The next morning, Marley dressed in one of the chic outfits that had been
delivered straight to their penthouse by a local boutique specializing in maternity
wear. Chrysander had insisted she see an obstetrician before they departed for
his island, and so, accompanied by Chrysander and flanked by several members
of his security team, they entered the medical building where the doctor’s offices
were housed.
She felt conspicuous and faintly embarrassed, but she also glowed under
Chrysander’s constant attention and his apparent concern for her well-being.
To her surprise, there was no waiting once Chrysander announced their arrival
to the receptionist. His security detail remained in the lobby, and Marley smiled
at the image of the big, burly men standing amidst a dozen pregnant women.
She and Chrysander were ushered to an exam room by a young nurse who
assured them that the doctor would attend them shortly.
When the nurse retreated, Chrysander lifted Marley and settled her on the
exam table. Instead of sitting in the chair to the side, he stood in front of her and
rubbed his hands up and down her arms in a comforting manner.
She leaned into his arms, unable to resist the pull between them. She rested
her cheek on his broad chest and closed her eyes as his hands slipped around to
caress her back.
The door opened, and Marley quickly pulled away. But Chrysander seemed in
no hurry to relinquish her. He slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled
her against him as the doctor introduced himself.
After a few preliminaries and a discussion of her condition, the doctor looked
over his clipboard and said, “I’d like to perform an ultrasound just to make sure
everything is as it should be.”
Chrysander frowned. “Do you have cause for concern?”
The doctor shook his head. “It’s purely precautionary. Given the fact that
you’re traveling out of the country, and that Miss Jameson has recently suffered
a trauma, I’d just like to take a look at the baby and make sure everything is
Chrysander nodded and took Marley’s hand. As the doctor left the room, he
turned to her. “I will be with you, pedhaki mou. There is nothing to fear.”
She smiled and squeezed his hand. “I’m not worried. I wasn’t even injured in
She smiled and squeezed his hand. “I’m not worried. I wasn’t even injured in
the accident, so there’s no reason anything should be wrong with the baby.”
His expression became unreadable, but his hand remained tight around hers.
A few moments later, the doctor returned and instructed Marley to recline on
the table. When he asked her to tug her pants below her waistline and to raise her
shirt, Chrysander frowned fiercely.
“Her belly must be exposed in order to perform the scan,” the doctor said,
amusement twinkling in his eyes.
Chrysander himself arranged her clothing, only baring the minimal amount of
flesh, and he hovered close, his hand resting above the swell of her stomach.
When the probe slid over her belly and the screen lit up with a blurry image
that resembled a blob, Marley reached a shaking hand for Chrysander’s.
Chrysander bent over her, his face close to her ear as he strained to see the
“Would you like to know what you’re having?” the doctor asked with a broad
Chrysander looked at Marley, and she held her breath for a moment,
excitement making her pulse race. “I do,” she whispered to Chrysander. “Do
He smiled and brought her hand to his lips. “If that is what you wish, pedhaki
mou. I, too, would like to know whether we’re having a son or a daughter.”
Marley turned her head to look at the doctor. “Yes, please. Tell us.”
She watched as the screen changed, blurring in and out as the probe moved
over her belly. A few seconds later, the image slowed and then became clearer.
“Congratulations, you’re having a boy.”
Marley’s breath caught in her throat. “Is that him?” she whispered as she
viewed what appeared to be two legs and round buttocks.
“Indeed it is. Handsome devil, isn’t he?”
“He’s beautiful,” Chrysander said huskily. He bent and brushed his lips across
Marley’s cheek. “Thank you, pedhaki mou.”
She twisted to look up at him. “Why are you thanking me?”
“For my son.” His gaze was riveted to the screen, and delight shone deeply in
his eyes. He was clearly enthralled with the tiny baby, and her heart squeezed
with emotion.
“We’re finished here,” the doctor said.
Chrysander gently arranged Marley’s clothing and then put an arm behind her
back to help her sit forward again.
“Was everything all right?” Chrysander asked the doctor.
“Was everything all right?” Chrysander asked the doctor.
“Quite so. Make sure she checks in with an obstetrician when you arrive in
Greece. I don’t anticipate any problems. She and the baby appear perfectly
healthy, but it’s a good idea if she has regular care during her pregnancy.”
“I’ve arranged for a private physician as well as a nurse to remain on the
island as long as we do,” Chrysander said. “She will be well looked after.”
