Almost immediately we met resistance, I turned slamming my hand into the guy’s solar plexus, who was making a run for Felix and Cait. He dropped like a rock. I turned and continued to run, keeping them in my sights. I stopped two more attacks, with quick blows. I knew we were in trouble when I saw red through the trees. I could see The Strip we were so close. Looking behind me, I turned back around and skidded to a stop. Axl stood between us and The Strip, his arms folded across his chest. I counted 10 guys standing spread out behind him.
“Cait, Felix, get behind me now!" They obeyed instantly. I handed Felix a dagger, “Protect Cait, remember what I taught you.” I pulled my Jian from its sheath and slipped into my fighting stance a dagger in my other hand. Axl stood impassive for a moment before beckoning three of his men to take me. I smiled as they came towards me, tucking the dagger back into the sheath on my thigh.
The one closest to me swung his sword at me, rather than taking the hit I ducked underneath, weaving my hand up and under his own and pushing upward. His sword flew out of his hand, landing a good couple of yards away. Whirling around, I slammed my open hand into the back of his neck, and he dropped. Rolling under the next attackers punch, I came up in a fluid movement, slamming my boot into his crotch. He too fell. The next one was a little faster and got a hand on my shoulder, I stuck my blade into the dirt grabbed his hand and flipped him over my shoulder slamming him into the ground in front of me. Looking up, I placed a hand on the pommel of my sword. “Whose next?" I asked.
Axl had begun to smile sometime during my fight. He chuckled softly, looking me over.
“I certainly didn’t think this would be easy, but you are something else aren’t you.” He said the smirk imminent in his deep voice. I scowled at him,
“Fuck off.” I said looking him straight in the face. His black hair was streaked with red and it fell into his face as he talked. I could tell it was cut shorter in the back leaving his bangs wild giving him a dangerous look. He regarded me again, seemingly digesting my response. When he spoke again, the joking was gone from his voice,
“Take them.” He commanded. His men surged forwarded. I threw myself into action, grabbing my dagger. The fight was a blur, I lost my sword as I laid about me landing a punch here and a kick here. I heard Cait scream and turned I saw they had Felix strung between two of them and another held Cait. I knew my only chance was to get to Axl. Redoubling my efforts, I broke through the mass of bodies and flung myself on Axl. He grunted in surprise as we went over backwards with me on top of him. He grabbed at me, but I had caught him napping. I knelt on his chest my knee digging into his lungs and the blade of my dagger pressed aggressively against his throat.
“Let them go, now.” I said adamantly. He attempted to throw me off but stopped when a trickle of blood dripped down the side of his neck. His eyes locked with mine, and he said
“Let them go.”
“Felix, Cait, are you free?” I called refusing to take my eyes off of him for a second.
“Yes Coryn” , I heard Felix say.
“Take those teleport crystals and get out of here. Don’t argue. Just do it.” I said, gritting my teeth. The tense situation was beginning to make my legs ache. I heard him start to argue and barked,
“FELIX.” I heard him dig around in my small pack and then the Whir of the teleport as they faded and landed on The Strip. I tore my eyes away from Axl to make sure they had made it. He took the chance, grabbing my hand that held the dagger he clenched down, making me release the weapon. Pushing me off him, he rolled on top of me, pinning me to the ground. His knee between my legs made it impossible for me to kick him. His bangs hanging into his face, I struggled but couldn’t get any leverage.
“Give me the tag.” He growled at one of his men. He pinned both my arms above my head with one hand and accepted the tag gun that was handed to him. He held it against my thigh and pressed the button. I groaned as the small bead shot deep into my skin. He let go of me, sitting back on his knees, “You’ll do what I say, or you won’t like the result.” He said, catching my eyes with his own.
I sneered at him, and he pressed the button on the key chain he'd pulled out of his pocket. The jolt that snapped through me was the effect of a mini tazer it left me gasping. “Get up and put all your weapons on the ground.” He said evenly. I got on my knees and pushed myself up, depositing weapons in a pile on the ground. Once that was done, I stood before him, sullen and silent. “Take off your jacket.” He said, nodding at the camouflaged leather.
“Go screw yourself.” I spat at him. His finger clamped on the button once more. The shock drove me to my knees.
“I won’t ask again.” He said. I struggled to my feet and discarded my jacket and harness with my other weapons on the ground. He stepped forwards grabbing my jaw roughly. I spat at him, and he gave my head a shake. Releasing me, he accepted a pair of handcuffs. Pulling my hands behind my back, he cuffed them tightly, causing me to wince slightly. “Take care of that stuff.” He gestured at my weapons and jacket. Locking his hand around the back of my neck, he pushed me forwards back into Grave Shadows, as Felix’s heartbroken cry of “Coryn” rang through the still air. I turned towards him terrified he would step back into Grave.
I saw Cullen break through the trees of Sentinel at a full-blown sprint, his platinum hair streaming behind him. He grabbed Felix around the waist, holding him back. I stopped cold, causing Axl to run into me, we both stumbled forwards his other hand grabbing my shoulder to steady himself. He righted himself, barely managing to grab me as I made a break for it towards Felix. As he grabbed me the key to the bead fell out of his pocket, I lifted my foot and slammed it onto the device, breaking it. Yanking my shoulder out of Axl’s grip, I rammed into him, knocking him over. He grabbed my braid and let go with a curse of pain. Without arms to steady myself he’d caught me off balance, and I fell heavily. Unfortunately for him, I fell on top of him, my elbow smashing into his stomach. He winced and swore, shoving me off of him. I sat up slowly, my head ringing, I watched as he brushed off the dead grass from his jeans. There was a twig sticking to one of his bangs,
“Not so tough now, asshole.” I said, watching him. He stopped momentarily to glare at me, running a hand through his hair he discovered the twig. He threw it down irritably, “Love the new got my ass handed to me look.” I said sardonically. He snorted, grabbing my arm and hauling me to my feet,
“You know I’ve had just about enough of you for one day.” I opened my mouth to say something, and he immediately clamped a hand over it. He ripped a piece from his shirt, uncovered my mouth, and proceeded to gag me with the piece of cloth. “AH, sweet silence.” He said dramatically, spreading his arms wide. Turning back to me, he placed a hand on the middle of my back and pushed me forward.
I stumbled and promptly sat down. He sighed with irritation, grabbing me by the waist, and he swung me over his shoulder. Felix stood his arms wrapped around Cullen’s waist crying softly. Cullen held him, his face equal amounts of needing to save me and keeping my only living family safe. I smirked a little to myself as I saw most of Axl's men lying unconscious or limping after us with dirty looks thrown in my direction. Turning my attention back to Axl, I wriggled violently until the flat of his hand descended forcefully onto my butt sending a sharp pain through me. I protested, but all that came out were muted sounds. Cullen’s eyes widened, and he turned blocking Felix’s view of me knowing what was coming. Axl smashed his hand down a few more times before I stopped struggling and lay breathing heavily over his shoulder. I watched The Strip, where Felix and Cullen stood fade into the trees.
He put me down at the entrance of the prison. I stumbled slightly, and he steadied me hanging onto my bicep. Pulling me into the prison, we went past several cells, as the whispers caught my attention. Most of them were along the lines of
“It’s the Retriever. She finally got caught. I wonder how it happened. How are we going to be set free now?” I closed my ears to them as Axl pulled me to the end of the hallway.