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Not long after that, Axl came for me. He peered through the bars

“I guess Nico managed to save you after all. That’s good kind of hard to question a dead person.” I looked at him scowling, I lounged on the stone bed against the wall, my leg shackle clinking with the movement of my foot. He unlocked my cell door. I didn’t move. I just sat looking at him, and he glanced at me suspiciously. I watched as he held my foot down and unlocked the shackle. His grip was tight, almost painful, as if he expected me to try and kick him. I would wait for my opportunity. He released my foot and grabbed both my wrists, sliding a pair of handcuffs onto them. I stood up as he pulled my bicep towards the door. We arrived at the interrogation room, and it had been cleaned recently, the chemicals causing my nose to twitch.

He grabbed one of the chains that had secured me yesterday. I looked up at the ceiling, frowning as it caught on the pully system. I half turned away from him, pretending to sneeze into my hands. The small cylinder of metal slipped from my cheek where I’d been keeping it. I remembered when I grabbed Nico’s arm before he disappeared, he’d slipped the lock pick into my hand after I told him my name. I slid the cuffs off my wrist, folding my left hand over them so they encircled my knuckles. Axl was still staring at the ceiling, pulling the chain when I struck. I swiped my leg under both of his, with a cry of surprise he fell heavily onto his back, he rolled sideways and surged to his feet barely avoiding my fist, the metal of the handcuffs connected with the floor causing a small shower of sparks.

His eyes widened slightly at the force of the blow. As fluidly as my fist hit the floor, I twisted up, flipping my feet over my head in an effortless backflip. I landed on my feet, automatically sliding into a fighting stance: feet apart, poised on the balls of my feet, my hands curled loosely in fists, protecting my front and sides. My earlier pain a memory as adrenaline spiked through my veins. Axl had also slipped into a fighter’s stance. His was more solid because he relied on his strength more than his agility. I smiled patronizingly at him and beckoned with a finger. He stared at me impassively, his eyes locking on the metal in my left hand. I sighed, I didn’t want him to call for backup,

“Fine, I’ll make it easy for you.” I said, rolling my eyes. I tossed the handcuffs away from me they slid a good five feet before stopping a distance from us.

His speed was damn fast, as his fist swung towards my face. I ducked, feeling the air whistle as his punch sailed over where my head had been a second before. I took the chance before he had time to recover, pushing myself into a handstand. I launched myself upwards, fastening my legs around his neck. He grunted, trying to shake me off. He grabbed at me with one hand. I grabbed the hand he reached for me with and threw my weight forwards, caught off balance he staggered forwards without his other hand to catch him I used mine and his arm to push us off the ground. Using the last bit of my strength, I body slammed him into the floor, my leg pressing into his windpipe.

He struggled to get my leg off his throat with the other arm I wasn’t holding, gasping for breath. He grappled with me for a moment before he seemed to come to his senses. Rolling sideways, he freed himself of me. We both rose from the ground, panting. His eyes were wary as he looked at me. Now he knew what I could do, I’d have to be careful. I sidestepped a fraction to slow, and his fist caught the side of my jaw. I winced as my lip split open. I ducked up under his arm, elbowing him full in the face before he could block me.

We turned to face each other again. He wiped his arm across his face, wincing as blood smeared on his forearm from his nose. It looked broken. I dragged my thumb across my lip, wiping the blood on my shirt. With a grunt of rage, he charged me, grabbing me around the neck, and he slung me into the wall. My back hit the hard concrete, knocking the breath out of me as I coughed violently, rubbing at my neck and trying to breathe properly again. He was on me immediately, grabbing both my wrists he pinned them to the wall above my head. I struggled, gasping my eyes, tearing up from lack of oxygen. He shoved his leg between mine so I couldn’t kick him. My breathing slowed as I finally got in control of my body. He was breathing hard he turned his head to the side to spit blood onto the floor.

