"I hope we are wrong about this," the alpha said once the human had left.
"So do I, but I have a bad feeling," James told him. He leaned back into the comfortable chair. "The deaths of the other two kids. The near-kidnapping of that other one reminds me too much of what happened to me for comfort." Almost twenty years passed, but he could still feel the silver wire wrapped around his neck. The mocking, cruel voices of the humans that tied him down. James clenched his jaw, forcing the memory away.
"I agree, unfortunately. We have to find this bastard before he ruins another life," Andrew said as he slammed his fist with anger on the desk.
James flinched, despite the fact, he was far superior in strength to the alpha. Andrew, like all alphas, had that alpha presence that commanded obedience. In some cases, if an alpha put enough of that presence in his or her voice, he could force his will on others. "I thought about talking to the kid and the friends of the other teens. See if I can get him to tell me if anything suspicious happened before the attacks," James told the alpha.
"That's a good idea; tomorrow I can take you to them," Andrew started with a nod.
James held up a hand to respectfully interrupt the alpha. "Actually Alpha, no offense, but I think it would be best to go by myself," he explained. "If the kid were doing or talking to someone he shouldn't he'd never talk about it with you there. You're his alpha and wouldn't want to shame himself or his family in your eyes. Now, I'm THE James Lacrosse, not pack but an outcast. I'm also scary as hell."
A small frown touched the edges of the alpha's mouth with a thoughtful expression on his face. "I guess that does make sense. Okay, I'll give you the names and direction of the child. As well, a few of the others friends," he said, taking out a manila folder and handing it to James. Inside was all the information he needed and pictures of them all.
"Thank you, Alpha. I will start on this first thing tomorrow," James stated and got up from his chair.
"Let me know what you find out as soon as possible," Andrew told him as they shook hands. "And James, welcome home. I know my family is happy you're back. I want you to know you always have a place in this pack whenever you're done with this exile of yours."
James' throat tightened with emotion. Andrew always had been much more like a father to him that his own father. Andrew, along with his family, tried to understand what happened to him. They tried to help when he escaped his kidnapper. All his father had done was call him a monster. He took James' mother and sister as far away from him as possible. "Thank you, Alpha. Maybe when this is all over I will think about it," he told him and left the office.
He paused at the kitchen where Sandy and Lacy were taking care of the dishes. "Thanks for the wonderful dinner. I don't think I have eaten that good since I left," he said.
Both Sandy and Lacy gave him bright, warm grins. Sandy dried off her hands and walked up to him to give him a hug. "Thank you, James," she told him then got an almost sly grin across her face. "I have to say, you've turned into quite the charmer. I hope you stay this time."
James laughed a little and repeated what he told Andrew earlier about staying. "I'll see you tomorrow," he told her then waved to her daughter. "Bye Lacy," he said and left the alpha's home.
Getting on his bike and grinned as it roared to life, he drove back to his hotel. Pulling into one of the empty spots in the parking lot, James swung his keys on his index finger. He attempted to ignore the looks the people gave him as he walked to his room. Human and werewolves alike knew who he was, and their fear stunk up the whole place.
Part of him felt he deserved their fear and mistrust. Before James decided to leave, he had gotten into a lot of fights. He'd put some in the hospital and even killed a person. Yet, another part couldn't help but feel that he was just a kid dealing with something impossible. How could anyone blame him for what happened? James set the keys and the card key down near the door and looked at the dismal hotel room with a sigh. The life of the lone wolf was getting tiring. Maybe when he finished investigating, he would stay.
Stay for what? His pessimistic side spoke as he laid on the bed. He'd never be part of the pack. He'd never have a mate or a family of his own. He felt a pang of emotion hit him hard in the chest. Well maybe I won't have all those things, but with the Roberts I could have something of a family, he thought. They did take a human in, after all. Curiosity replaced the raw emotions as he thought of the human. How did the alpha end up adopting a human?
The next morning James waited for the teens outside of a small, one-storied brick school. It was La Ruisseau's only private school and the state's only werewolf exclusive school. It was why La Ruisseau's population was more than eighty percent of the total. Many wolves moved here so their children could attend the school and not have to hide who they are.
James took out the photographs Andrew had given him and looked through them. He tried to become familiarized with the faces as the kids started to arrive at the school. The first one he saw was the Addams kid, Jake. James called to the boy who looked at him with confusion on his face. "Who are you?" he asked with a suspicious tone.
