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In spite of the fact that it was the middle of summer, Marley Jameson felt uncomfortably chilly as she sat on the bench in the modest garden located only a few feet away from her home.

several blocks away from the apartment that she and Chrysander Anetakis had shared.

Even as the sun's rays found their way into her tightly clenched fingers, she shivered, the heat not yet having the desired effect of removing the goose bumps. Stavros is unlikely to be pleased by her unexpected disappearance for a short while. When Stavros reported that she hadn't taken the appropriate precautions for her safety, Chrysander didn't defend her either. However, taking the intimidating security guard with her to her appointment with the doctor was not a viable option. Chrysander would have been aware that she was pregnant long before she could even return home to tell him the news herself.

What kind of response would he have to the news? Regardless of the fact that they had taken safety measures, she was already eight weeks pregnant. To the best of her ability, she was able to deduce that it took place after he returned home from an extended business trip overseas. Chrysander had a never-ending appetite. But on the other hand, so had she.

As she thought back to the event in question, she broke out in a radiant blush that drove the chill from her cheeks. He had made love to her an innumerable number of times while murmuring to her in Greek; the words were warm and gentle, and they had caused her heart to twist.

She grimaced as she looked at her watch and checked it. She was acting like a coward by sitting here while she avoided the confrontation even though he would be home in a few short hours. She was still required to change out of the worn-out jeans and T-shirt, which were the only items of clothing she wore when he was absent.

She got herself up and started the short walk to the luxurious building that Chrysander's apartment was located in, but she did so with the reluctance that comes from not knowing what will happen next.

As she got closer to the entrance, the words "You're being silly" came out of her mouth under her breath. The doorman didn't give any indication that he was surprised to see her walking up to the establishment; however, he moved quickly to lead her inside the building.

She stepped into the elevator while simultaneously running a hand over her stomach, which had not yet expanded.

As she climbed to a higher altitude, she felt a flutter of anxiety in her chest. Marley licked her lips and exited the elevator as soon as it came to a smooth stop and the doors opened into the spacious foyer of the penthouse.

As she entered the living room, she kicked off her shoes and removed her socks before making her way to the couch, where she deposited her bag before sitting down. Her muscles were aching from exhaustion, and all she wanted to do was lie down and get some rest. However, she needed to figure out how to do what she really wanted to do, which was to lie down. But first she needed to figure out the best way to bring up the subject of their relationship with Chrysander.

The outcomes of today's blood tests have left her unsettled, despite the fact that she would have declared herself to be completely content just a few days ago. A question that got her thinking about the past half year with Chrysander.

She loved him wholeheartedly, but she wasn’t entirely sure where she stood \swith him. While he was with her, he gave off the impression of complete devotion. The sex was just amazing. But, she now had a child to consider in her life. She required more from the man she loved than just steamy sex sessions once every few weeks or whenever his schedule allowed for it.

Chrysander emerged from the shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, and she was taken aback as she made her way into the spacious master suite.

His gorgeous features were etched with a wry smirk. When she looked at him for the first time, it was as if it were the first time all over again. Her entire body began to tingle and she felt a burning sensation in each of her nerve endings.

She was able to sneak out while saying, "Y-you're early."

He spoke in a low voice and added, "I've been waiting for you, pedhaki mou."

She took a deep breath as her eyes followed his bulging erection and followed his gaze as he let the towel fall to the floor. He moved forward in an aggressive manner, getting closer and closer to her. As he bent down to assault her mouth, his hands wrapped over her shoulders and became entangled in her hair.

She let out a muffled groan as her knees began to buckle. He was an obsession to have. one of which she could never have too much. It was enough for him to simply touch her for her to burst into flames.

His lips moved slowly down her chin to her neck as he tugged eagerly on her shirt. His kisses slid around her jawline to her neck. Her fingers entangled themselves in his dark hair on their own accord, drawing him in closer to her.

Rigid, emaciated, and musculated. A predator that shines with lustre. He moved with elegance, as though playing a finely tuned instrument, and her body was the instrument he was playing.

As he helped her onto the bed, she clung to his neck and struggled to break free.

While he was pulling her top over her head and shoving it up over her head, he mumbled, "You have absolutely too many clothing on."