The doctor nodded his approval and then smiled at Marley. “Take care, young
lady, and best wishes on your pregnancy.”
Marley returned his smile then took Chrysander’s hand as he helped her from
the table. He ushered her out moments later and helped her into the waiting
“Are you feeling all right?” Chrysander asked as they pulled away. “The plane
is waiting at the airport, but if you’re tired from your appointment we can take
the flight after you’ve rested.”
“Are our bags already there?” she asked in surprise.
He nodded. “I had them brought over while you were at your appointment.”
“We can leave now. I can rest on the plane.”
He leaned forward to tell the driver to take them to the airport, and then he
closed the privacy glass between them.
She gazed at him, suddenly a little shy. “Are you happy about our son,
He looked startled by her question. Then he pulled her closer to him, until she
was nearly in his lap. He cupped his hand to her belly and rubbed tenderly over
the swell.
“Have I given you reason to think I am not happy about our child?”
She shook her head. “No, I just wondered. I mean, now that I know what I’m
having, it suddenly seems so real.”
“I couldn’t be happier about our son. I would have loved a daughter just as
well. As long as our child is healthy and safe, I am very content.”
“Yes, me, too.” She sighed. “Now if only I could remember, things would be
so perfect. It’s been such a good day.”
He put a finger over her lips. “Don’t spoil it by lamenting over things that are
out of your control. It will come. Don’t rush it.”
She grimaced. “You’re right. I just wish...”
“What do you wish, pedhaki mou?”
“I wish I could remember loving you,” she said quietly.
His eyes darkened, and for a moment, what she saw sent a shiver down her
spine. There was such conflicted emotion in the golden orbs.
“Maybe you can learn to love me again,” he finally said.
“Maybe you can learn to love me again,” he finally said.
She smiled. “You’re making it easy.” She settled against him, content. But
then an uneasy thought assailed her. She’d spoken of loving him, something she
couldn’t remember, but felt that she had, but there had been nothing said of his
love for her. Not once had he voiced words of love, and shouldn’t they have
come? When she was in the hospital. Weren’t reaffirmations of love common
after a scare? Wouldn’t he seek to reassure her that he loved her when she
couldn’t remember their life together?
She raised her head to ask him, to seek confirmation of that fact, but the
question died on her lips when she saw his attention was already focused on the
small television screen in the corner of the large compartment of the limousine.
She let the question die and contented herself with remaining snuggled into
his body. The next thing she knew, they were arriving at the airport.
“We are here,” Chrysander said.
She nodded, and Chrysander stepped from the limousine. He reached in and
helped her out, and she blinked as the bright sunshine hit her eyes. The wind
blew, and she shivered against the slight chill.
Chrysander wrapped an arm around her and hurried her toward the waiting
plane. The inside was warm and looked extremely comfortable.
As he guided her toward a seat, he said, “There is a bed in the back. Once
we’ve taken off, you can go lie down.”
“That sounds lovely,” she said with a smile as he settled into the seat next to
her. She turned and looked out the window and then glanced toward the front of
the plane as she saw several of Chrysander’s security detail file into the cabin.
“Chrysander, why do you have so many security people?”
He stiffened beside her. “I am a very wealthy man. There are those who might
seek to harm me...or those important to me.”
“Oh. Is the danger very high?” she asked as she turned her gaze on him.
“It is the job of my men to ensure there is no danger. Do not worry, Marley. I
will see to the safety of you and our child.”
She frowned. “I didn’t mean to imply that you wouldn’t. I’m merely trying to
understand your world.”
“Our world.” He stared pointedly at her. “It’s our world, Marley. One that you
are very much a part of.”
A blush colored her cheeks. “I’m trying, Chrysander. I’m trying very hard. It’s
difficult when I’m in a place but can’t remember any part of it. Please be patient
with me.”
“If I spoke too harshly, then I apologize,” he said soothingly. He reached
“If I spoke too harshly, then I apologize,” he said soothingly. He reached
across her lap to pull her seat belt over her waist. With a click, he secured it then
pulled it snug. “We’ll be taking off soon.”
A few minutes later, the plane began to move, and she settled back in her seat,
trying not to think too hard about the uncertainty that lay ahead.
They landed at a small airstrip in Corinth several long hours later, and
Chrysander helped her down the few steps onto the concrete runway. He urged
her toward a waiting helicopter several feet away. When she looked
questioningly at him, he leaned in close and said, “The island is a fifteen-minute
ride by helicopter.”
