Wesley domain.
Aiden strolled to the garden where his father was with a glass of juice in his hand.
"Dad," he called out as he looked at his dad who wouldn't tear his eyes off the tree in the garden.
His mother wouldn't tell him anything. Growing up, this was the only side of his dad he had seen, always sitting in the garden, staring at the trees and saying nothing!
His own dad had never called him by his name.
"Mum said I should give you this. She said she had a meeting with her investors," Aiden said and dropped the glass cup on the table before him and turned to leave.
"I released him, I remember," Theodore whispered and Aiden stopped walking and turned to look at his dad again.
"Dad?" He shook his head and continued walking.
What the hell did his dad release?
What does he remember?
He wouldn't stop wondering as that was the only word he had heard from his dad all his life.
His mum had told him not to get curious and leave things as it was.
Ugh, whatever, he wouldn't get curious then.
"Aiden!" came the unmistakable voice of his father's friend, Lucas.
"Uncle," Aidan smiled and walked towards him.
"Where is your dad?"
"You know where to find him of course. I just left there," Aiden answered with a slight chuckle.
"Okay then, I'll go to him," Lucas patted his shoulder then walked past him.
"Uncle," Aidan called out.
"What happened to dad? Why are you and mummy not saying anything about it?"
"Aiden, it will be better not to know. Don't get curious. Curiosity turned your father into what he is now," Lucas smiled then walked away.
That again?!
Ugh, whatever.
"Theodore!" Lucas smiled as he sat on the chair beside Theodore who didn't even spare him a glance.
"Why are you so obsessed with trees ever since what happened seventeen years ago?" Lucas breathed out.
"I released him, I remember," Theodore whispered.
"I know, you did. But it's time you let go of that and move on. It has been seventeen years!" Lucas nudged him gently.
"He will come and find me," Theodore exhaled.
"Theodore," Lucas shook his head.
As Lucas stared at his friend, his mind drifted back to what the shaman had said to them seventeen years ago, "on the day he comes across the demon he released, he will be alright."
He seriously wished his friend will get better, but deep down, he doesn't want to see that creature anymore. He knew that was impossible because that night in the mountain, they saw the creature enter the baby.
Next morning~
Tiffany wrapped her towel around her long, black hair as she went through her cloth to search for clothes to wear for her first day in school.
She could have waited till the following Monday, but since she received her admission letter late, she decided not to delay things.
As she wore her bra, her left hand mistakenly hit her right shoulder which burnt her deeply. She moaned as she stared at the drawing on her shoulder. Tiffany knew she had never gotten a tattoo but this drawing on her shoulder didn't look like a birthmark. Like, how the hell could a birthmark be a tree? The tree had red leaves and the tree was very green.
It's not possible that she got a tattoo as an infant, right?
What was more amusing is that the tree also increase in size.
When she was young, she knew it was small but growing up, it was as if the drawing was growing with her.
It burns every time she touches it or when it comes in contact with anything.
Wait, was she really a witch?
There is more to her and she knew.
Tiffany knew she was mysterious, there was just no way to figure it out, as she did not even know her birth mother.
She looked around the tiny room she had rented three months back after spending her nights at wherever the night meets her.
The room was so tiny that there was no window there at all.
Wasn't the owner wicked himself?
How could that man have the mind to collect twenty dollars from her each month for a house this tiny?
Oh, whatever.
Western high school.?
In New York, Western high school is the most biggest and popular high school. Even the population of the students was unbelievable.
Tiffany stood in front of the big school then looked at the students in numerous groups walking inside the school. Some were walking hand in hand, giggling and gisting as they walked inside the school.
This was something she wished to have. Friends.
But hell no, that ain't gonna happen.
No one will even want to make friends with her.
She removed the earpiece curled around her neck and plugged it into her phone then inserted it into her ears and then played music.
She had always walked with earpieces ever since she had purchased her phone.
After all, she purchased the phone because of music and that was because she could hear the faintest whisper from afar.
She walked slowly inside the big building and gasped slowly at what she saw.
This school was fûcking big.
How the hell was she going to locate the principal's office or wherever she ought to be first?
As she turned to walk to the security man that stood far away from her, she bumped into a girl. Or did the girl bump into her?
Oh, whatever.
"I'm sorry," the girl said with a smile and Tiffany only glanced at her then turned to walk away.
Tiffany cursed inwardly as she felt her hand on her arm.
How much she hated physical contact.
Tiffany turned to look at the girl who had nothing but a cute smile on her face.
"Are you new here?" She asked and Tiffany said nothing but only glared at her.
"Oh, you have an earpiece on you. Rem..."
''What do you want?" Tiffany interrupted her.
"N...you seem lost. I wanted to ask if you could use my help," the girl said slowly.
''I don't need your help," Tiffany said emotionlessly and turned to leave.
"Ain't you going to the dean's office?" the girl rushed in front of her.
"Do you always poke your nose in everything?" Tiffany breathed out.
"You can't blame me, you looked like you didn't know where you are going. Follow me, I will take you to the dean's office," the girl smiled, pulled her by her arm, and started walking.
"Don't touch me!" Tiffany snatched her hand and they both stop walking.
"Oh, my bad. The morning gathering is in five minutes, I'll get whipped if I arrive when the bell for the gathering got rung. So, don't mind me, and let's go," the girl smiled and grabbed her arm again.
