I really needed to get him off my mind. He was addicting, although I've never seen him for more than two seconds. I just needed to see him again.
'Please. Please just go see him. That's our mate. You know he's irresistible. Why don't you just go get him?' Blanche, my wolf, whined.
'You already know I'm not into the mate stuff, and if I get too addicted to him, I know I'm gonna regret it in the end. Besides does he even want me? I mean, he didn't even look at me for more than two seconds. He's got to smell me right? I smelled him. And the fire incident, what the hell is wrong with him? He didn't look at me then either.' I replied, not noticing that I was growling out of anger.
Was I really that mad that he didn't look at me?
'Oh my gosh, please Kayla. At least do it for me. You never even take me out running. So at least do this for me.'
'No.' And I decided I was done with this conversation with Blanche. I was taking into consideration what she said, because he was pretty irresistible and I knew it and I was going to have to face it sometime or another. Didn't mean I had to accept him, but just meant I had to speak to him sometime or another.
What the fuck is that noise? I thought.
And then it hit me. Our first day of training with the Bluegrass was today. And I was probably the one most not looking forward to it most. It's not that I was lazy or anything, because I had a pretty nice body, and I was sort of athletic, just that I didnt't want to have to pair up with Cameron.
Hesitantly, I jumped out of bed with a loud groan. I decided if I was that unlucky, but in a way lucky, to be paired up with my him, I would have to at least look and smell good.
With that, I jumped into the shower quickly, got out, put short, tight yoga shorts on, a sports bra, a pink, Victoria's Secret tank top, then threw my hair up in a bun. I skipped down the stairs and when I got to the bottom. I slipped on my pink Nikes.
I went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. Training is a little bit difficult, so I knew I was gonna be parched. Plus, we just started getting some summer weather.
"Good morning," my more than cheerful father started out, my mom clinging to his side, smiling. "First, I would like to thank you all for coming to ally with us. But, before we get down to the business and the fights, I want to train and test all of your strength. This is my wife, and my Luna, Deena. I would like you to respect us and respect my pack. Also, right here, err, right over there, is our beautiful daughter." He waved his hand towards himself, telling me to come up.
I honestly wanted to shout 'WHAT THE FUCK DAD', but I wasn't really for making big scenes, so I went up and put on a fake smile and waved.
As my dad looked around showing that he was done with his speech, everyone clapped and right away started fighting their partners.
I stood there with no partner. I began to wonder if my mate had a partner. But I realized again that I don't want to get too close to him, so I decided to stroll around and inspect everyone's fighting.
Love yourself, nobody else's opinions matter
• • •
Read my books :)
"Oh my God! I did not mean to scare you. But I was just wondering, could you train with me? I mean you were alone here, and I had no partner, and I just need a partner." She giggled.
"Yeah, sure." I smiled and laughed back.
As we trained, she told me her name. Bree. She told me that she was a part of the Bluegrass pack and was excited to meet new friends, and excited she met me. She told me that her mom and dad had passed away in a car accident, but she had gotten over that because she knew that she couldn't hold a grudge on it, but misses them like hell. She also told me that she had an older brother. She never mentioned who it was though. I didn't really pay much mind to that.
"So, I was also wondering, because I didn't want to be stuck with some random person in your pack or my pack, if we could room together? I mean, this is really awkward asking someone I just met, but you know I don't know anyone yet except you."
She looked a little unsure and nervous asking me. But she was a nice girl and I could definitely see this friendship going somewhere.
"Of course! Yeah I've been there before, having to go to another pack's house and getting stuck with someone I don't know, that shit is like hell."
She just smiled and laughed it off.
As training got done, I told Bree to come up to the room with me and move all of her stuff in. I mean, my room was huge and I had two closets so that would be no problem. And I have a queen size bed, so I'm pretty sure we could both fit on it.
"Seriously Kayla, thank you." She smiled the nudged me in the shoulder. I simply nodded at her and walked out of the room to let her get settled in on her own.
It was getting late, 8:00. But this was the first day the pack had nothing to do that night, so some of the younger members of the pack we're going out to party. I was a party animal, don't get me wrong. I was gonna down some alcohol tonight to get all the stress off my mind.
To get Cameron off my mind.
I wondered if Cameron was coming, but I remembered that when I drink alcohol I lose control, which is what I wanted tonight. I wanted him to come, but at the same time I didn't. I shrugged it off my best and headed upstairs to get ready.
"Bree, hear about us all going to a party tonight, down at Electricity?"