"I am James Lacrosse," he started.
The teen's eyes bugged as he gawked at James for a moment. The suspicious look returned as the boy narrowed his eyes at him. "You're the James Lacrosse? Yeah right, whatever!"
"What? You don't believe me?" James asked, feeling a little irritated.
"Isn't that obvious," Jake replied with an annoying look on his face that made James want to rip it off of his face.
With a quiet growl, James took a deep breath to keep himself from doing just that. "If I prove to you I am who I say I am will you answer my questions?"
"I suppose...if you can prove it," Jake replied, sounding bored.
James nodded removing his jacket and held out his left arm. He had learned a few years back how to shift only part of his body, as far as he knew he was the only know who could do it. It would be a nice little show for this punk. His arm grew and sprouted his fur but instead of turning into a normal wolf paw like all other werewolves. His fingers elongated and grew long black claws where his nails use to be.
Jake paled staring at his arm. He brought his eyes back to James' face in pure terror and cursed before turning to run. James growled with irritation and grabbed the teen by the back of his shirt. , Why do they always run? If they knew enough to piss their pants, then they should know they can't run away!
"Not that fast Jake! You have to answer my questions before you run and throw up," he told him.
"How do you know my name?" Jake asked, his voice cracking with fear.
"Relax kid! I am not going to tear you apart unless you piss me off. I only want you to tell me about what happened a week ago," James replied as he returned his left hand to normal.
Jake looked at him confused but nodded. "What do you want to know?" He licked his lips, his whole body tensed to run at any moment.
"Start off by telling me what happened," James suggested as he leaned against a nearby tree.
"Well I went out for a run then a bunch of humans came out of nowhere. They tried putting some metal cord around my neck but they missed, and I ran. That's it," Jake explained.
James frowned, the similarity to his own kidnapping disturbing. Jake's fear hit him hard, making him wrinkle his nose in disgust. "Where did it happen," he demanded.
Jake looked a little paler than before as he swallowed noisily. "About a mile heading west from the old mill," he replied. The teen passed his weight from one leg to the other and looking like he'd rather be anywhere else right now.
"Did they say anything to you?"
Jake shook his head. "Not that I remember, but I was just concentrating on getting the hell out of there," he said. Jake was now eying the school with a look of yearning that almost made James burst out laughing.
"Before that do you remember anyone acting weird towards you? Following you or anything like that?" He asked and Jake thought for a moment. Something passed over the boy's face, but it was gone before James could decipher what it was.
"No, nothing out of the normal," Jake claimed, sounding bored.
James could hear the uncertainty in the boy's voice, but he doubted he'd get anything more out of the kid. "That wasn't so hard now was it? Get out of here before you're late," James told him. Jake nodded and ran to the school as if the devil was chasing him. James looked at the other pictures of the other teens involved in the incident. He didn't see them anywhere around so they must have slipped past him while he was talking to Jake.
No matter he'd find them after school. James put his jacket back on then stuffed the pictures back into his pocket, before getting on his bike. He drove to the old mill on the south side of town. A normal werewolf wouldn't be able to pick up much. Too much time had passed and a huge storm that had blown in few days ago. He wasn't a normal werewolf, though. Not only was his shift different, but James was also was stronger, and his senses were much more refined. He could pick up the weak scents left by the attackers.
A small smile crossed his face as he parked his bike by the old mill. James remembered all the good times he had with his friends when he was a kid...when life was simple. It seemed like a lifetime ago now. Forcing himself to focus on the here and now, James lifted his nose into the air and tested the scents. It had been a long time since he had been there. James needed to re-familiarize himself with the natural scents before he began his search.
James walked back over to his bike to grab a small bag he kept there. With the bag in hand, he entered the forest until he was well beyond the tree line. He removed his clothing, placing them in the bag, and hid it under some bushes. The cool air made goosebumps break out across his skin and with a deep breath, James began to shift.
The intoxicating feeling of raw power flowed through his veins as his body morphed into the beast. With normal werewolves, the human and the wolf were was like two sides of the same coin. They were one being with different views on life. The wolf having more influence on the full moon while the human more influence during the rest of the month.