She was aware that they needed to cease. They needed to chat to one another, but she hadn't seen him in a while. Ached to see him again. And it's possible that a piece of her wanted this moment to happen before things shifted beyond her control.

He undid her bra, and she let out a cry when his fingers reached her incredibly sensitive nipples. She had been holding her breath. Now that they were darker, she wondered if he had noticed the change.

"Did you miss me?"

"You know I did," she murmured through her lungs full of air.

"I take pleasure in listening to you say it."

She spoke with a grin forming on her lips as she replied, "I missed you."

She ought not to have been taken aback by the fact that he made short work of her clothing. It looked like he was going to throw her jeans across the room. Her bra went in one direction, and her underwear went in the opposite. Then he was over her, on her, deep inside her.

She leaned into him as he took control of her, clinging to him as he made passionate love to her, the intensity of their desire making her ache. It had always been in this manner. They were on the brink of desperation due to their overwhelming dependence on one another.

When he had her encircled in his arms, he murmured something to her in Greek. As both of them reached their apexes, the words were like a gentle caress that fell against her skin. She tucked herself into his body, gratified and content with her experience.

When she opened her eyes, Chrysander was lying beside her with his arm draped possessively over her hip. She realized that she must have been sleeping at the time because he was there. He regarded her \slazily, his golden eyes burning with sated contentment.

Now was the time. She needed to broach the subject. There will never be another opportunity like this one. Why did she feel such dread at the prospect of questioning him about the nature of their relationship?

"Chrysander," she uttered in a low voice.

With his eyes getting wider, he questioned, "What is it?" Had he picked up on the hint of anxiety in her voice?

"I've been meaning to get in touch with you."

He stretched his massive frame and moved slightly away from her so that he could get a better look at her.

The sheet ended up accumulating on his hip as it made its way down. When he slid his hand over the peak of one breast, she felt exposed and vulnerable, and she began to shiver as a result.

"On what would you like to have a conversation?"

"Us," she responded plainly.

His eyes first got suspicious, and then they closed tightly. The expression on his face hardened into one of complete indifference, and it was this expression that scared her. She could sense that he was distancing himself from her and mentally pulling away from her.

She was startled by the sound of a buzz. Chrysander muttered an expletive under his breath before reaching over to press the button on the intercom.

He inquired in a curt manner, "What."

"Your name is Roslyn. May I come up?"

Marley became rigid as soon as he recognized the voice of his personal helper. Even though it was getting late in the evening, she went ahead and entered the apartment that she was aware that he shared with Marley.

"Roslyn, I apologize for the delay in responding to your message. I don't see why I can't put it off till tomorrow when I go into the office."

"I'm sorry, sir, but it just isn't possible. I need your signature on a contract that needs to be turned in by 7:00 in the morning. 7:00 in the morning.

Again Chrysander swore. Then you should come.

He raised himself to his feet by swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He walked over to the slick mahogany wardrobe and reached inside, pulling out a pair of slacks and a shirt.

"What's with all of her frequent visits to this location?" Marley inquired in a hushed tone.

Chrysander gave her a glance that conveyed surprise to her. "She works as an assistant to me. It is expected of her to maintain pace with me.

"At your personal residence?"

As he fastened the last button on his shirt, he shook his head. "I'll be back in a second, and then we can continue our conversation."

Marley watched him leave, and the pain in her chest intensified as she did so. She had to tell him that she was pregnant, and she couldn't tell him about the baby until she knew how he felt about her, so she couldn't postpone the conversation until another night even though she was tempted to do so.

What was his outlook on their potential moving forward? Therefore, it needed to be completed tonight.

Her anxiety level skyrocketed as the seconds turned into minutes. She got out of bed because she did not want to have the disadvantage of being naked, so she dragged on her jeans and her shirt. What a waste of time trying to appear serene and lovely. She displayed regret by shaking her head.

At last, she was able to make out his footsteps leading away from the bedroom suite. He appeared to be preoccupied because he had a scowl on his face when he entered. His eyes darted over her, and a twitch of a smile played across his lips.

"I much prefer you naked, pedhaki mou."

She mustered out a weak smile before resuming her position on the bed. "How is it going with things at work?"

He made a dismissive motion with his hand. "There is nothing that ought not to have been dealt with at this point. A missing signature." He moved stealthily toward the bed, his eyes revealing a lean and hungry expression. He was only a foot from from where she was sitting when he came to a stop, and as soon as he did, he grabbed for the buttons on his shirt.