“I was going to give you a break after yesterday, but I’m not feeling generous just now.” He growled his voice, hitching slightly with pain. He expertly grabbed a pair of cuffs and took hold of one of my arms and slung me around so my face was pressed against the wall. He slid the cold metal onto my wrists with practiced ease. He drew out a knife from the buckle on his belt and started to cut my pants away.

“What are yo-“ I started to ask before I turned my head slightly to catch his triumphant gaze. I started to struggle violently. This was why I couldn’t leave Felix or, more specifically, Cait in his clutches.

I pulled a muscle in my neck and back, trying to get free of him, but his grip was like Iron, and I was still weak from our fight and the healing. He tucked the knife back in the buckle and reached a hand around me up under my shirt, grabbing my left breast and squeezing. I gasped, trying to pull away from his touch. He moved onto my right breast after a moment of squeezing and pinching. He turned me to face him, shoving me against the wall, causing me to wince as my bound wrists dug into the hard wall behind me. Taking the collar of my shirt between his fingers, he ripped it off me. Unbuckling his belt, he pulled it free of his jeans using it to collar me around the neck in a hangman noose.

He unzipped the fly of his pants, pressing up against me he went to kiss me, but I turned my head away from him. With a hiss of annoyance, he grabbed the lower part of my jaw connecting to my neck. I could taste his blood on my lips. I tried to pull away, but he held me steadily, gripping my hair close to my skull, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I tensed with disgust his bulge, pressing up against my abdomen. He kissed down my jaw, biting at my neck hard enough to draw blood. He reached down, freeing his boner from the folds of his clothes.

He spun me around, shoving the side of my face against the wall again, gripping the back of my neck. He tugged at the collar, warningly applying noticeable pressure on my windpipe, but I struggled again. A single sob escaped my mouth before I pressed my lips together tightly. His hand grabbed my hip, and he yanked me onto him. Despite my efforts, a scream tore itself from my lips,

“You like that don’t you, slut.” He murmured in my ear. He pulled back and slammed his length back into me, the pain was excruciating, I’d take the whipping to this any day. “I took the liberty of applying a little Extra sensory toxin to help with the lubrication.” He said smugly ramming into me for a third time, my entire body was on fire centering around my cervix.

I didn’t even feel him let go of the collar to put both hands on my hips giving himself more leverage. He grabbed my ass roughly smashing his hand across it. I barely felt the pain because it was a nothing compared to the raging fire going on inside me. I must’ve been pleading for him to stop because he started to laugh at some point, never letting up on his aggressive thrusting. He turned me back around my body drooped from pain and exhaustion, he was just getting his fingers under my thighs to lift me onto his swollen cock, when a bolt of turquoise fire caused him to drop me and stumble backwards away from me.

The immense pain cleared a little without the main source of stimulus. I slid to the floor as a figure came in, his eyes flashing with anger. Turquoise fire flickered around his body his hands throwing off sparks. He grabbed Axl by the neck lifting him clear off the floor he threw him into the far wall. Axl’s head smashed into the concreate and he slid to the ground unconscious. Nico started toward his unconscious form only halting when I let out a sob of pain. He turned quickly materializing beside me. He knelt laying a hand on my abdomen where the white-hot circle of pain radiated accompanied by the slow trickle of blood and semen oozing from my body.

The fire swirling around his fingers flared so brightly that I had to blink back the spots it left on my vision. He gritted his teeth in concentration, placing his other hand on the same spot. He bowed his head again, growling in frustration and effort. The pain flared once more before the coldness erupted through it, putting out the fire. I slumped to the ground in relief. My head lolled to one side as a sickly black liquid dripped out of me. He looked down and cursed softly, wiping the sweat pooling on his upper lip.He unwound Axl’s belt from around my neck, inhaling a sharp breath at the nasty raw ring encircling my neck. He gathered me up in his arms, holding me close to his chest as I let out little whimpers of pain. I felt my grip on reality start to slip as the room faded away and the familiarity of his room appeared.

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