"Wtf! The new girl is in our class?!"
"I hàte her already!"
"And why is she with Zoey?"
"Hey guys, we have a new girl in our class, let's all get along, please," Zoey smiled, still holding Tiffany.
"Can't believe she ended up in our class. Tsk..." one girl said as she painted her nails.
"Huh, don't mind them. There's a vacant seat beside me, would you like to sit there?" Zoey glanced at her.
When Tiffany didn't say anything, she pulled her along and stopped by a vacant chair and table.
"Here, sit here," she smiled then settled on the seat beside her.
"Hey," Tiffany heard but pretended not to when it was obvious that the person behind her was calling her.
"Hey, new girl," the girl hit her back.
Tiffany groaned, looked back slowly, and glared at the girl sitting behind her.
"Don't touch me ever again," Tiffany muttered through gritted teeth.
"What?! Do you not know who I am?" the girl blew the hair that fell on her face with her mouth.
"She's just resuming, I bet she does not," another girl said.
"Shît," Tiffany hissed and faced front.
"What? Shît? Did you just..."
"Good morning class!" a male teacher entered, interrupting everyone.
"Good morning!" they all chorused in unison.
"Before we begin with today's lectures, I see we have a new face here today. Can you introduce yourself to the class? By the way, I am Eric Miller,'' the teacher introduced.
Tiffany breathed out and glanced at Zoey who gave her a thumb up, gesturing her to introduce herself. She looked around slowly and felt all eyes on her.
She knew everyone probably think she was going to be rude again.
Gosh, how much she hated attention.
"Tiffany," she answered curtly and glanced at the teacher who obviously wanted her to add her surname.
"Tiffany Willow," she added.
"How can she be so cool?"
"She's weird!"
"Good, you are welcome to Western high school, Miss Tiffany. I am Eric and I'll be taking you the English language."
One hour later=
As soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, Tiffany removed her earpiece from her bag plugged it into her phone and played music.
"Tiff baby," Zoey shifted her chair beside Tiffany and hit her gently.
"It is Tiffany, not Tiff," Tiffany answered, her eyes closed and arms folded tightly across her chest.
"Tiff is the short for Tiffany," Zoey answered and Tiffany said nothing afterward.
Zoey could hear the music Tiffany was hearing clearly from the earpiece and she creased her brow.
"This is too dangerous to your ear!" Zoey said and removed the earpiece hurriedly.
"What is your problem?" Tiffany glanced at her.
"Are you planning on damaging your earbuds?" Zoey frowned.
"But I can hear you clearly," Tiffany protested.
"I wonder how you can hear me with that noise in your ear," Zoey eyed her.
"What do you want?" Tiffany inhaled deeply.
"We are on a short break for fifteen minutes, don't you need to do anything, like visiting the restroom?" Zoey asked.
"I'm okay," Tiffany answered.
"Are you sure?"
"Why do you care about me? For all I know, I was rude to you. Can't you just let me be?" Tiffany furrowed her brow.
"Who cares if you are rude to me? I don't like to see someone sad-looking. You look like there is no soul in you," Zoey pouted.
"Leave me alone," Tiffany mumbled.
"I told you, I'm not easy. Just let me be by your side," Zoey winked at her.
"Then, there are some rules you gotta follow," Tiffany said and a few seconds of silence.
"Yayy! Tell me, I'll follow all of your rules," Zoey grinned.
"First, don't touch me,'' Tiffany said and Zoey laughed loudly.
"That is not possible. Why won't I touch my friend?"
"W...we are friends?" Tiffany stammered.
"Of course! I liked you the moment I saw you. Hey, I'm not a lesbian. (Leans towards her) As a matter of fact, I have a crush," Zoey whispered as she giggled excitedly.
"Tsk, then don't hit my shoulders," Tiffany said.
''Why?" Zoey creased her brow.
"Just don't hit my shoulder. I can beat you up if you do," Tiffany said and Zoey laughed.
"No worries! I won't hit your shoulder. Loosen up a bit, will you? You're too beautiful to be grumpy all the time," Zoey nudged her gently.
"Huh," Tiffany nodded her head.
"When it's long break I'll take you around the school and show you the bîtches and asshóles of Western high, okay?"
''That is not necessary," Tiffany shook her head.
"It is! That is where the fun is, trust me," Zoey smiled.
"Whatever," Tiffany shrugged her shoulder off.
''Which department are you in?"
"Commercial," Tiffany answered.
"Same here. The art and science students will leave the class for us."
Zoey snatched her phone and unlocked it hurriedly, "now that I remember, you should have my number, the next teacher will be here soon."
"My name is Zoey. Zoey Dexter, don't you dare forget," Zoey flashed her a smile, dropped her phone on her thigh, and moved her chair back to her space.
After much persuasion, Zoey managed to get Tiffany out of the classroom and they both headed to the school cafeteria.