“Chrysander...we must talk.”

A fleeting look of annoyance crossed his features, but it was quickly replaced by a sigh of resignation. He made himself comfortable on the bed next to her. "Then speak, Marley," the man said. What exactly is it that's giving you a hard time?

His proximity brought her to the brink of collapse. She attempted to create some physical barrier between them by sliding down the bed. She started off her hesitant sentence with, "I want to know how you feel about me, how you feel about us." "And whether there is a future for us."

She cast a quick peek upward to gauge his response. As he looked at her, a line formed between his lips as he made a strong expression of concentration. He said it with a gloomy expression, "So it's come to this."

After getting to his feet, he faced away from her for a moment before finally turning around to look at her.

Come to what, exactly? I'm just curious about your thoughts and feelings toward me. If there is a future for us. You never bring up anything other than the here and now when discussing us," she said quite weakly.

He leaned in close to her and cupped her chin. “We don’t have a relationship.

I don’t do relationships, and you know this. You’re my mistress.”

Why did she feel as though he’d just slapped her? Her mouth fell open against \shis hand, and she stared up at him with wide, shocked eyes.

“Mistress?” she croaked. Live-in lover. Girlfriend. Woman he was seeing.

These were all terms she might have used. But mistress? A woman he bought? A \swoman he paid to have sex with?

Nausea welled in her stomach.

She resisted his grasp and lurched forward, moving further away from him as she did so.

Chrysander's expression was one of complete bewilderment.

She gasped out the question while she was still unable to understand his assertion, "Is that truly all I am to you?" "A m-mistress?"

He let out an impatient sigh. "You're distraught. Please take a seat and wait here while I get you something to drink. It's been a rough week for both of us, and it's clear that you're not feeling well. It is not in either of our best interests to continue this conversation at this time.

Chrysander coaxed her to return to the bed, and then he stormed out of the suite in the direction of the kitchen. The last thing he wanted after a long week of setting traps for the person who was attempting to sell his company out from under him was a hysterical confrontation with his mistress.

After pouring himself a generous amount of brandy, he took a drink of the juice that was Marley's personal favorite. Already, he was experiencing some discomfort in the form of the start of a headache.

When he saw Marley's shoes sitting in the middle of the floor, exactly where she'd left them as soon as she stepped off the elevator, he couldn't help but crack a grin. He tracked the trail of her belongings until he reached the couch, where her bag was strewn about in a haphazard manner.

She was a creature of ease and convenience. Never fussy. So, he was taken aback by this outpouring of strong feelings. It was totally unlike of her to behave in such a way. Because she was not possessive, their relationship had been able to endure for such a long time. Relationship? He had just finished denying to her that the two of them had one. She was his adulterous affair.

It would have been better if he had a more diplomatic reaction. It was likely that she wasn't feeling well, and she required his gentle care at that time. The very thought made him grimace, but she had never failed to be there for him after he'd spent weeks away on work trips or sitting through boring meetings. It was only right that he offer something more than sexual favors to compensate. despite the fact that having sexual relations with her was quite high on his list of objectives.

When he turned around to go back into the bedroom and attempt to make amends, his attention was drawn to the piece of paper that was peeking out of Marley's bag. He halted what he was doing, grimaced, and then placed the beverages on the coffee table.

The feeling of dread constricted his chest. It is not possible.

He reached out to grab the papers, and as his wrath, which was hot and volatile, flowed through his veins, he ripped them apart. Was it possible that Marley, his Marley, was a double agent working within his company?

He intended to refute the claim. wished to destroy the evidence by crumpling it up and throwing it away. But it was right in front of him, glaring in his eyes. Marley had taken the fake information that he had placed only this morning in the intention of identifying the person who was selling his secrets to his competition. He had planted the information in the hopes of locating the individual. She hadn't squandered any of the available time.

Instantaneously, I was able to make sense of everything. At the time that Marley moved into the penthouse, he began to experience problems with his building plans going missing. She had worked for him previously, and even after he had persuaded her to leave the company so that her time would be his alone, she was still able to go in and out of his offices whenever she pleased. What an idiot he'd turned out to be.