She glanced appreciatively out the window of the helicopter as it rose over
Corinth and headed out to sea. In the distance, she saw ancient ruins and turned
to question Chrysander about them. When she had no luck making him hear over
the noise of the rotors, he slid a pair of earphones with an attached microphone
over her head and suddenly she could hear him clearly.
“The Temple of Apollo,” he explained. “If you like, we can fly back and tour
the ruins when you’ve recovered from your journey.”
“I’d like that.”
She turned her attention to the brilliant blue expanse of sparkling water, but
already in the distance she could make out a small dot of land. “Is that it?” she
asked, pointing.
He nodded.
“Does it have a name?”
“Anetakis,” he responded.
She laughed. “I should have known.” She shook her head. It seemed unreal
that he’d own an entire island. But his naming the island Anetakis didn’t surprise
her in the least. He wore arrogance like most people wore clothing.
As the island loomed larger on the horizon, she curled her fingers into tight
balls. Her anxiety must have been evident to Chrysander, because he reached
over and took one of her hands in his. “There’s nothing to worry over, pedhaki
mou. You’ll like it on the island, and it will be good for you to have time to relax
and concentrate on regaining your strength.”
She didn’t argue with him over her condition, knowing full well it was a
useless expenditure of energy. But she had no intention of spending her time on
the island “resting.”
They landed on a small concrete helipad situated at the rear of a palatial
house. Chrysander curled a protective arm around her as they ducked and
walked away from the helicopter.
He touched her shoulder and indicated that she wait while he spoke to the
He touched her shoulder and indicated that she wait while he spoke to the
pilot. She stood, staring up at the sprawling house, waiting for some flicker of
recognition. A cool breeze blew off the water, and a chill raced up her arms.
Still, she remained, staring, hoping, but she was convinced she’d never been
“Come,” Chrysander said as he took her hand. “You’re getting cold.”
As the helicopter droned away, she took a step to follow Chrysander and then
paused again. He turned and looked inquisitively at her. “What is wrong?”
She swallowed as she continued to gaze over the grounds. There was a sense
of wonder, as though she’d stepped into some wild paradise, but no feeling of
home, that this was a place she had any knowledge of. It terrified her.
Chrysander closed the distance between them and touched her face in concern.
He cursed when she trembled.
“I’ve never been here,” she said in a low voice. She looked to him for
He nodded. “This is so. This is your first visit to the island.”
“I don’t understand,” she said faintly. “We’re engaged, and I’ve never been to
the place you call home?”
His lips pressed together. “We made our home in New York, Marley. I told
you this.”
The cloud of confusion grew around her. Would they not have visited? Even
once? She allowed him to take her hand, and they walked up the long, winding
path toward the house. As they neared the gate, Marley could see the sparkling
waters of a swimming pool.
A large patio extended from the back of the house, and the pool was carved in
the middle. To her surprise, the pool entered the house under an elaborate
“It’s heated,” Chrysander explained as he drew her inside the house. “It’s too
cool this time of year for outdoor swimming, but you can enjoy a light swim
indoors if the doctor gives his permission.”
She rolled her eyes and allowed him to tug her along with him. They entered a
huge room that looked to be in actuality three separate areas. They stood in the
living room but the floor plan into the kitchen and dining area was open, and
they flowed seamlessly into one another.
Marley’s gaze wandered to the glass doors leading onto a patio where yet
another pool was situated with a view of the ocean in the distance. To her shock,
a woman in a skimpy bikini appeared at the entrance and stepped inside the
She recognized her as Chrysander’s personal assistant, but why would she be
here? And it was certainly too cold to be out sunbathing in such a suit.
Roslyn looked up, and it was apparent to Marley that she feigned surprise at
seeing them. Though she had a wrap draped over one arm, she made no move to
put it on as she hurriedly crossed the floor toward Chrysander.
“Mr. Anetakis, I didn’t expect you until tomorrow!”
Her long blond hair trailed seductively down her back, and Marley gaped as
she saw the bottom of Roslyn’s bikini was actually a thong.
“I hope you don’t mind that I took advantage of the facilities,” Roslyn rushed
to say as she put well-manicured fingers to Chrysander’s arm.
“Of course not,” Chrysander said smoothly. “I did tell you to avail yourself of
whatever you liked. Did you set up my office as I requested?”
“Of course. I do hope it won’t be a problem for me to remain one more night?
I didn’t arrange for the helicopter to fetch me until tomorrow morning.”