Bree was laying on the bed, scrolling through channels. I noticed she had recently showered because small waves started to form and her hair was dark and shiny. When she noticed me say something about a party, her head snapped to me and she got all excited.
"Are you inviting me? Cause sure as hell I'd love to come." She jumped up off the bed and started digging through her closet.
I slipped on my white, strapless, mid thigh length dress and my black pumps. I put my hair up in a messy, but pretty bun and a diamond necklace. I applied light eyeshadow, masscara, and lipgloss.
Bree had on a black, mid thigh dress that had a V going down her stomach, exposing her stomach and part of her boobs. She had on light eyeliner, thick mascara and black heels. Her hair was bone straight. She looked stunning.
I whistled at her in a flirty way, joking with her about how sexy she looked.
"And may I say myself, you look perfect as well." She laughed, jokingly smacking my butt. It felt like we have known each other for a long time. I could already tell she was my best friend.
"Be safe." My mom shouted to all of us from the door. "I'll have food here for all of you when you get home. And water, and Ibuprofen."
That's just how my mom was, she always looked out for people younger than her. But I thanked the goddess for having that type of mom like that in my life.
As everyone that was going got ready to go, we all headed out in five different vehicles. Lucky me got split up from Bree, and stuck with Cameron in a car.
"Bree, isn't there anymore room in the car that you're going in?" I whined.
"No, why is it such a big deal?" She questioned.
"Never mind." I decided not to explain to her because I didn't want people knowing that he was my mate. I just sat in the backseat with a couple of other guys, realizing I was the only girl in the car. It's a good thing that Electricity wasn't that far away.
It was hidden in the alley of a human bar called Racker. Electricity was hidden way far back where nobody could see it. You had to drive your car carefully so you didn't hit anything and then there was a parking lot way back in the alley. It was, of course, for wolves only and there was a person standing at the door to tell if you were a wolf or not.
When we got there, I quickly jumped out of the car and over to the car Bree was in, trying to avoid my mate, who may I say, ignored me the entire car ride. But, I had to expect it, given the other two times we were around eachother he ignored me.
"Let's go in, I'm ready to party." I said dragging her through the parking lot and over to the door.
Tonight, it was packed. Everyone's bodies bounced up and down and the music vibrated through our bodies. I made my way through the crowd and over to the bar. I ordered two shots, one for me and one for Bree. We downed that one and then downed another five before getting a bit tipsy.
We headed on to the floor and Bree started breaking on some random guy, as well as me. My guy was cute, I think. He was grabbing my hips and we were swaying to the music and I was letting loose. It's what I needed.
I turned around to give him a kiss when he was shoved onto the floor.
"Geez man! I'm sorry I didn't know she was your mate. She's not even marked. Chill out." The guy I was dancing with stumbled back up. Cameron just pushed him into the ground again and the guy groaned.
I felt bad for the kid, so I went to the ground to help him back up when Cameron grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the bathroom.
Tingles started rushing through my hand and all the way up to my shoulder. So this is what it felt like whenever they touched you.
When we got to the bathroom, he shut the door and locked it.
"I could've killed him right out there right then. Don't pull that shit ever again. Your MINE." Cameron yelled, his eyes black. I was scared and didn't want to be here with him.
"S-sorry. But how about when someone tries to introduce you to your mate, you actually look at them like you care. I hate when you ignore me... I m-mean it r-really doesn't matter b-but..." I stuttered out not knowing what to say.
I can't believe I just admitted how much it kills me when he ignores me.
"Do you know how hard it is not to take you whenever I see you? Whenever you look my way? Whenever I hear your voice? That's why."
I started to feel a strong ache in my core. I had to tone it down because I wasn't going to let him take power of me just because he had the ability to do so. But, my body wanted him so badly. Just those few words could do that to someone. To me.
"Well, you'll be okay. Just try talking to me next time." I said, trying to slip out the door, but he grabbed my hips, sending chills through my body and allowing me to get wet.
"Baby, why won't you let me do it right now? You know you want me." He whispered.
"No I don't." I said unlocking the door quickly and heading out before he could try something again.
When I found Bree making out with her guy in the crowd, I grabbed her and pulled her to the door. It was clear that she had more alcohol when I was in the bathroom because she was basically falling over air. But I needed to get home. And I wasn't gonna leave my drunk best friend here.
"Waitt, I didn't get the guysh numberrr." She slurred.
I completely ignored her and pulled her outside. I inhaled the crisp night air and sighed.
So much for drinking and letting loose tonight.