I sipped my mojito, looking out across the crowded dance floor. The club really was packed tonight. My body was calming, the hunger, fortunately, at bay for now. My wolf still felt close to the surface.
I was still going to have to shift tonight and go for a run, but at least I didn’t have to worry about her wanting to rip throats out. Small victories and all that.
I glanced towards the main door where I knew Luke would be stationed. He met my gaze, giving me a small smile. Somehow the desire and need still hadn’t left his eyes.
I signed, turning back to the now drained mojito. Apparently I’d finished it and not even noticed.
This shouldn’t have happened. With humans, yes, it was possible that one bite could lead to desire and in extreme cases, obsession. Con of being a succubus.
But it had never happened with another werewolf before. Is it possible what he felt was genuine? Maybe. Who really knew?
It’s not like there were loads of other wolf-succubuses around to talk to. In my 300 years, I’d met one other, and she met an unfortunate end thanks to a couple vampire hunters and a stake in the 1870s.
It wasn’t exactly a common combination. Historically speaking, shifters and vampires (of any kind) did not get along.
I went back to watching over the dance floor, my gaze settling on a group grinding against each other. I could smell the lust from here. With a nod to the bartender, I headed out into the middle of the dance floor, towards the group I was looking for.
I was dancing on my own, arms above my head and eyes closed, just soaking it all in. If I had the succubus side fully satisfied, the shift tonight would be nowhere near as draining.
A warm body appeared behind me, matching my movements perfectly. Luke.
“What are you doing here?” I breathed. “Aren’t you meant to be at the door?”
“I rearranged the rota. Besides, I can keep a better eye on you from here.”
His hands on my waist spun me to face him. “This isn’t exactly private.”
“I’m not sure I care, ma’am.”
I’d love to know exactly what happened for us to end up in this position. For a human, my bite could be orgasmic. I could tone that back so it didn’t hurt or just make them forget, which I usually preferred.
Without care, it could get problematic. Too many orgasmic bites in too short a time could lead to obsession very quickly.
Sometimes this cuts both ways. Sometimes the vampire would end up desiring the victim too, just as much. I’d never experienced that, but I knew it was possible.
But that was only ever an issue with humans, supernaturals were always able to see through that, so maybe there was in fact something else at play here.
Maybe he did feel something genuine. It is possible, after all.
Maybe I was overthinking this.
Maybe I should be letting it play out rather than immediately freaking out.
I wound my arms around his neck, leaving his hands on my waist as we moved together to the music. I’d started feeling much more like myself.
Nothing like a dance in the middle of a nightclub full of horny 20-somethings to settle the succubus.
Just as I’d started to relax, new hands appeared on my hips, and slid down towards the hemline of my dress.
I spun around. My wolf does not like being snuck up on.
As soon as I spun, the scent hit my nose. Wolf. And a strong one too.
He could smell my wolf, I could tell in the way his nostrils flared and eyes narrowed. His wolf was pushing for my submission. That was never going to happen.
Luke was still behind me, his head bowed slightly towards the wolf. It suddenly dawned on me who he was.
Nathaniel Miller. Heir to the local wolf pack.
“You can’t force me to do anything, Nathaniel.”
“Oh yeah? My dad can’t, but I’m stronger.”
I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “Good luck with that. You killed the moment, so I’m heading back up to the office, I have work to do. You can come up if you want to be a grown up and tell me why you’re here.”
I spun on my heels, heading towards the stairs. Luke was in his usual position just a step behind me.
“Luke. You follow me, not her.”
My wolf growled at Nathaniel. I had my issues with him, but my wolf saw him as a challenge. She wanted to put him in his place.
He had always thought he could get away with pushing me around because of who his dad is. Sadly, he didn’t know who I really am.
Luke looked torn.
“Nathaniel. Upstairs, now. Stop trying to throw your weight around, this doesn’t need to be a pissing contest. We’ll talk about this away from the crowds, like grownups.”
He growled, his eyes shifting and teeth lengthening. His wolf was close to the surface. I stepped towards him, my voice low. “If you shift in here, security will have no choice but to shoot you. This club is full of humans. You need to keep your shit together so I don’t have to tell your daddy that my security team had to kill you because you lack control.”
My wolf looked smug as his wolf backed down. She did like to win.
