School was over but I didn't wanna go home yet because I had nothing to do and mom wouldn't be back yet. She called earlier saying she would be staying late so I decided to go fighting at the club that opened recently.
I went home, had a shower and changed into a black top and jean with a hoodie on. I decided to walk to the club, I didn't feel like riding. It wasn't that far though, maybe just 20 mins.
The club was always rowdy, it smelled of sweat and blood and it was so loud, the lighting was dim. People everywhere, some betting, some watching the fight going on presently. I just walked in not knowing anyone here I mean I just moved here last month. I saw someone who looked like he was in charge and walked up to him.
"Hello" I said, the guy looked up at me cocking his head to one side as if to say 'what am I doing here'. I just ignored the look he gave me and told him I wanted to get in the ring.
"This isn't a game dear" he said.
"You think?" I asked sarcastically rolling my eyes.
"You sure you wanna do this?" he asked looking at me skeptically. I just nodded hoping he saw that because of the bad lighting.
On the microphone, I could clearly hear the announcement. "Hello everybody!! We have a new fighter here and as we all know the rule, she would have to fight our best fighter in the house" there were lots of shouting and hooting. I took that has my cue, and I walk into the ring. People started talking among themselves staring at me like I had grown two heads. Then their best fighter came into the ring and I recognize those eyes.
I didn't know he was a fighter too but am not surprised seeing has he is the school's 'bad boy'. He looked at me shocked and I knew he wasn't expecting to see me. I just smiled.
Through the speaker I could hear the announcer say "Let the betting begin" and immediately people began betting against me and on Mike making him smirk. Only few people were betting on me, very few I might say. After a while, "Let the fight begin" was said over the speaker and I heard the bell ring.
Mike was a better fighter than I thought. He blocked most of my blows and so did I when he tried hitting me. I wasn't showing my full potential yet because I didn't see the use. After receiving a few blows and given some back, I got bored and wanted this to end. So I hit him by the shin which he wasn't expecting making him hold onto the leg and I used the opportunity to swipe his other leg making him fall on his back and I guess that's game over.
The bell rang and the look on his face was priceless, everyone around were looking shocked as well. I used a cheeky way to win not best but I saw an opportunity and I took it. I smiled at him, left the ring, collected my money and walked out.
I was tired and just wanted to go home. I looked at the time, 8pm. Mom should be home by now. I ran home, saw the door was locked and so I opened it with my own key, thank God I took it along with me. I guess mom isn't home yet, I ran up the stairs into my bedroom which wasn't so decorated. It as purple walls with a few pictures of my dad, mum and myself on the wall, my king size bed was in the middle with black blankets, black pillow, lots of pillows. I love pillows has much as I love Nutella. Nutella is bae forever.
After taking a well needed hot shower to wash away the smell of blood and sweat, I went to the first aid kit in my drawer and applied ointments on the bruises on my hands and face, it stung like a son of a bitch. I went to the closet, picked out my favorite PJs and went downstairs. I called the pizza place and ordered.
Watching TV and waiting for mom to get home I decided to message Mike and not a stalker or anything but I collected his number from a girl at school who obviously had a crush on him.
Hello! - E
I wanted it to be simple. I didn't expect to receive a text back so I was shocked when my phone pinged
Hi! - M
How are you? - E
I'm fine but I really don't know who you are - M
I laughed because I was kinda expecting that. I didn't expect him to know who I am and so I decided to play a little game.
Guess? - E
I'm bad at that, you wld have to help me out :) - M
We go to school together :p - E
Uhm... Sarah? - M
Who the hell is Sarah?? I didn't like the feeling in my stomach about this Sarah, does he like this Sarah? I'm gonna have to ask that later.
No, I'm very sure my signature says 'E' not 'S' - E
Okay? - M
After a few seconds he sent another message before I had time to reply.
Wait a minute you the new girl at school? - M
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!! - E
Hey, Sup? - M
Not much, just watching TV and eating some pizza -E
Hmm.. Cool- M
Anyways see you at school, gotta go. Bye - E
OK, bye- M
Mom walked in as I dropped my phone, she looked tired so I helped her warm some pizza after greeting her and kissing her on the cheeks. Once she started eating, I went up to bed.
Today didn't end well and I went to bed thinking about mum, dad (I miss him so much) and strangely Mike.