The following three days were uneventful. I didn’t skip meals, my wolf didn’t act out and I hadn’t needed to spend time alone with just Luke. I kept thinking about him and what we did, so it was probably for the best that we hadn’t been in a room alone.
No matter what else I thought about or tried to do, I just couldn’t get the memory out of my mind. I ended up reliving it so many times a day that by the end of the Sunday, I was a horny mess.
I spent Sunday night after the club closed hiding in my office, under the pretence of getting work done. I knew the only other person still working was Luke, the rest of the security and bar staff had left an hour ago.
I hadn’t plucked up the courage to talk to him yet, and I really should.
I yawned. Definitely time to call it a night. Even ultra-awesome succubus-werewolves need their beauty sleep. I giggled.
Giggled… like a schoolgirl.
Oh the full moon was very definitely starting to play havoc with my body and hormones. In less than 24 hours, the moon would be full. I’d end up in heat, and normally I’d stay at home for the three or so days until it started to ease so I didn’t have to deal with all the little wolves who can’t keep it in their pants around the full moon. Needing to be at the club, however, meant I wouldn’t be able to do that.
It sounded like I needed to keep an eye out for Nathaniel this time around too, and knowing him as I did, he wouldn’t be subtle about it. I fully expected that he’d be turning up at the club tomorrow pawing at the ground.
I sighed, letting my head drop forwards, resting on my folded arms on the desk in front of me. I could just get Luke to act as my personal bodyguard for those first few days to keep them (mainly Nathaniel) away… but I could no longer guarantee he wouldn’t just try to get in my pants, or that I wouldn’t be trying to get in his.
Maybe my succubus would keep them at bay…
Ha… I snorted. That would make it worse if anything. A succubus always smelled like sex, at least to some degree.
I jumped at the sudden knock at my door.
Luke’s head peaked around the corner. “Ma’am, I’m just wrapping up for the day. Are you ready to head out?”
“I’ll lock up, Luke. You can head home.”
“I don’t like the sound of you being here alone, ma’am, not this close to the full moon.”
I ran my hand through my hair. “I’ll be fine, Luke. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He looked like he was going to argue, but then just nodded, turning to head back downstairs. Once I heard the door shut behind him, I let out the breath I hadn’t realised I was holding.
Apparently the Sunday night crowd hadn’t been enough to sate me, I was going to have to feed again, I couldn’t risk not at this point. Not with whatever was going on with Luke, and not with the full moon approaching either.
I was outside locking up the doors when hands appeared on my waist. “Luke, I thought I told you to go home.”
A laugh growled from behind me. “Oh, I’m not Luke.”
I spun, my hand going to the knife holstered at my hip. Nathaniel.
There’s a surprise.
“For fucks sake, Nathaniel. Go home. Stop loitering around here.”
He stepped forwards, leaning in to whisper in my ear. “I can’t stay away from you.”
I pulled the knife out, holding it to his throat.
“You will not touch me. You will not come anywhere near my club. You need to go home.”
“You can’t force me, buttercup.”
“Try me.”
He stepped forward again, pressing his throat into the knife edge. It cut into his skin, leaving a small trail of blood in its wake. It wasn’t a deep cut, normally he’d heal within a minute or two. But… the blade was silver, he was going to need help to heal that one, otherwise it would just keep bleeding.
He lifted his fingers, running them along the edge of the cut, the blood smearing. He stared at me whilst I watched his fingers intently, apparently I needed to feed more than I thought. And oh he smelled so good right now.
He smirked, his eyes sparkling. “Oh Ophelia,” he whispered. “I knew you’d start wanting me eventually.”
“I don’t, Nathaniel,” I snapped. He smelled good, yes. Did I want him anywhere near me? Absolutely not.