I turned again to head upstairs to the offices, Luke falling into position a step behind me, and then Nathaniel and Chris, another of my security team, following up the rear. Chris was another vampire, but he was only young, not even 100 yet. Basically a baby.
I sank into my chair, kicked my shoes off, and stretched my legs out with my feet on the end of my desk.
Nathaniel looked around the office. “It smells like blood and sex in here.” He looked over at Luke. “You smell like blood… yup, and sex.”
“What my office, staff and self do or do not smell like is none of your business. Now tell me. Why is the alpha’s son in my club trying to throw his weight around?”
“I will be the alpha soon. When I take over, you will be banished from the pack.”
I laughed. “Here’s the thing. I’m not part of the pack and I never will be.”
“So you’re a rogue. You’ll just have to leave our territory then.”
“Wrong again, sweetcheeks.” I stood, adjusting my dress. “Chris, Luke. Would you give us a minute?”
They both nodded. Chris would head back off for his regular duties, and Luke would maintain his position directly outside my door, ready to burst in if I needed him.
“Who am I?” I asked Nathaniel, my voice low.
He didn’t answer.
“My name is Ophelia Venning. Daughter of the alpha of the Bloodmoon pack. Daughter of Elicia, succubus, queen of All. Most importantly to you, I’m your father’s enforcer.” I tilted my head. “I deal with all the naughty little wolves and do your dad’s dirty work. Does he know you’re here?” This time, I let the power flow. He’d have to submit.
I paused to sniff the air again. “How much have you had to drink?”
He laughed. “None of your business.”
“Okay Nathaniel. You need to go home.”
I stepped back outside the office. “Luke. Can you ask Chris to please take Mr Miller home? Please ensure he ends up with his dad, an intoxicated werewolf on his own is never a good idea.”
“I’ll see it done, ma’am,” Luke replied, nodding. Ever the professional.
Once Nathaniel was out of my office and I’d had confirmation he had been passed back off to his dad, I called Luke back into my office.
“Eventful evening,” I said, pouring us both a drink.
“And it’s not over yet, ma’am.”
We chinked our glasses together, not even taking a moment to savour the taste.
“How are you doing, Luke?”
He gave me a small smile. “I’m okay. Nothing has changed, I still feel the same way.”
I nervously bit my lip. “Is your neck healing okay at least?”
He pulled his shirt collar down to show me the mark. Without my shoes, I had to tiptoe slightly to get a better look.
It wasn’t bleeding anymore, and it was closing up nicely. It’d be healed by morning.
“Definitely going to scar,” I grimaced.
“I don’t care.”
He stepped towards me, cautious that I’d push him away. When I didn’t, and my wolf didn’t growl, he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the ground.
My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck. He trailed his lips all the way from my collarbone to my ear, biting the lobe hard enough that I cried out, my back arching and nails digging into the back of his neck.
He leant in, pressing his lips against mine. My fingers wove into his hair, I wasn’t letting him go anywhere.
When I opened my eyes again, he had a smug smirk that I had the urge to wipe away.
Before I could even respond, he ran with me, across the room, to pin me between his body and the wall, his mouth dropping down to bite along the vein in my neck, one of his hands moving my underwear to the side, pushing a finger inside me, rubbing circles around my clit with his thumb.
I moaned, my head falling back against the wall, hips moving instinctively with him.
That was bold… and unlike him.
That was when I noticed. His eyes had darkened until they were almost black; his wolf was at the surface. His control was waning, and quickly.
“Luke,” I said, trying to push him away, to untangle myself from him. He just growled and carried right on. His wolf was closer than I thought.
“Luke.” This time I let my wolf snarl behind my words.
Still nothing.
“Luke.” I growled, throwing more power behind it.
He blinked, his eyes starting to fade.
She could force his submission if I needed her to.
“We need to run. Both of us. Burn whatever the fuck this is off before one of us gets hurt.”
His eyes met mine as they faded all the way back to his usual blue, confusion clear in his eyes. I liked the dark, midnight blue of his wolf, but his own bright blue was better.
Once he fully regained control and agreed, I sent him off to give security their new orders, and I headed downstairs to update the bar staff and my assistant manager. The plan was that we’d be back before last drinks, which gave us three hours to burn this off. Should be possible, right?
Fingers crossed.