The next day, I woke up with a slight headache, while everyone else, especially Bree, woke up with a horrible headache and vomiting. It was all I could hear this morning, groans and hacks.
I heard Bree violently throwing up in the bathroom. I jumped out of bed to comfort her. She was my new roommate and best friend.
"What do you need?" I asked, rubbing her back.
When she got done throwing up, she looked at me hopelessly. A little puke was at the corner of her mouth, but I just ignored it.
"Why did you let me do this? This is the type of mess I get into every time I get drunk." She half laughed, half groaned.
"Well, I thought it would be fun to get out. And you weren't drunk, you were hammered." I laughed back. "And I wasn't really around to stop you. I was..." I stopped on that sentence.
"Well, from what I remember, it was fun. But, not anymore." She got up weakly, almost stumbling over.
"Why don't you go lay back down, and I'll get you some ibuprofen and Nyquil."
She nodded her head, headed back into the room, and jumped onto the bed.
I turned around and started going through my bathroom drawers looking for some medicine. Once I found it, I went over to set it on the nightstand and noticed Bree was already asleep.
"So mom, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked my mom as she made us coffee.
"Well, I don't really know sweetheart. Why don't you go find your father and ask him." She said, handing me a cup of coffee and three packets of sugar. I poured all three sugar packets in and took a big gulp of the steaming coffee. Although it burned my throat, it distracted me from the slight headache I had.
After I was halfway through the cup, I went up to my dads office, hoping he had something planned today. If he wanted any work done today, I wanted to be able to help him as much as possible, but I hoped something better than work was planned.
I knocked on my dad's office door. In less than two seconds, he shouted for me to come in.
As I walked in, I saw my dad, alone, sitting at his desk. I was a little upset Cameron wasn't in there, but it was fine. I didn't come to talk to him anyways.
"You know you don't have to knock honey." He laughed.
"I know." I giggled back.
"So, did your mom send you up here?" He asked, as if he actually knew why I was up here.
"No. Just wanted to see what we're doing today. That's all."
"Well, your mom and I have to go search the borderline and go sniff out the Bluegrass's territory. Just to make sure everything's safe."
Did that mean without Cameron? Was he going to be in the house with me today?
"Oh okay, have fun." I said, unsure what to say.
My dad smiled at me before I walked out. When I shut the door and turned around, I bumped in to a rockhard wall. When I hit my head against the real wall, holding my injured head, I looked up to see what I ran into. Who I ran into.
Surprisingly, it was Cameron. Without a shirt on. He looked like he had just woke up, his hair was ruffled and his eyes were sleepy. Something about his morning look was super sexy.
When I noticed that the distance between us was very low, I tried to slip away, but he grabbed me and pulled me into my room. Once we were both in, he shut and locked the door.
I nervously glanced over Cameron's shoulder towards my bed to see if Bree was still in here. It took me a second to hear the shower running, which I was surprised because she was just fast asleep, so I figured she was showering. Who knows for how long though.
"Princess, why'd you try to get away from me out there?" He smirked, pulling me into him. Tingles rushed through my shirt and up my body. How did he do it just by a touch?
"Um... well... we were to clo..."
He cut me off by pulling me into him roughly. I let out a small oopmh. Now, the distance between us is very thin. In a way, I liked it.
Loved it.
Needed it.
"Don't tell me you don't want this. I can smell it on you. It's written all over your face." He leaned down and started to kiss my neck.
I tilted my head back for him so he could get more access. As he kissed down my neck, he left a fiery trail and I was loving every bit of it. Next thing I knew, he lifted me up and pinned me against the wall and kissed down to my collarbone, nipping at the tender skin until he hit my sweet spot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him into me, lessening the space between us, if that was even possible. I could feel his hard manhood pressing against my slit.
"You like this princess? Just think of all the other things I could do." He lifted his lips a little and softly trailed them up my neck until his face was inches from mine.
By now, my underwear were soaked. I so desperately wanted him to do the things that he said he could. I wanted him. I just needed him.
And then, it all hit me. I was letting him take control of my body. No man will ever control me. Mate or not. So, I just slipped down and backed away from him.
"No. You will not take control of me, nor my body, because I can't control it. Now, if you would excuse yourself out of my room." I waved my hand, telling him to leave
"You'll be back princess." He winked and walked out.