosball". Mike said and we all nodded. We all got into Mike's car, and he drove to the house. We entered his car because he was the one that brought all to school this morning. I was nervous because I hoped the guys liked the painting I did, as they hadn't seen it yet.
We all walked in together and they noticed it immediately because it was bright and stood out in the whole house.
"OMG!!" Pete shouted. I covered my face. I hope they like it.
The other guys were just staring at it.
"I love it " Mike was the first to talk. I looked at him with an eye brow raised as if to say 'really'. He got my message and nodded.
"Me too" Jake said. Lou nodded.
"It's so pretty" said Pete. I smiled. Thank God they love it.
"I was scared you guys wouldn't like it" I voiced my thought.
"Of course we would, you are good" Mike said looking at me with soft eyes. I almost blushed, almost.
With that, we all sat down and watched TV, well after ordering what to eat. It's Friday so we had 3 days to ourselves and we are definitely gonna be spending the days here in the house.
I don't mind that because I have grown to love this guys.
"I love you guys" I suddenly said while we were watching TV.
"Awwwn" Lou said.
"I love you too" Mike said quietly. If he wasn't beside me, I wouldn't have heard him.
"What did you say?" I asked pretending not to hear him. "Nothing" he said, looking down.
"We love you too" Pete said. Jake came to hug me, Lou joined and so did Peter and Mike. It became a group hug. I really do love this guys.