I sat down in the hallway as I thought about what had transpired in the last few days. I had gotten married to the man of people's dreams but not mine.
Growing up, I've always pictured myself as someone like Merida from Brave. She stood up to her mother even if she had to turn her into a bear to prove her point on not getting married to a man she barely knew or even marriage in general. But of course, I have nothing against my parents and definitely don't want to turn them into a bear or anything close to animals but I simply wished life wasn't this way.
Unfair and painstakingly hard to the poor, growing up I never really pictured myself as Cinderella who gets saved by prince charming from her wicked stepmother, I always wanted to be the saviour, you know bringing us to bring us out of this sad and impoverished lifestyle and I did through Jason.
I became Cinderella but I didn't find the prince charming and now I still have to be a maid in my own home.
I got up from the floor where I sat and entered the room, the lights were off and Jason looked like he was asleep.
I took one good look at him and sighed heavily.
"Look at him sleeping happily on the bed while I take the couch." I thought as I found my way to the couch in the room.
I laid down and put a blanket over me.
"Two months and this would all be over." I thought as I drifted to sleep.
Beep beep beep...
It was like the alarm was ringing right in my ears. I opened my eyes and tried to adjust them to the lights in the room.
I groaned as I turned to the side to switch off the alarm but I saw Jason standing right beside me with the alarm in his hands, I shot him an annoyed look as I sat up and faced him properly.
"What kind of person wakes his wife up with an alarm right beside her ears?" I thought as I gritted my teeth trying to hold back from saying something to him as it was still very early in the morning judging from the weather outside.
"Get up, we're gonna be late." Jason said grouchily as he walked back to his closet to get an outfit.
"Isn't it too early?" I managed to ask.
"We're going to New York, I have a board meeting in a few hours and if we don't leave now, we're gonna be late." Jason said angrily.
"Okay, you don't have to be so rude about it." I said getting up from the couch where I sat and walking towards the bathroom.
"Stop." Jason said, turning to face me.
"Stop?" I raised my brows questioning him.
"Use your bathroom, did you not read the clause on the contract?" Jason asked, frowning.
I sighed heavily and turned leaving him in the room. Other newlyweds get up pretty late the day after the wedding after a steamy night with their husbands but here I am unable to share a bathroom with mine. How am I going to cope throughout these two months?
I knocked on the door of the guest room twice before I heard a voice say come in.
"Good morning Grandma, sorry to disturb you." I said as soon as I entered the room and switched on the lights.
"It's fine, you have to be in New York and your clothes are here." Grandma nini said, giving me a small smile.
"Though I don't understand why Jason couldn't let you share his bathroom." She mumbled the last part but I heard it clearly.
"I don't know either, what's so bad about sharing his bathroom?I can help him grab water from the refrigerator when the power's out but I can't share his bathroom? What a joke!" I thought but I didn't say it out loud.
I just pretended not to hear what grandma said and brought out a one piece yellow dress that my best friend Max got for me last summer, the dress cost a fortune and it's probably the only dress I own that cost over a hundred dollars. I only wore it once and it was to a party Max hosted. After that day, I dumped it in my box because I felt out of place in it but today, I feel like I can wear it. Besides, I'm the wife of Jason Tech, I should act like it.
I brushed my teeth and took my bath and then put on the yellow dress with a black jacket to go while styling my curly hair in a ponytail which didn't turn out how I expected it to. I wore my only fashionable boots and picked up my box which I hadn't unpacked yet and bid Grandma goodbye but she was already asleep despite the lights that were still on. I switched off the lights and got out of the guest room only to bump into Jason at the door.
"Drop your box, you can't wear those clothes around me in New York, what do you expect people to say?" He scoffed as he took one good look at me and walked away.
I rolled my eyes, opened the door and dropped the box back in the room.
"What would it cost him to say that politely?" I mumbled as I quickly followed him downstairs before he said something rude to me again.
We went straight to the parking lot and met Clinton waiting to take us to the airport.
"The meeting is at eight." I heard Clinton say to him and he simply huffed and got into the car. I got into the car quietly without saying anything because there really wasn't anything much to say.
The driver to the airport was smooth until my phone started to ring. I tried to put it on silent but I failed at that because if eyes could kill, the way Jason glared at me, I would be six feets underground already.
