« Are we going to make it to the hotel. » She asked breathlessly, when the movement stopped. « Yes. » We are here sir. » A voiced came from the intercom. She opened her eyes wide. Julian smiled. « Did you forgot we had company. » « Yes » she said breathlessly pulling her up halter as he refastened it. Moving from his lap, he opened the door has he eased out then turned to help her.
Before she could get her thoughts together he was grabbing her hand and they going through automatic doors a man greeted them dress in a red uniform as they whisked pass. The huge lobby was pure elegance brightly lit chandeliers hung high above the shinny marble floors. That held expensive leather furniture. She could barely take in the atmosphere as Julian ushered her pass a few more staff members into a private elevator. The doors closed he pulled her to him , his lips and tongue made a trail down her neck to the center of her breast. She felt as if she might spontaneously combust as the elevator door opened into a private suite.
She knew that this suite had been where he planned to stay with his bride over night until they left for their honeymoon…but it didn’t matter she wanted to be with Julian she wanted to feel him inside of her. It was like a hunger that she needed to ease and he was the only one who could do it.
Julian couldn’t think straight it was if all his rational thoughts had left him all he could see was this woman before him. Her smell the taste of her skin he wanted more he need more he wanted to taste her hot juices as she screamed his name.. He pulled away just for a moment. The confusion in her eyes made him pause, maybe the whole day had been just too much of a strain maybe Marco was right he needed to think but as he looked into her hazel eyes she smiled up at him stood on her tip toes and lick then sucked at his bottom lip damn it he didn’t want to think he wanted her and damn the consequences. « You asked me before, now let me ask you. After everything that’s happened to you today can you handle this ? » He searched her eyes . « Alyssa I want to be up front with you, I need this, know I need you to help me move on, I know it’s selfish and I am a bastard for even suggesting but this is the only way I feel as though I can move on. » « Shhhh. » She placed a finger on his lips. « I’m a big girl. I know what I’m doing ; I want to be here with you tonight. » That was all it took for him to lose his control. He took her lips in a long passionate kiss that made her toes curl. Then he suddenly released her. « Strip, Now ! » He demanded. « Alyssa slowly moved back unclipping her halter to give him full view of her .
She loved the boyish smile on his face has he watched her removed the halter then threw it at him. She wanted him to lose control so she could to see his wild side. She knew she could be free with him and she wanted him to feel like that too. She wanted him to put that bitch bride to rest and have fun. Wiggling out of her form fitting jeans she gave Julian full view of firm buttocks as she stepped out of them.
He felt mesmerized by her. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was beautiful with her golden brown skin perfectly formed breast and her six pack that that rivaled that of Janet Jacksons. Would one night be enough with this seductress who had cast a spell on him at first glance. He closed the space that separated them. He cupped each breast in his hand as his mouth descended on hers in a rough heated kiss. As he rolled her nipples between his fingers and thumb she made a low moan. « Do you like that ? » he asked as he brought a nipple to his mouth tugging on it with his teeth. Breathlessly she watched under hooded lids as he trailed kiss down her belly stopping only to lick a circle around her navel ring, a warm sensation washed over her as he dropped to his knees and lifted her leg to his shoulder. Using his tongue he caressed her swollen nub, sending shockwaves through her body as she braced herself against the wall. She shuddered as he then applied one, than two fingers into her, building a rhythm between his mouth and fingers that made her body erupt its juices flowing freely into his waiting mouth.
« Julian. » Her body arched as she screamed his name. « Tell me what you want ? »
Releasing her leg he stood lifting her in his arms carrying her through the suite up a flight of revolving stairs. Easing her on to a round bed covered in rose petals. Alyssa fiery gaze traveled down his muscular body as he undressed than slid onto the bed rubbing his body up against hers until his shaft was positioned between her thighs. « Tell me that you want ? »
« I want you. »
He moved into her inch by inch letting her body adjust. Her inner walls contracted around his shaft taking him in slowly as he began his steady rhythm she wrapped her legs around his waist he lifted her lower body as he thrust deeper and deeper. He felt possessed by her as their bodies became one . It felt right to be in her she was so tight he could barley hold his control « Is this what you want Alyssa ? »
« Yes. »
« Then come for me baby. » He pushed deep and hard into her womb as an orgasm over took them both .
Alyssa opened her sleepy eyes trying to focus, letting out a silent yawn she gathered her wits enough to realize that she was in unfamiliar surroundings. As the memories of the previous night started to become clear reality set in, she had slept with a stranger and his hand was now resting possessively on her breast . Turning her head on the pillow she was sharing she was intrigued by the handsome face of the man who was fast asleep next to her. Her Latin Lover looked just as good sleep as awake. I’m crazy she thought as she carefully removed his hand off her breast and slid off the bed to the floor, carefully move so not to wake him. Stealing a sneak peak she watched him rollover on to his back. God it was a sin for a man to look that good.. The whole package was perfect from the black cruelly hair to muscular body down to his ..OMG what the hell it was already wide awake. Smiling to herself she sat on the floor she had all that. The memory making her blush as she crawled around the bed until she felt safe enough to stand and quietly tip toe down the steps trying not to disturb her sleeping lover. She spotting her things lying in a pile by the doorshe looked around the suite she finally found the bathroom. A quick tinkle and a bird bath she could escape. The ring of her cell phone. She jumped and nearly yelled as she quickly started rummaging through her clutch to silence it, instantly recognizing her mother’s number » she accepted the call. « Hello mother. » She Whispered
« Where are you ? »