It wasn't like that for James and the beast. James and the beast were two separate creatures. There was James then when he shifted there was only the beast. James knew what was going on, but he had no control over what the beast did. On the full moon, James lost even that. He'd only get flashes of what had happened on the night of the full moon.
The beast shook out his fur once the balance between man and beast tipped in his favor. He wanted to know what happened to those kids just as much as James did. He started to run on all fours, heading west, keeping his nose close to the ground to scout the smells of the forest. After about fifteen minutes, he picked up on the weak scent of Jake Adams and began to follow it.
He found the place he was looking for. The beast circled the area picking up on five different human scents. He also caught Jake's scent and the scent of another werewolf. It was masculine, and he didn't recognize it. Could a werewolf have betrayed the pack or was it outside the pack? He growled at the possibility of a traitor amongst them. If he caught him, he'd break that betrayer in two and dine on his flesh! The idea alone filled him with excitement.
The beast lowered his nose to the ground and followed the scents. Unfortunately, they lead right back to the old mill. The beast stopped just before the tree line. He wanted to follow the scent trails, but he knew that if anyone saw him, it wouldn't be good. The beast whined in disappointment. He didn't want to give up the control just yet, but he knew he didn't have a choice. James had to tell the alpha about the possible traitor. With one last growl of frustration the beast gave back the control to James.
James shivered in the cool October breeze and retrieved the bag of clothing to dress. James couldn't help but feel disappointed. He was hoping to have gained more from scenting the site. At least now, he'd be able to recognize the traitor if he ran into him in town.
That afternoon James went back to the high school. During lunch, he read in the file that one of the kids happened to have loaded parents. They'd given him a rather noticeable sports car. He found it quick enough and leaned against it as streamed out of the school. He spotted the group of kids he was waiting for. He singled out the ring leader immediately without the help of the photographs.
The boy was just like all the other ringleaders before him. Tall, cocky, athletic, and probably the wet dream of all the girls in town. It reminded James of himself before he changed. He watched the ring leader frown when he noticed James leaning against his car. The teen stormed over, followed by his little gang of pups. "You have about three seconds to get away from my car before I remove you myself!" The teen threatened with overwhelming confidence, and James grinned at him, just as cocky.
"It's been awhile since someone dared to threaten me," James said with a small laugh.
"Whatever man," the teen scowled before grabbing James's. He tried to shove James to the side, but James just stood there. He was sure this boy thought himself as a real super wolf, but he was still a pup. A pup that could only dream of forcing James to do anything. The fact was James knew there wasn't a werewolf alive that could match him.
"Kid, I am not moving until we have a little chat," James told him smugly. The other kids whispered amongst themselves and the boy looked insecure for a moment.
"I am no kid, and there is no way I am talking to a loser like you," the teen spat, and a couple of the other teens cheered him on.
"Then you will be walking home, kid," James shot back, and the boy became furious. "Don't think for a minute that you and all your little friends will be able to move me from this spot. I'm James Lacrosse, and not even this whole town could take me out!"
The group of teens before him gasped and whispered amongst themselves. The ring leader lost the color in his face and took a step back. "You're James Lacrosse?" he asked, his voice raising an octave. "I doubt it," he sneered once he regained his confidence.
James took his jacket off and proceeded to show him the partial shift. The boy had the same reaction that Jake had that morning. He paled to a pasty white and looked at James in horror. He would've run, but it was evident his pride was bigger than his fear. "W-what do you want with me?"
"Actually, it's all of you I want to talk to. The two kids that died the last week were your friends?" He asked, and everyone nodded. "Do you know if they took something, like a drug or whatever?"
They looked at each other nervously. "I heard them bragging about something. I don't know exactly what it was, but I heard Tommy say it was going to make him strong. Stronger than Cole over here," A dark haired girl stated then nodded towards the ring leader.
The ringleader, Cole, crossed his arms and frowned. "There is no way Tommy or Eric could have been stronger than me! They were just a pair of Omegas at best," he said, eyeing the girl with anger.
"I heard the same," another boy called out.
"Did you happen to hear where they got it from or from whom?"
The girl walked up to him, linked her arms in his. She gave him what he supposed was to be a seductive look. "No sorry, I only heard them speak of it that one time. The next thing I heard they were both found in the woods," she said. She ran her lacquered fingernails over his arm without a trace of sympathy in her voice.