"Switch it off or pick it up." Jason said and I almost smiled because what he said rhymed.
"Uhm.." I mumbled contemplating on what to do before deciding to pick it up. He looked at me with a look that said "I'm so not done with you" before looking away outside the window.
"Hello.." I said, trying to sound as quietly as possible.
"Heyo bitch." Max's voice resonated through the call and I was forced to smile. But it wasn't a fake one.
"Why didn't you tell me you got married?I had to hear that from your mom, oh my gosh bitch, that's the worst thing you could ever do to me, if not because of my abuelita, I would be there right now to beat your small ass." Max said it all at once and I was tempted to laugh because Max could be very funny when he was mad but the ride was quiet and I knew Jason and Clinton could hear my conversations with Max so I didn't.
"Max, I'll call you back, this is your number right?" I said quietly.
"Yes." He said, understanding that I didn't want to talk right now.
"Okay." I said and I hung up and switched off my phone.
The rest of the ride to the airport was so quiet, it was almost suffocating but I would prefer that over Jason bickering with me early in the morning.
We arrived at the airport and boarded the plane.
The only time I was on a plane was probably years back when I saved up a lot of money to go on a school trip which was where I met Max.
Max Salazar is Mexican and speaks three different languages, he speaks English,Spanish and a little bit of french although I'm guessing he's already speaking a little bit of Korean since his never dying crush on the Korean boy band - BTS is huge. But that field trip that year was one of the best things that happened to me.
I was lost in the city of Mexico, I can't remember the name of the particular town we went to but I got lost and I couldn't communicate with the locals there. Max helped me through that and I knew I found my best friend then and there.
Although when I returned back home, my parents were angry and furious to know that I had saved up a lot of money to travel the world when they were struggling to make ends meet and that was the end of my trip. I didn't have a phone so max and I couldn't communicate but when I met him years later in the university,that was when I knew we were destined to be friends. Max tried to convince me to be his model because he was into fashion but I didn't because I didn't want to depend on him but then he had to go home because his grandma was in the hospital and asked me to go with him but I refused because of my parents and he went alone. I wondered if I wouldn't be seated here with Jason if I had followed Max to Mexico.
But of course,I knew life wasn't that simple.
"Can I get you anything ma'am?" An air hostess asked me but as I was about to answer, Jason who sat down beside me shook his head saying No. I gave her a light smile as she walked away. She probably thought he was being the nicest husband answering questions for his wife but he was simply not the nicest person, he is nothing close to being nice.
I looked outside the window and stared into the clouds as I tried to reminisce on other stuff that I had done growing that was out of the ordinary but nothing was coming to my head.
All I could think of was how furious Max would be at me. In the last few days, I was just trying to avoid being poor without receiving help from my friends not like I had a lot or the ones I had were even rich or stable except Max of course but In that little space of time, I had forgotten to tell Max what I had done and why I had done what I did. I felt really bad that I did not tell him even when he came out to me that he was gay years ago but I'm sure he would understand. I hope he will understand.
I wasn't sure when I drifted to sleep but my slumber was cut off when I felt a harsh tap on my shoulders and I jolted out of my reverie.
"Get ready to land." Jason said to me coldly and I nodded as I wiped the drool off my chin.
We soon landed and we were out of the airport when a car pulled up in front of us.
The driver came out to open the door for us.
" Hi, I'm Jade and I'm taking you to your hotel, " Mr Clinton called." The driver Jade said.
"Okay." Jason said getting into the car. I followed suit and soon we were on the road to the hotel.
"Would you like something to drink?" Jade asked.
"No." Jason said quietly.
"Should I turn up the radio?" Jade asked again.
"No, shut up and focus on driving." Jason snapped and I could see jade's smile turn into a frown through the mirror and I wish I could apologise on Jason's behalf but I just kept quiet.
He just had to show everyone what an inconsiderate rude jerk he was.
I looked out of the window and tried to take in the beautiful view of New York city, it is truly a beautiful city.
I don't know what awaits me here but I'm sure it won't be any better than what I've faced in the past few days but hopefully, I'll survive through this and in two months, this will all be over. Hopefully.