Lily hurried towards the employee break room that also served as a locker room. She tossed her things into a small gray locker and slipped on the mandatory white lab coat. The whole time she ran over her cover story. She's there two hours early because she wanted to try to get on top of the backlog they currently had. Lily put a pair latex gloves and took out the pills her dad gave her from the evidence locker.
She had only done a basic test of the pills against known drugs but it came up negative on all counts. So today she was going to go into a deeper analyst. Crushing one of the pills Lily brushed the power into a petri dish and placing it into a large machine. The machine would tell her the chemical makeup and it should help her determine what the pill is for.
Putting the bottle back into the locker, she decided to actually give some truth to her cover story. Taking one of the many samples waiting to be tested, Lily began to actually work. She'd made quite a bit of progress when she heard shouting. Lily glanced up, wondering if Henry, the lead chemist, had pissed off Celine, the very pregnant and very irritable biochemist.
Lily shook her head with an eye roll. When would that man learn to stop messing with her, Lily wondered as she returned back to work. She was starting to see why he's divorced. Men like him were one of the reasons she avoided relationships. The benefits didn't come close to outweighing the bullshit that came with it.
"Henry, I swear if you dare try your shit on me-" Lily started when she heard the door keyed open.
"Henry's busy at the moment," An unfamiliar voice replied. Lily spun around in her chair to see a muscular man with a ski mask standing in the doorway. Fear slide through her as she watched him toss the card key to the floor and walked towards her. "Where are they?" He demanded, standing before her now.
"Where's what?" she asked, though she had a feeling she knew what he came looking for.
He made a sound of disgust as he grabbed her lab coat and pulled her out of the chair roughly. "You know perfectly well what," he told her coldly.
This was serious, she realized. Those dead teens, the attempted kidnapping. Someone was out to hurt her father's pack. Feeling a strange sense of bravery. Lily looked up at him. "No, I don't know. There are so many dru-" she started
The thief interrupted her as he made the sound of a buzzer from a game show. "Wrong answer!" Then backhanded her across the face hard.
Lily felt her world spin, and she shook her head as the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth. She tried to clear her blurred vision then looked up at the man before her. She had learned one thing from all her time studying criminal investigation. Details, any and all details, mattered. The thief had cold, dark eyes and light brown or blonde hair, judging by his eyebrows. He was pale with full lips that were only a little darker than his skin complexion.
"I don't have all day human," he snapped, shaking her violently and breaking her concentration.
Human, did he just call her human? Werewolf! He's a werewolf! Another slice of fear slid through her.
"Where is it?" he insisted and she noticed his dark eyes were starting to change into a yellowish brown color.
"I'm not going to tell you," she said, glaring up at him.
The thief was obviously not expecting her defiance as he growled. "What do you mean you're not going to tell me?"
She smirked at him, feeling some confidence in the fact that the werewolf had to have half a brain. He'd have to know killing her would bring much to attention to this area and his kind. "Wow fluffy," she teased. "You sure aren't a bright one; I mean exactly what I said. I am not going to tell you anything!"
He snarled like a rabid dog and his eyes almost glowed like molten gold. "Stupid woman," he spat then tossed her across the room.
Lily screamed as she flew through the air, crashing into the wall and slid down it to the floor. Okay, teasing the big bad wolf maybe not such a good idea. She groaned as she pushed herself up onto her hands and knees. It seemed like everything was still in working order and nothing broken. Bruised as hell but not broken. Thank God, for small miracles.
Lily cried out in surprise as the thief pulled her up and once more demanded to know where the pills were. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not going to tell you," she said and flinched when he punched a hole in the wall close to her head.
"If you do not tell me then I promise I'll kill everyone in this building as you watch. Then I'll kill you," he threatened.
Lily smirked at him again. "No you won't! Theft on a crime lab is bad enough but killing everyone? That'd be beyond stupid. You'd bring down so much attention on this town. There'd be no way you'd be able to prevent them from discovering what you are."