Roslyn’s wide, innocent eyes didn’t fool Marley, and she felt the beginnings
of a headache drumming in her temples. She pulled her hand from Chrysander’s
and merely walked away, having no desire to listen to the mewings of his
assistant any longer.
“You are welcome to stay, Roslyn. I do hope you’ll have dinner with us
tonight,” Chrysander said politely as Marley mounted the stairs.
She really had no idea where she was going, but upstairs seemed as good a
place as any, and it would put her solidly away from the source of her irritation.
She was nearly to the top when Chrysander overtook her.
“You should have waited for me,” he reproached. “I don’t like you navigating
the stairs by yourself. What if you were to fall? In the future, someone will
escort you up or down.”
Her mouth fell open. “You’re not serious!”
He frowned, clearly not liking her tone of disbelief. “I’m very serious when it
comes to your well-being and that of our child.”
She blew out her breath in frustration as Chrysander escorted her from the
landing of the stairs down the hall to a spacious bedroom. Clearly this was the
master suite. She set aside the protests forming on her tongue and stared at
Chrysander in question.
“Is this to be my room?”
“It is our room.”
Heat rose in her cheeks. Her throat suddenly went dry as she imagined sharing
the big bed with Chrysander. Satisfaction gleamed in his eyes as he observed her
“Do you have any objections?” he asked softly.
She shook her head. “N-no. None.”
A slow smiled curved his sensual mouth. A predatory gleam entered his eyes.
“That is good. We are in agreement then.”
“I—w-well, not exactly,” she stammered.
He cocked one imperious brow. “We are not?”
She shook herself from the intimate spell he was weaving over her. The one
that had her reduced to a mass of writhing stupidity. She lifted her chin and
stared challengingly at him. “I don’t need an escort to get up and down the stairs,
Chrysander. I’m not an invalid, and I don’t wish to be treated like one.”
“And I would prefer you had someone with you.” His voice became steely and
determination creased his brow.
“I will not spend our time here as a prisoner, only allowed out whenever
someone can make the time to fetch me back and forth.” She crossed her arms
over her chest and glared mutinously at him.
To her surprise, his shoulders relaxed and laughter escaped him.
“What’s so funny?” she demanded.
“You are, pedhaki mou. You sound just like you always have. Always arguing
with me. You’ve always accused me of being too set on having things my way.”
He gave a shrug that said he accepted as much.
“Well, since we’re arguing, what is that woman doing here parading around in
next to nothing?”
She hadn’t meant it to come out quite like that. She’d wanted to sound more
casual and less like a jealous shrew, but she’d failed miserably.
Chrysander’s expression hardened. “You never liked her, but I would
appreciate it if you weren’t rude.”
Marley raised a brow. “Never? And you don’t wonder why?” She turned her
back to Chrysander and walked to the window that overlooked the pool and the
garden to the left that separated the two swimming areas. “Why is it she is here
and seems so comfortable, and yet this is my first visit?”
She tensed when Chrysander’s hands cupped her shoulders. “Roslyn often
travels with me. This time I arranged for her to stay in Corinth so she is available
if I need her, but her presence won’t be an issue for you.” His lips brushed across
her temple. “As to why you’ve never been here, I can only say that it has never
come up. When I would return to New York after being away for weeks at a
time, I was more interested in spending that time with you, not wasting it
Marley turned around and without thinking wrapped her arms around
Chrysander and buried her face in his chest. “I’m just so frustrated. I won’t
apologize, however, for not liking the fact that my fiancé’s personal assistant is
cavorting around with barely a string covering her assets, or that she seems
perfectly at home in a place that I should, but don’t.”
“If it makes you feel better, I did not notice her assets.” There was a tone of
amusement in his voice, and it only served to irritate her further.
When she tried to wrench away from Chrysander’s arms, he gripped her
shoulders and held her fast. His eyes glistened with a need that made her
stomach do odd flips. Nervously, she wet her lips, and he groaned just before he
slanted his mouth over hers.
She felt as though someone had lit a match as she went up in flames. Oh, yes,
her body recognized, craved his touch. His tongue swept over her lips,
demanding she open to him. Her mouth parted on a sigh, and his tongue laved
hers, hot, electrifying.
She went weak and sagged against him, but he caught her, holding her tightly
against him. A low moan worked from her throat, and he swallowed it as it
escaped. Her hands scraped across his shoulders, clutching and seeking his
Her nipples beaded and tingled when his fingers skimmed underneath the
waist of her shirt, feathering across her belly and up to where the lacy bra
cupped her breasts. Before she could fully process what his intentions were, her
bra fell loose, and his thumb rolled across one taut point.