"What are you having for lunch?" Zoey asked, her arm locked in Tiffany's hand, ignoring the eyes from the students and the whispers from them.
"I don't know," Tiffany answered.
"This is your first day in school and you are already popular. It's all over the school blog," Zoey said and removed her phone from her pocket.
"You mean someone took a picture of me without my permission?" Tiffany stopped walking as she glared at the article from the screen.
"That is western high for you. I'm sure it was during the time you were searching for your class someone took the picture," Zoey laughed.
"Did you also introduce yourself when you joined this school?"
"Of course, everyone does. I was like 'Hi, my name is Zoey Dexter. It's a pleasure to be a student of Western high.' And everyone burst into laughter. Tsk, I was very pissed," Zoey pouted.
"I bet it was embarrassing," Tiffany shook her head.
"Very embarrassing. At that moment, I wished to curse at all of them from the microphone," Zoey grumbled and Tiffany smiled faintly.
"I could have," Tiffany said and they resumed walking.
"Of course it's you. You've got a lot of nerves. If you have tried this with the previous dean, you will be faced with punishment," Zoey said.
"Huh." Tiffany shook her head.
=At the cafeteria.
"Let's join the line," Zoey said as soon as they entered the cafeteria.
"I'll just get snacks from there," Tiffany pointed at the other side where snacks were displayed.
"Why? You don't want to join the line?" Zoey glanced at her.
"I'm eating what I can afford. You can join the line, I'll go get what I wanna eat," Tiffany said.
"Oh... Come on, I'll buy you lunch," Zoey offered.
"Mind your business," Tiffany glared at her.
"Okay, okay, I'll also go for snacks," Zoey smiled then pulled her by her arm.
''Why are you... Ugh!" Tiffany sighed.
"We can't sit here," Zoey said to Tiffany hurriedly.
"Why?" Tiffany asked as she dropped her sandwich and glass of iced Americano on the table.
"No one dares to sit here. It belongs to the DAX guys," Zoey whispered.
"DAX? Who are those?" Tiffany creased her brow.
"Declan, Aiden, and Xyler. The cutest, richest, guys of Western high. They are even the school models," Zoey answered.
"So?" Tiffany creased her brow.
"So? We can't cross them, they've got a lot of influence in the school as their parents are among the pillars that hold the school. Stand up please," Zoey panicked.
"Are you scared?" Tiffany looked at her.
"Of course!" Zoey hit her leg on the ground, panicking.
"Sit down, no one will do anything to you," Tiffany said and began to unwrap her sandwich.
"Tiffany, you..."
"The DAX are here!" Zoey heard the loud voice and fell unconsciously on the chair.
"OMG, Declan changed his hairstyle!"
"Xyler, I love you!"
"Fûck, Aiden, and his nonchalant attitude!"
"We still got a lot of time. Stand up," Zoey muttered.
"I can't believe you are so scared like this. I mean, are you not the one who was pestering me? You didn't even care when I said I was going to beat you," Tiffany shook her head as she took a bite from her sandwich.
"That is you. Those guys are fvcking crazy!" Zoey glanced at them as they are almost reaching where they were.
"I don't like the ice in my Americano melt. Let me be and enjoy your lunch," Tiffany said, and sip her drink.
Tiffany heard the whisper from Zoey then felt the presence beside her.
She ignored it totally and took another bite from her Sandwich when she heard a loud bang on the table.
She swallowed the stuff she had in her mouth, sip her iced Americano, and glanced at the guys before her.
"Yes?" she muttered then looked around at the students who had gathered to look at them.
"Yes?" one of the guys whispered.
"Yes. How may I help you?" She asked then heard soft murmurs from the crowd?
"Oh, you are that rude new girl," the guy nodded his head.
"Oh, news spread quite fast," Tiffanny shook her head and grabbed her sandwich then took a bite from it again.
"I'll spare you since you are new. Get up this instant," the guy dipped his hand in his pocket.
''Why?" Tiffany mumbled, not looking at them.
"Why? This seat fucking belongs to the DAX!" The guy half yelled.
"The Dax? Who are those?" Tiffany glanced at the guy.
"You... I...''
"Oh, it's you guys?" Tiffany shook her head then looked at the guys.
However, as her eyes met with one of the guys, she felt her shoulder burn deeply.
"Shît!" she moaned as she grabbed her shoulder.
"Tiffany," Zoey whispered, stood from her seat, and rushed towards Tiffany.
"What is wrong?" Zoey asked.
"I'm fine."
"Are you trying to get away? Is that one of your tricks?" the guy smirked.
Tiffany rolled her eyes then glanced at the guys again. But as soon as her eyes met with one of the guys again, she felt as if her shoulder was on fire and she grabbed it, groaning in pain.
"Tiffany..." Zoey whispered.
"He is here! That human is here!" Tiffany heard the deep voice within her.