"Unless I make it look like some junkie or gang hit," the thief said, taking out a Glock 45. He waved it around as if saying, See what I've got.
Lily's eyes widened and she swallowed a lump in her throat. "Alright," she relented and he let her go. She stumbled back, her limbs were a little shaky. She leaned against the large analyst machine for support.
"Where?" he barked causing her to flinch.
She looked up at him with a glare. If there was one thing she hated more than anything it was bullies and this guy was a big one. "I'm going, Fur Ball," she barked back then walked over towards the evidence locker. Lily unlocked the cabinet and grabbed a similar orange pill bottle. Only this one contained ecstasy. "Here," she said quickly thrusting them into his hand. She hoped he wouldn't be able to know the difference.
He shook the bottle and tossed it across the room, growling at her. The thief grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her close to him. "I'm starting to lose my patience with you! Give me what I want or I will start killing people!"
Lily let a breath out quickly through her gritted teeth, sounding much like a hiss. She took the pills out of her pocket and held them out to him.
"Good girl," he said with a tone of approval as he took them.
She glared at him, furious with him and herself. "Bite me," she snapped before she could stop herself. Her eyes widened as she realized the implications of what she'd said.
He raised an eyebrow up and gave her a curious look as he tucked away the pills in his pants pocket. "That pretty little mouth is going to get you into big trouble someday," he told her. His tone made it sound almost as if he was flirting with her. A small, sly smile spread across his mouth. The thief pulled his hand into a fist and slammed it hard into one of the machines next to her, destroying it.
"What are you doing, asshole?" Lily shrieked as he repeated his attack on another machine. "Stop it! What are you doing?" She insisted, grabbing his arm in an attempt to stop him.
"Should have done what I told you to the first time human," he replied as he then swung around and hit her.
Lily felt as if her head exploded. Bright white light burst behind her eyelids and then everything went to black.
Lily groaned and slowly opened her eyes. The brightness of the light reflecting off white walls hurt her eyes. Her whole body ached as she tried to sit up but decided against it. Her head was pounding with a horrible headache. She reached up to rub her sore temple noticing the bandage there.
Where was she and why did she hurt so much? Oh yeah, the stupid thief at the lab. He'd hit her. "Lily, you're awake," Lacy cheered.
She opened her eyes slowly to peek at her sister. Lacy's usual well-groomed blonde hair was all a mess. Her eyes red and puffy, and her clothing all wrinkled and twisted.
"Hey Lace," Lily croaked with a small smile as she tried to sit up. Her sister pulled her into a tight hug. "Oh easy, easy. It hurts everywhere," she said, feeling her body protest.
Lacy immediately let her go with a guilty look and apologized. "I am going to call the doctor, who is too cute by the way, and everyone. They went down to the cafeteria about twenty minutes ago," Lacy told her. She gave Lily a quick but softer hug before leaving the room.
Lily touched her temple again, wincing with the pain. "Good Morning Ms. Nawassa. I am Doctor Ryland," the doctor announced as he entered the room a few minutes after Lacy left.
Lily gave him a greeting smile noticing that Lacy was right. He was pretty cute. He had the prettiest brownish red hair and sparkling green eyes. His light freckles gave him this cute sexy air about him. "How are you feeling?" he asked, walking over to her bed.
"I'm feeling fine, considering I hurt all over," she stated matter of fact.
He smiled a charming smile at her. "Well, that good to hear despite the fact you hurt all over, which with some good pain killers should go away. I need you to follow this light for me okay," he told her holding up a small penlight and moved it side to side.
The light caused her head to throb more, but she did as he asked and followed the light. "Do you think I can get out of here soon?" she asked, not bothering to hide her eagerness.
"I have a few more tests to perform, and if the results are what I expect then yes you can leave," he explained. "I hope your eagerness to leave has nothing to do with my bedside manner," he added with a flirtatious grin.