Uncontrollable shudders wracked her small frame as his mouth slid down her
throat and lower. He blazed a molten trail to the curve of one breast, and when
he took the sensitive nipple in his mouth, she nearly shattered in his arms.
“Please,” she begged.
His head came up at her plea, and shock was reflected in his golden eyes.
“Theos mou! I would have ravaged you on the floor,” he said in disgust. He
quickly rearranged her bra and settled her shirt back over her body.
Her hand shook as she raised it to her swollen lips. Every nerve-ending in her
body screamed in want. Her reaction to Chrysander frightened her. It was
intense. Volatile. How easily she’d gotten carried away as soon as he’d touched
“Do not look at me that way,” he said in a near growl.
“How?” she asked, her voice shaking.
“Like you want nothing more than for me to carry you to our bed and make
love to you all night. I only have so much control.”
love to you all night. I only have so much control.”
She laughed, a hoarse and needy sound. She attempted to calm her response to
his words by smoothing her hands down her sides. “And if that was what I
He reached out to cup her chin. “The doctor will arrive in a few moments. I
want him to examine you and make sure you haven’t overexerted yourself with
our travel. Your health is my first priority.”
“I do believe I’ve been shot down,” she murmured ruefully.
He moved so quickly she barely had time to blink. One minute they were a
foot apart, and the next she was hauled against his chest, his eyes burning into
“Don’t mistake my hesitation for disinterest,” he said in a soft, dangerous
tone. “I assure you, as soon as the doctor has given his approval on the state of
your health, you will be in my bed.”
He slowly let go of her, and she stepped back on faltering feet. “I believe I
hear the helicopter now. That will be the physician and Mrs. Cahill. Why don’t
you freshen up and make yourself comfortable. I’ll send the doctor up to see
Marley nodded like a dolt then watched as he strode away. As soon as he
disappeared, she sagged onto the bed and clenched her trembling fingers
together in her lap. How could she react so strongly to a man who was, for all
practical purposes, a stranger? It was as he said, though. Her body recognized
him even when her mind did not. She should find comfort in that, but the
intensity of her attraction to him frightened her. In just a few moments, she’d so
easily lost herself to his touch.
Remembering that the doctor would be up in a few moments, and not wanting
to give him any excuse to send her straight to bed, she hastened to the bathroom,
where she splashed cool water on her face in an effort to rid herself of the flush
that still suffused her cheeks.
She dragged a hand through her curls and frowned at her reflection in the
mirror. Her hair didn’t look right. A brief image flashed across her mind. It was
her, laughing, but with shorter hair. Hair that curled riotously around her head in
an unruly cap. Even with such a brief glance into her memories, she knew she
preferred her hair short. So why had she let it grow long? She shook her head
and vowed to get it trimmed as soon as she was able.
A knock sounded at her door, and she rushed out of the bathroom. Chrysander
walked in, an older man following closely behind him. Patrice entered after them
and smiled at Marley across the room.
and smiled at Marley across the room.
“Marley, this is Dr. Karounis. He is a leading obstetrician in Athens, and he
has graciously agreed to see to your care while we are here on the island,”
Chrysander said as he curled one arm around her waist.
“Miss Jameson, it is my pleasure to provide what assistance I may,” the doctor
said formally.
She smiled a little nervously. “Thank you. Chrysander fusses a bit much. I’m
sure it wasn’t necessary for you to come all this way.”
“He wants the best for you and his child,” Dr. Karounis said with an easy
smile. “I can hardly fault him for that.”
She smiled ruefully. “No, I suppose you can’t. Do whatever it is you need to
do to persuade him I’m quite all right.” She aimed a glare at Chrysander. “And
that I’m perfectly capable of navigating the stairs by myself.”
Chrysander’s expression never wavered. “You will do this for me, pedhaki
mou. It is a small thing I ask. Having someone assist you up and down the stairs
will take no longer than if you were to go by yourself, and I would feel more at
Oh, he knew just how to make her feel about an inch tall. She sighed. “Very
well.” She looked pointedly at the doctor and then made shooing gestures at
Chrysander and Patrice.
Chrysander pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “After the doctor
has finished, why don’t you take a long bath and rest before dinner. I’ll come up
for you when it’s time to go down.”
She nodded, and Chrysander’s eyes gleamed in triumph. He turned and
walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.