Cole glared at her icily; it was clear this girl was his girl. James felt almost sorry for him as he detached her from his arm. The girl couldn't be more than sixteen, and she was already power hungry. Cole and a few others snickered as she pouted at James rejection. "Anyone else?" he asked, and they shook their heads. "Well if you remember anything or hear anything I am staying at the hotel off twenty-four."
He walked back to his bike and drove straight back to the alpha's house. It wasn't much, but he needed to know about a possible traitor.
"Are you sure about this?" The Alpha asked him s as they sat in the cozy kitchen. James nodded solemnly, taking a drink from his beer.
"Yes, I picked up their scent in the forest, definitely a werewolf. None of your trackers could pick it up due to the time and the weather," James explained. The Beta, Xavier shook his head in obvious disgust. "I also have reasons to believe it was an important member of the pack by Jake Adams reaction." James drank from his beer as the older werewolves stared at him with almost identical frowns.
"How can this be? Who would want to do such a thing?" The Alpha asked to no one in particular.
"Lily is here," Sandy called out from somewhere in the house. The human woman walked in the room shortly. James just glanced in her direction then did a double take; she looked a lot different from yesterday. She was a blouse and skirt today with a pair of heels that drew James attention to all the shapes and curves of her body. At that moment, he'd love nothing more to run his hands over all those curves.
Andrew got up and gave her a hug, breaking James trance. James felt a little embarrassed realizing he was staring and hoped no one noticed.
"How are you, Lily?" The Alpha asked, and she gave him a small smile.
"I am good, just busy. Every time we make a dent in the workload more arrives leaving us back where we started. I did manage to analyze the pills," she sat down at the table with a huff. She gave James and the doctor a quick nod in greeting. "It's not like anything I have seen before. I'm going to have to do a deeper analysis to determine its properties exactly. It may take me a few days, but I will get to it."
"Don't let anyone else know what you are doing," Andrew told her. "I am afraid it looks like someone in the pack may be involved."
"Like when to I make small talk with werewolves," she blurted with a scoff. "But yeah got it. Discretion is my middle name. Actually, the lab has a strict discretion policy already to avoid compromising the cases. I hate to chat and run but classes start in two hours, and I need to head home to get changed. It was nice seeing you again Doctor Thompson. It's been a while," she said before getting up.
"You too Lily, take care of yourself. Your father has been telling me you have been working too hard lately," Thompson replied.
The human rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes I know. I will cut back when I can," she said with a slight tone of boredom.
James felt his curiosity grow watching the interaction. When she left, he leaned over and asked, "How did you come to adopt a human girl if you don't mind me asking?"
The alpha smiled. "Just one of those things that happened but as far as details I don't feel it is my place to tell the story. It's not exactly a pleasant one. I am not sure how Lily would feel if I were to discuss it without her permission," he explained.
James nodded, but he was a little frustrated. Despite his dislike of humans, he couldn't help be curious about her. "Which knowing her, will not be anytime soon," the beta joked then looked at James. "Lily is alright as far as humans go but if you ask about her past. Well, let's just say she can get a little hostile."
Hostile? How hostile could one human female get? "I see," he said, despite he didn't understand it at all. "Well I'm going to be going I'll update you when I can."
"Alright James be careful and trust no one. Until we find out who this traitor is none but who is in this room can be free of suspicion," Andrew told him.
James returned to the little hotel room and at in the small chair thinking about what they had learned so far. From his memories and the scent he smelled in the woods, he was sure none of the she-wolves were suspects. He'd have to focus his search on the men, especially the men forty and up. James couldn't remember the man who had made the humans kidnap him. He did remember it was a wolf, but that was it.
He sat in the uncomfortable hotel several hours of thinking of possible suspects. In the end, James had nothing to show for his efforts but a headache. He sighed as he got up from the chair and rubbed his forehead. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't see why someone would do this to the pack. He decided to take a shower to help ease his headache, relax his tension, and clear his mind.
As the warm water ran down him, James pushed all thoughts of the traitor out of his mind to force himself to take a break. The human woman, Lily, and her tempting curves immediately jumped into his mind. James growled, shaking his head. No, not going to happen. She was human and the alpha's adopted daughter. He dried off and got into bed, but no matter how hard he tried, James' thoughts kept returning to her. He couldn't deny it, she was definitely his type. Maybe this once he should consider breaking his no humans rule.