"Of course not, Doctor," Lily replied, giving him her best come-hither tone. Someone coughed from the other side of the room and she noticed Andrew and the others standing there.
"My poor sunshine," Sandy cried as she walked over towards Lily and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"How is she, Doctor?" Andrew asked and Lily noticed him giving the doctor a slight look of disapproval.
"She is fine. I believe she only received a hairline fracture. I want to run some more tests, but she should be good to go in a couple of hours," the doctor told him. His tone professional.
Tony walked up to her, shaking his head. He gave her a gentle hug and whispered in her hear with a mocked scolding tone. "You've only been awake for a few minutes and you already flirting with the doctor?"
"Hey, I am not dead yet! Besides you've got to enjoy the little pleasures in life," she whispered back.
Tony shook his head again with a hint of a smile on his lips but gave her the older brother shame on you glare. The doctor excused himself, stating he would return in about an hour to start the final tests. Lily gave him a sly smile and a flirty wave as he left. Lacy and Lily tried to hide their laughter as the doctor almost walked into the door. Some guys were just too easy; she thought with her smile growing a little more.
"Nothing like making a cute guy squirm," Lacy giggled and Chris looked a little jealous.
"Please! I am so much better looking," he pouted.
"Sure you are, baby," Lacy told him. He gave her a kiss that got a little too intense for Lily's taste, so she threw her pillow at them.
"Okay enough you two or I swear I will call security," she snapped.
"Yes, I have to agree," growled Andrew with a look of displeasure. Chris paled some, nodding. "Now out please so I can have a word with Lily," he demanded. Everyone except James, who she just now noticed, left the room obediently.
What the hell was he doing here? She wondered as soon as she saw him.
Her father sat down on the bed beside her with a look of concern marking his face. "I want to know if what happened to you this morning is in connection to what I asked you to do."
She knew where this was going. "Yes Andrew, it was. The thief was a werewolf looking for the pills," she told him and saw the guilt flash through her father's eyes.
"How do you know he was a wolf?" James asked leaving the corner where he'd been lurking with a grumpy look on his face.
"His eyes turned yellow the angrier he got. Also, only you people use the word "human" as an insult" She said but gave him a sly smile at the end.
"So he took the pills?" Andrew asked, still looking upset.
"Unfortunately. I eventually had to give him what he was looking for when he threatened to hurt people," she said with a slight frown.
"Eventually? You actually refused to hand them over?" Her father asked as he looked at her with obvious disapproval on his face.
"Of course I did! I am not going to give in to a bully or threats that easy, werewolf or no werewolf," she told him, crossing her arms.
"He could have killed you," James spoke. This time with an unexpected stern sounding tone.
"Yeah. He could have," Lily said, then shrugged as she continued, "like so many other things in this world. It's a good thing I had a plan B."
"A plan B?" Andrew asked, curiosity replacing some of the worry.
She got a large smile on her face. "Once you told me yesterday that there was a traitor I thought they may try to break in the lab. Though I never expected a full blown break in during operational hours. Anyway, I have some pills stashed at home. I can use the resources at school to continue working on them," she explained, feeling satisfied with herself.
Lily expected him to share her feelings or at least appreciate her forethought. Instead he crossed his arms over his chest with a frown. "No Lily, you're done! Involving you was a mistake. No more analyzing, no more tests,'s over. I will take what you have and deal with it," Andrew told her.
She recognized that tone in his voice. It was his alpha persuasion tone of voice, but that stuff never worked on her. It only made her angry that he was trying to control her like one of his little wolves.
"Oh don't go all Alpha on me, Mister, I am not one of your mutts! I will not give you anything and I'm not going to stop because someone decided to play it rough. If that mangy mutt thinks he is going to intimidate me then he has another thing coming!" Lily told her father. She didn't care if he was in the presence of another werewolf or not.
Andrew let out a small growl. "Lily!" he said in warning.
