Twenty minutes later he was in the foyer of the club watching the ladies watch him and his entourage. Larry had been right the club was packed with the ladies. Everything a man could want was out tonight ; it was a pool full of tits and ass. Now he needed to find the right one who would start the process of eradicating Susan from his thoughts. Straightening his jacket he fingered his fingers through his hair and walked into the crowd .. The women though beautiful had no appealed to him. So he continued walking knowing that his brothers were tagging along behind him. Heading up to the second level he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned. « Hello handsome. » The pink nailed hand was attached to tall brown skin woman with pink hair big brown eyes and a wide smile. Definitely not his type yet exactly what he might need.
« You want to dance ? » She asked.
« Sure why not. » He smiled at questioning looks on his brothers and friends face as he was lead on the dance floor by the woman.
« Your cute. »
« Thank you. »
« My names Tricha. »
« I’m Jul…. » He stopped cold has he gazed at a little shapely blonde in tight white pants and a red halter walking through the crowd. His eyes focused on her well rounded bottom shacking seductively in her tight pants as she walked pass. Dame she was sexy he had to stop himself from approaching a guy who blocked her way. Whatever was the guy said he smiled, shook her head no and continued on her way.
« Hey you forget about our dance ? » He turned to the woman he was suppose to be dancing with.
« I’m sorry, I just saw my girlfriend and I don’t want her to get the wrong idea. »
« Liar. »
« Sorry. » He said quickly as he maneuvered quickly through the dancers on the floor. She was definitely the one. »
Alyssa sat down took a sip of her Jolly Rancher there were a lot of good looking guys out tonight but none of them ignited a spark.
« Oh my God that’s him. »Alyssa jumped spilling most of her drink.
« Who ? What ? »
« That gorgeous man coming this way is the groom. Girl hold your breath. I think he’s heading for our table. » Alyssa turned to see what Trey was talking about and found herself looking up into the most beautiful aqua blue eyes she had ever seen. He stood directly in front giving her a look that made her hot all over. Aylssa licked her lips.with the tip of her tongue, she let her gaze travel down his body and watched as a devilish smile appear on his face. Oh he was trouble. « I’m Julian… »
« I am. » What was her name ?
« She’s Alyssa. » She heard Trey put in.
« That’s a beautiful name. » Alyssa felt a spark of electricity as he took her hand bringing it to his lips. The world had stopped all her focus was on the man in front of her.
« Ha him.. »
Alyssa looked behind him four more handsome giants all dressed in tuxes. The one who broke the spell looked tensely at her she choose to ignore him and concentrate on Julian who was still holding on to her hand. « So Alyssa do we dance or would you like to simply go back to my hotel suite ? » The man was bold she liked that and his suggestion she just might take him up on his offer but for now she would see what he could do on the dance floor. Standing she rubbed up against him enticingly, that third drink had started to working its magic.
Julian smiled he felt a little bolt of electricity the moment he took her hand. She led he followed walking past his brothers he gave them a devilish grin. He felt like he just won the lottery watching the shake of her buttocks as she walked to the dance floor had his cock spring instantly to life. She smiled wickedly back at him with her full luscious lips … His senses were going wild at the scent of her fragrance. When she turned and stared up into his eyes he knew she was coming with him tonight. She was beautiful with cinnamon colored skin and hazel eyes.
Pulling her as close as physically possible he felt her breast mold into my chest his my pants got even tighter in the crouch . Her sexy groan drove made him feel wild as she rubbed up against his hardness, If she would agree he would fuck in the bathroom right now but know he wanted her in his bed all night being his little hazel eyed sex kitten.
« I want you, so what do I have to do to get you to come with me tonight ? »
Alyssa smiled up at him. He looked like he had just stepped out of a GQ magazine and that slight Spanish accent that she couldn’t get enough of made her resistance low and his warm breath caressing her ear he had her purring like a kitten.
He wanted to lick and kiss every inch of her body would she let him he wondered has he lowered his lips to hers and without any trepidation she openly greeted him. Their tongues entwined in a mutual dance of their own…Sliding his hand behind her head he held her from pulling away. He felt so hard it hurt, pulling away he had to regain control of the situation before he came in my pants like a school boy. Her eyes sparkled with mischievousness as he watched her bite her lower lip and smile as in thought.
Julian couldn’t help but laugh. His day had been rotten the only good part had been this here because she had made him forget about everything.