The call that Stavros had placed to him many hours earlier was like a knife in his thoughts. He had only experienced it as a slight inconvenience at the moment, and he intended to bring it up with Marley the next time he saw her as a means of resolving it. When, in reality, it was him who was the one who wasn't safe with her, he would lecture her about being careless and about being safe. She'd gone to his office, and then nobody had seen her for a few hours after that. And now, she had papers from his workplace stuffed in her purse.

As he stalked back to the bedroom with the papers clutched in his hand, he discovered that Marley was still seated on the bed. She turned her tear-stained face to him, and all he could see was how masterfully she had deceived him. He couldn't help but feel betrayed.

He told me in no uncertain terms, "I want you out of here in thirty minutes."

Marley glanced at him in disbelief as he approached. Was what she'd heard of him accurate? She managed to stutter out, "I don't understand."

"I will give you thirty minutes to gather your belongings before I call security to take you out of here," the manager said.

She jumped to her feet in an instant. How did things get to this point of complete and utter chaos? She hadn't even informed him that she was pregnant at this point. "Chrysander, what exactly is the matter? I don't understand why you are so upset with me. Is it because I snapped at you so angrily when you referred to me as your mistress?

I was taken completely by surprise by it. I had the impression that I meant something more to you than that.

He said it with a chilly tone, "You now have twenty-eight minutes." He displayed one hand to the audience and it contained several crumpled pieces of paper. "Marley, how in the world did you think you could get away with that? Do you seriously believe that I would overlook the fact that you lied to me? I have zero tolerance for those who lie or cheat, and you, my friend, are both of those things.

Her face was completely free of blood. She was in a dangerously risky position, but he did not make any attempt to help her. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I responded. "What kind of papers are those?"

The corners of his mouth turned up in a mocking smirk. "You robbed me of my money. You should count yourself lucky that I won't be calling the police on you. As things stand, I intend to act in the manner described above whenever we cross paths again. Your actions had the potential to completely destroy my business. On the other hand, the joke is on you.

In an effort to track down the person responsible for this, I have sown these with false information.

“Stole?” Her voice raised as she became more agitated. She stretched out and ripped the papers out of his grasp with one swift motion. The text and diagrams became illegible in front of her eyes. An internal email that had been printed out and was clearly sent from his company's Internet service provider address stared back at her.

Details that should not be made public. a comprehensive set of building plans in preparation for an upcoming bid in a major city on the international stage. copies of the drawings made on a photocopier. It all made no sense at all.

She lifted her chin and looked him straight in the eye as her entire world fell apart and shattered around her. "Do you really think I would steal these?"

"I looked in your bag and found them. Do not dishonor any one of us by denying it at this time. I want you to leave this place immediately. He did a public demonstration of looking at his watch. "There are now twenty-five minutes left for you to complete your task."

Because of the tightness in her throat, she was unable to take a breath as it became increasingly difficult for her to exhale. She was unable to think clearly or respond appropriately. She walked towards the exit in a listless manner, with no intention of gathering her belongings beforehand. It was merely her desire to get away. Before she turned around to look at Chrysander again, she took a moment to pause and steady herself by placing her hand on the frame of the door. His countenance did not change at all. The lines that around his mouth and eyes were severe and etched in stone.

She muttered under her breath, "How could you possibly believe I'd do something like that?" as she turned and walked away from him.

She had no idea where she was going and stumbled blindly into the elevator. As the elevator descended to the lobby level, she let out a few muffled tears. The doorman took one glance at her and expressed worry before offering to get her a cab. She gave him a quick wave before continuing her unsteady stroll down the sidewalk and into the darkness.

The gentle breeze of the evening caressed her skin. The tears that were falling down on her cheeks caused her skin to feel cold, but she paid them no mind. She could count on him to listen to her. She would force him to do it.

She would let him the night to calm down, but she would make sure that she was heard. Everything that happened was just a terrible oversight. There had to be some strategy that could bring him around to our way of thinking.

In her state of panic, she paid no attention to the man who was following her. As she approached the curb, a hand suddenly appeared behind her and grabbed her arm. Her screams of terror were stifled when a fabric sack was pulled over her head as they were being screamed.

She thrashed about madly, but in what seemed like no time at all, she found herself crammed into the trunk of a vehicle. She was able to hear the door slam followed by the rumbling of low words before the vehicle sped away.

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