Lily wasn't in the mood to listen or compromise. There was no way she was going to stop. No one breaks into her lab, steals from her, threatens her co-workers and gets away with it! "Andrew," she shot back at him imitating his tone. She tried hard to keep her face serious when she noticed James's expression of complete surprise at their confrontation.
It wasn't the first time they fought like this. Though it made her angry as hell Lily got where Andrew was coming from, she really did. He was the all mighty alpha, and everyone did what he said. The fact that she didn't cower at his feet like everyone else drove him more than a little nuts. She usually tried not to push him, unless it was something important to her, like now.
At that moment a couple entered the room and identified themselves as detectives. She smiled with a gloating expression towards her father and claimed victory. He just glared at her and then left with James when the detectives wanted to ask her a few questions in private.
"Hello Ms. Nawassa I am Detective Bryant, and this is Detective Santiago. How are you feeling?" asked one of them asked, a woman of maybe late thirties with auburn hair streaked with gray. She smiled at Lily, but Lily didn't feel any warmth in the smile. "Ms. Nawassa we would like to ask you about the break in," she said, not waiting for Lily to answer her first question.
"Go ahead," Lily stated, irritated that she didn't wait for Lily to answer her first question.
"We are to understand the thief had spoken to you, correct?" the man, Detective Santiago, asked. Lily turned her attention to him, he appeared to be about the same age, but he seemed a lot kinder than the woman.
"Yes, he spoke to me," she started. "He was a little taller than me, and I am five foot six. He had a fair complexion. Dark brown eyes, his hair was a light color, blond or light brown. Or at least that what I assumed from the color of his eyebrows. No discernible accent that I could tell of. So it's possible he could be a local," she explained before they had a chance to ask. She was hardly able to contain her grin when they looked at her surprise.
"That's... a really detailed description" Detective Santiago said. He looked impressed, but the Detective Bryant looked at her with suspicion.
"When I realized someone broke into the lab I paid attention to his appearance," Lily told him. She allowed some smugness into her voice.
"What was he looking for?" Detective Santiago asked, writing down something on a small pad of paper.
"He was looking for drugs," she explained not exactly lying. "I tried to tell him we didn't carry large quantities of drugs, but he wouldn't listen. He continued to demand where they were," Lily continued and he nodded as he wrote on the pad once more.
"What did he do then Ms. Nawassa?" Detective Bryant asked and Lily noticed a harsh edge to her voice.
"He threatened to harm my co-workers, so I opened the storage to show him. When he was unhappy with what he saw he hit me. I fell unconscious. The end," she finished. Lily crossed her arms over her chest, letting bitterness slip into her voice this time.
"Anything more you can tell us?" Detective Santiago asked.
She shook her head. "No, but I would like to ask if he put any of our criminal cases in jeopardy?" It was the one thing she worried about. The lab was in charge of almost a thousand cases. If that stupid werewolf destroyed any more machines the evidence could become inadmissible.
Detective Santiago looked at her with sympathy, and she got a bad feeling. "He must've gotten pissed at not finding what he was looking for. The thief destroyed all the computers and equipment. He even went so far as to throw all the evidence around the lab. Any evidence that was there has become contaminated and no longer usable in court."
Horror filled her and she let out a growling fit for an Alpha. Lily threw herself back on the bed, sending a shooting pain through her temple. That ass! That stupid mangy mutt! I will kill him; she vowed.
"I'm sorry. I'll leave my card here if you remember anything or have something you'd like to add," he told her then left. Lily grabbed her pillow and smothered it over her face, letting out a long scream of frustration. Not only did the big bad druggies get to walk, but she was also now out of a job.
That lab was built over the years. With this break in she doubted the founder would be able to replace all the equipment. Then there was the fact this would make them lose all their accreditation. "Damn werewolves," she cursed in a quiet whisper. Except for her family, she was starting to hate them all.