"Damn! Girl!" Tiffany mumbled and the girl only laughed.
"I am Zoey,'' she said with a laugh, still pulling Tiffany along.
"How about you? What's your name?" Zoey asked
"Focus on where you are going. I don't tell strangers my name," Tiffany let out and Zoey chuckled.
At the dean's office, after Zoey had left and after the dean had asked everything she needed to know from her.
The dean, Mrs. Margarette stood from her seat and entered one of the rooms in her office, and came back with her school uniform.
Tiffany said nothing and went to change into the beautiful high school uniform and came out back a few minutes later.
"Must every lady wear this? I mean, can't I have a trouser?" Tiffany frowned her face as she glanced at her skirt that barely reached her knees.
"No, you wear that. You can get pop socks if you are not comfortable with them. Come on, let's leave," the dean stood from her seat.
"Leave to?"
"Just follow me," the dean said and walked past her.
Gosh, how much she's hating this already.
Tiffany gasped loudly as she stared at the students that filled the large hall.
Gosh, she had never seen so many people in her life.
After the students finished their morning prayer, the dean walked ahead of her, heading towards the podium.
"Come on," the dean turned to look at her and waved her hands at her.
Tiffany widened her eyes.
"You mean I will walk past all these children who looked like a bunch of zombies?" Tiffany said inwardly and started walking slowly towards the podium that was still very far from her.
Damn, she could feel the eyes on her.
After the walk from the end of the hall to the podium that seems like earth to the sky to Tiffany, she climbed the stairs of the podium slowly.
"Oh, great student of Western high school!" The dean shouted as she grabbed the megaphone.
"Greaaaaaat!" The students screamed in unison.
"I bet you all had a nice night," the dean laughed and everyone murmured.
"It's okay, it's okay!" The dean shouted, trying to get the attention of the students.
"So, we have a new girl in our midst today. Would you all give her a round of applause as she comes forwards to introduce herself?" The dean said and everyone began to clap.
"Come on," the dean walked up to her.
"Why should I do that?" Tiffany creased her brow.
"It is for you to get rid of your nervousness on your first day in school. (returns to hold the microphone) Hello, guys! Can we maintain a perfect decorum?" The dean said and silence fell inside the large hall.
"Come forward," the dean said and pointed the microphone to her.
''Why?" Tiffany asked and everyone murmured silently as they heard what she said.
"Come forward to introduce yourself, will you?" The dean creased her brow.
"But I don't want to. Why should I talk to total strangers about who I am?" Tiffany said, ever calmly, her words spreading across the large hall.
"What?'' the dean whispered.
"I don't mean to be rude but I don't want to do this. I'm sorry," Tiffany bowed slightly.
"That girl got a lotta mind."
"Who the fûck is she?"
"Damn! She's hot."
"God, if she had tried this with the previous dean. Mrs. Margaret is too cool!"
"I pray she's in my class."
"Enough guys!" Mrs. Margaret shouted inside the microphone, easing her frustration from the new girl.
"That's all for today's gathering, can you all move to your classes?"
"Since you don't want to get along. Find the way to your class on your own," the dean said and walked past her.
Tiffany looked around and felt the teachers' eyes on her.
Tsk, don't you fûcking glare at me!
She screamed inwardly.
Tiffany sighed for the umpteenth time as she walked past each class, searching for where she belonged to.
The murmurs from the students were too much and she removed the earpiece plugged into her phone from her bag.
As she prepared to insert it into her ears, she felt a hand hit her back slightly.
God, this girl again.
"You have a hard time finding your class?" Zoey smiled at her.
"What do you want from me?" Tiffany groaned.
"I just want to help you. What grade are you in? Tell me, I can help you," Zoey smiled.
"Are you a lesbîan?" Tiffany creased her brow.
"What?! No!'' Zoey answered with a laugh.
"Then stop following me, I don't need your help," Tiffany eyed her then prepared to walk past her.
"Come on, let me help you. Western high is very large, your class could be upstairs, who knows?" Zoey twitched her mouth.
"Grade 9," Tiffany breathed out.
"Wait, really!?'' Zoey screamed.
"We are in the same class!" Zoey jumped up excitedly.
"Do you need to be happy about that?" Tiffany creased her brow.
"Yes! I'll get to disturb you every day," Zoey laughed.
"Girl, I hate physical contact, don't touch me or I'll beat you up," Tiffany groaned and Zoey laughed.
"You will beat me up? Funny!" Zoey laughed and hit Tiffany's shoulder playfully.
However, Zoey had touched the shoulder that had the tree painting on and it triggered Tiffany.
"I told you not to fûcking touch me!" she grabbed her hand and twist it which made Zoey turn swiftly, her back facing Tiffany.
"Don't touch me. We are not friends so don't you fûcking act like we are one,'' Tiffany said and pushed her away gently.
"That hurts though,'' Zoey frowned her face.
"Have you ever been betrayed? You are too weird," Zoey said, smiling softly.
"Beat me up later, let's go to the class!" Zoey smiled mischievously, grabbed her by her arms hurriedly, and began to pull her along.
''Get the fûck off me, bîtch!" Tiffany shouted.
''Sorry, I'm not that easy," Zoey laughed, not letting go of Tiffany.
What kind of person is this?
Tiffany wanted to pull her towards her and give her a heavy punch on that cute face but she had a second thought.
This clingy girl is the only person who didn't care about who she was.