A couple hours later Lily stuffed the business card of Doctor Ryland in her jeans pocket. She was so going to throw it away when she got home. Somewhere amongst the playful flirting, the doctor got the wrong idea. He went from the playful flirting to innuendos, many of them crude and insulting.
If that douche thought she was going to call him he was in for one sore disappointment! Lily shoved all thoughts of the doctor from her mind, preferring to enjoy the rather warm December afternoon. Lily stuck her hands in her thumbs in her jeans pocket as she walked the three blocks from the hospital to the lab.
What little good mood, she had dissipated when she Tony leaning against her car. "What are you doing here Tony? I thought I told the grand and powerful alpha I can make it home on my own," she said, letting her irritation show.
"Aw, not happy to see me?" he teased with a pout.
Lily narrowed her eyes at him. "Not if it means what I think it means," she replied.
Tony looked at her with a sly expression. "Yeah, Dad sent me here to keep watch over you for a few days. You know, make sure the werewolf doesn't want to finish what he started. Also, he wants the pills you have left."
Lily stood there and grit her teeth together. "Tony there is no way I am going to let you follow me around!"
"Yes you are. Its alpha's orders and you should feel lucky he put out the future alpha at your disposal," Tony told her. He gave her his charming smile that did nothing to sway her opinion.
"Oh, I am going to dispose of you alright! Just not like you both planned," she snapped.
Tony began to laugh then grinned at her again. "Be nice Lilliput or I promise I can make this really un-fun for you," he teased. The nickname he gave her when he had read Gulliver's Travels in school. She, of course, absolutely hated it.
Lily started to pace back and forth. She rubbed her left temple since it was the only w that wasn't bruised. Wishing away her headache, Lily she smiled as she realized the loophole that would get her out of this mess. She'd hit Tony with his greatest weakness. "Great Rex! I'll let Liz know you will be spending the night with me." She couldn't resist a smile as the alpha's son paled.
"Hey Liz, I hope you don't mind, but Tony and I are going to be spending the next couple of nights together. Oh and I only have one bed so we will be sharing!" Lily said fluttering her eyelashes and holding her hand up in the mimic of a telephone.
"You wouldn't," he growled at her, looking panicked and desperate at the same time.
She gave him a sly grin and watched him tense with nervous anger. "No, I wouldn't," she admitted after a few moments of letting him sweat it out. "I value my life too much for that. Even if you told her the fluffy bunny version Liz would still want to paint my house with my blood, Tony. Don't say you won't tell her because then she will undoubtedly kill us both when she finds out! You and I both know how territorial she is.
But all this is beside the point because I do not need you to babysit me!" She told him and he started to open his mouth to comment. "I know "Alpha's orders." I will just have to take it up with him obviously," she said, pushing him off the car door so she could get in.
He hopped in the passenger side. "Geez Lilliput you can be so rude, you know that?" Tony told her as he buckled his seat belt.
"Geez Rex, you can be such a pain in the ass, you know that?" She shot back with a smirk as she started her car and drove to their father's house.
When they arrived at the Robert's home, an unhappy Liz was waiting for them. Tony wasn't out of the house, but an hour at best and Liz was already getting upset. Lily glanced at him with a see what I mean look before she got out of the car. Liz immediately ran up to Tony, wrapping her arms around him and gave Lily a cold look. "How are you feeling Lily," she asked. Her tone icy sounded like she wished Lily stayed in the hospital.
"I'm feeling better thanks, Liz," she told the territorial she-wolf. She gave her a quick smile before dashing into the house. Lily was sure it was a good idea to put as much distance as she could between the unhappy she-wolf and herself. Sandy came out of the kitchen and gave her a warm motherly hug. She repeated the same question Liz had just made. "I am having one of the worst days of my life and Andrew isn't making it any better!"
"Maybe you should stop and listen to him. Lily, you always want to do everything by yourself. You know not even an alpha does everything alone. He has the beta, the enforcers, and other elders to help him," Sandy said, concern painted upon her face.
Lily let out a tired sigh, feeling as if the world had settled on her shoulders. "I can't live my life waiting for someone to come and save me every time the forces of nature decide to screw with me!" She loved her family, but they couldn't understand why she needed to be independent and do things on her own. Life had taught her one thing: the only person who would always be there for her was herself and only herself.
"I've got to talk to Andrew," Lily told the older woman and left Sandy could say another word. So lost in her dark thoughts she completely forgot to knock and walked in. Unfortunately, he was meeting with the pack doctor, Xavier Thompson, and James. God damn that man! Lately, she couldn't take a step without seeing James! The Alpha's expression was stern. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to explain her unannounced intrusion.
"Sorry Mr. Roberts, but I wish to speak with if it is possible." She told him and noticed his jaw muscles tightened with irritation. She was pushing him today but was pushing her too.
The doctor got up from his chair, "I could use a little break." He nodded at Andrew before turning to leave. Lily gave him an appreciated smile which he returned with a gentle, kindness.
James got up as well following him out of the office after giving her an odd look. He may be able to kill her in less than a second but if he kept giving her odd looks she was going to have to punch him. "Lily Nawassa what have I told you about just walking into my office?" Andrew snapped when the door closed.
Her anger began to surge to the surface. "I don't really care right now," she snapped back before she could stop herself.
His eyes flashed a golden hue with his anger. "Young lady I am the alpha of this pack. You may not be a werewolf or a member of the pack, but you will obey me when I am in such company!"
"I was nice! Look, I am not a little girl anymore Andrew! I am not a mutt groupie of yours either so I will not bow down to your every whim like everyone else," she shot back.
He slammed his fists onto the table and stood up, glaring at her. She could feel the anger coming off of him in waves. Part of her wanted to start screaming I am sorry but the other part needed to challenge him. Needed to prove she could stand on her own. She wasn't that scared little girl that came running to him late at night for asylum. "Do not insult my pack, Lily! You will obey me while you are in danger. I don't care if you like it nor not!"
Lily stomped up to his desk angrier than she had ever been in her life. "I am not in danger; he wanted the pills not me! If the guy wanted me dead, I would be dead! You and I both know that! I'm sorry but I refuse to give you anything, and I refuse to have your son follow me around. That would put me in more danger than ever! You know how Liz is, and she'd freak out!"
She took a deep breath and looked at her father, hoping to convey her need to him. "You can't force me into obedience Andrew, and I need you to understand that I can handle things on my own!"
"No Lily. You think you can handle everything by yourself, but you can't handle this. You are just a human and seemed to have forgotten even the weakest among us can kill you without any effort at all! You may not be of my blood, but you are my daughter all the same. Until I'm sure you'll be safe, someone will be coming over to keep watch," Andrew argued.
Disappointment assaulted her. It would always come down to that: she was just a human and that was a synonym of weak and incapable. Not this time, she vowed. "No Andrew I put my foot down! I refuse to have some needless bodyguard!"
He growled at her, stomping around the desk before grabbing her arm, startling her. "You have no say in this matter! As my daughter you'll do as I say. The end," he snarled at her then dragged her out of his office and down the hall.
She attempted to free herself from his grip, but he was much stronger than her. This was a side of him she'd never seen before and it scared her a little. Lily considered apologizing. Yet when she noticed everyone staring at them, she scowled even more with embarrassment. She demanded he let her go, but Andrew ignored her as he pulled Lily down the hall.
Andrew opened the front door and pushed her out onto the porch. "Stop trying to act like a one-man army," he demanded in a harsh snarl. "You'll do as I say! A pack is as strong as its weakest member, and you are our weakest member! Now go home and get some rest! Someone will be over soon," he shouted at her then slammed the door in her face.
Lily stood there for a moment in surprised shock. Closing her gaping mouth, Lily turned around and walked down the stairs. She'd never felt so embarrassed or hurt in a long time.